Sunday, February 23, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

The New LOOPER Pedal You Need – CIRCLE Looper DONNER | Full Review

The new Circle Looper pedal Donner. It’s a looper pedal and a drum machine, it’s both at the same time! 4 mins max recording each slot, 40 memory slots, so 160 mins overall, over 100 rhythm tracks to choose from, tap tempo option, mono and stereo option USB to link to PC, External footswitch jack. Excellent quality of drum sounds, 100 drum grooves.

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The New LOOPER Pedal You Need – CIRCLE Looper DONNER | Full Review
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#LOOPER #Pedal #CIRCLE #Looper #DONNER #Full #Review

Originally posted by UCb8nSXWYje82OQ62NZbw2tw at

30 thoughts on “The New LOOPER Pedal You Need – CIRCLE Looper DONNER | Full Review

  • Thanks again for this review. I’d like to know the comparison between this one and the Donner Triple Looper. I’m looking for a simple looper to be used for live performances (both singing and playing an instrument as accompaniment). Thanks for help

  • Can this looper be used for live singing (vocals in stereo microphones) and accompanying (keyboard, e-guitar) at the same time? Or is it really only for electro guitar players?

  • I'm used to the old BOSS double pedal looper where you could hand dial the changes of arrangements with clips. I wonder if the toggle switch on this particular unit has that feature?

  • Great video.
    Thank you.
    I think I just learned more from a man whose language I don't speak, than I did watching those who speak mine.

  • Ciao.
    Innanzitutto complimenti per il video.
    Posso chiederti come hai fatto per collegare il pedale al PC per scaricare le tracce?
    Io ho seguito le istruzioni e scaricato il software + Visual C ma non riesco a vedere le tracce.
    Grazie in anticipo.

  • If I record a clean tone to loop then change the amp to a distorted tone (or any other effect or tone), the loop then goes from clean tone to distorted max. I want to keep the loop clean. Is there a way I can do this? Basically, I want to have the clean loop playing while I jam over it with a distorted tone.

  • Anyone has been able to use the software? I connect it via usb but nothing happens, it just says no device detected.

  • grazie per questo video. è molto chiaro senza essere tanto lungo. mi pare interessante tenere il drum machine ed il looper uniti così. hai provato il software? se puo lavorare ogni track del looper separamente nel software?

  • I know I probably sound like an idiot but I got this looper for Christmas and I have never had a looper before and I have no idea how to set it up If anyone is reading this and could help that would be very much appreciated.

  • Ciao Vito…
    Da neofita ti faccio questa domanda: nella sezione Looper, cosa sarebbe esattamente il "Fade"?

    Abbi pazienza ????????

    Grazie in anticipo ????✋

  • DO NOT USE WITH WINDOWS 10!!! Previously thought the software only works with a reboot, Looper powered on and connected USB but now. November 11 2021, THAT DOESN'T WORK

    Windows and irresponsible Donner will "Brick" the Donner Looper.
    Software an absolute nightmare.
    Buy this looper if you want to quantize to the bar and then play this looper INTO ANOTHER LOOPER to copy files to and from your computer.

    Read my notes below for the THREE HOUR NIGHTMARE of arriving at this conclusion:

    Problems: The red circle icon should be called FIRMWARE, not software.
    There is a SECRET UPDATE MODE on the looper, power on with long press on lower left "REC DUB TAP button.
    Doesn't matter, nothing worked!
    Donner Looper has become a recording device only.
    Cannot delete IMPORTED loops without USB computer connection.
    Cannot access Circle Looper from computer!!!!!

    Download and install version 1.7

    Install complete. Run software? yes. Failed code 740
    The requested operation requires elevation.

    Desktop icon "Looper Software" (not the old light blue rectange, but a circular red icon.) "C:Program Files (x86)Looper softwareLooper Software.exe"

    Loaded with "Run as Administrator" but produced
    "Looper Suite V1.7 – (No device connected)"
    with although I booted with Circle Looper connected.

    For Windows :
    Step 1:Please make sure your Computer Operating System installed "Visual C++ Redistributable Packages" , here is the official link for downloading:

    Windows 10 "File not downloaded, potential security risk" Download anyway.
    You can also download it by dropbox link:

    Step 2: Download the looper software:Download

    You can also download it by dropbox link:
    BAD, not true, info:
    Import music: Click the [Import] button and chose a path to store the file. The file format is mono 48 KHz 24 bit wave;
    Export music: Click the [Export] button and chose a file to load. The file format must be mono/stereo 48 KHz/44.1Khz 16bit/24bit wave.
    The stereo wave file only loads the left channel.
    Weird…. I hear both channels, from the looper, or from the file on the computer… maybe an old version Circle Looper where the channel stored drum info… Circle Looper Setup For WIN

    Went to THIS
    "Google Drive can't scan this file for viruses." Too big. (133M) is too large for Google to scan for viruses. Would you still like to download this file?Download anyway.

    Downloads a Win.Zip, inside a PDF about powering on with a button depressed for "update mode"
    further into the zip's folders, get to file
    "CIRCLE LOOPER V1.0.4 Setup_win.exe" Note version 1.0.4
    Open produces
    "Windows protected your PC Microsoft Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting. Running this app might put your PC at risk.
    App: CIRCLE LOOPER V1.0.4 Setup_win.exe
    Publisher: Unknown publisher

    Windows error: "The destination file could not be created."
    (It's waiting for you to approve as Administrator through a popup window) as if Windows knows musicians have a lot of USA Security Clearances when apps communicate to Chinese programmers?

    Install prompts Windows to popup a "Device Driver Instatllation Wizard"
    Driver name:
    Microsoft CIRCLE LOOPER (02/23/2013 6.1.7650016385)
    Status: Driver Updated

    Taskmanager shows Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry using a lot of resources….

    Trhing to run the Blue Rectangle Desktop Icon as Administrator:

    The file the newly installed Desktop icon runs is the same old updater, "C:Program Files (x86)DonnerCIRCLE LOOPERCIRCLE LOOPER Update.exe"
    that supposedly checks for updates…

    PER PDF file in Software download: Powering on with long press on lower left button (Rec Dub Tap)
    LOOPER WINDOW GOES BLACK, green blinking LED.
    NOW the normal Light Blue rectangle Desktop Icon goes into UPDATE!!! SUCCESSFULL!!!!
    After Update, Looper window returns to normal.

    RESTART computer with Circle Looper connected to USB
    WAIT for your computer to settle down….
    Power down and REBOOT…
    App folder's Config.ini says

    "Looper Software" the Red Circle icon's program folder has Config.ini sayin
    My computer does NOT have an F: drive! Is that supposed to be the looper???

    REINSTALL VISUAL C++ Redistributable
    Step 1:Please make sure your Computer Operating System installed "Visual C++ Redistributable Packages" , here is the official link for downloading:

    From the above Microsoft link:
    (List of) Supported Operating Systems: No Windows 10!!! From 2013!!!!
    Downloads 3 files from 2013!!!! :
    vcredist_arm.exe "This app can't run on your PC"
    vcredist_x86.exe Ran…. "Successful"
    vcredist_x64.exe Ran…. "Successful"

    REBOOT, power down, USB connected to Circle Looper

    STILL WILL NOT RUN SOFTWARE, no error message!

    Have to use Circle Looper to create quantized loops to play directly into Boss RC-3 to get into computer, EQ and level, and arrange in set order.

    Circle Looper now full of UNDELETABLE inaccessible "Imported" loops with only two slots available for creating loops!!
    Thanks, Donner.

  • YES!!! Circle Looper's beats per minute sync "close enough" so we can easily hit the looper button and the loop "quantizes" or stops on the bar, or close enough it does NOT hiccup and get further off with each loop cycle (on some Beat Buddy beats ONLY, because Beat Buddy beats get recorded with human drummers, so they too are not as accurate as digital. Who cares? Record the Beat Buddy into the loop! TAKE NOTES OF CIRCLE LOOPER DRUM AND TEMPO for your loops, in case you need to recreate, or move slots. Seems circle looper's software handles the metadat about its beats and tempo, so write things down to edit .WAV loops in Audacity for loundess, EQ, etc. and import new WAV files into the clooper. Circke Looper uses 24 bit, and Boss RC-3 uses 16 bit, so pay attention when you edit/export/save/create the file in Audacity, for example. I love my Circle Looper! I did cover the looper button with a cap to avoid mistakenly hitting it during a step to Stop, which avoids going into Record mode and polluting your backup loop.

  • Ciao, l'avevo comprato sopratutto per poter esportare le tracce registrate ma non funziona! Il programma dal sito della donner non va.

  • Dear Vito, thank you for your nice review. Just let you know that there is a new firmware update 1.04 for this pedal. But not easy to install due to poor info. I finally did. Maybe a video of this update would be nice. Greets

  • Posso chiederti una consulenza? Ho acquistato questo looper. L'ho collegato ad una pedaliera multi effetto da cui esco in cuffia. Quando registro la traccia ad esempio in pulito, se cambio effetto e metto ad esempio un suono distorto, cambia anche il suono della traccia registrata. Suona distorto anche il click del metronomo.
    Inoltre sento il loop, ma non quello che suono sopra, sai dirmi cosa può essere? Grazie in anticipo.

  • Buongiorno Vito, ho comprato il pedale dopo aver visto la tua demo, purtroppo sono molto deluso dalla pessima qualità in uscita della batteria in termini di risposta in frequenza, anche con i loop di chitarra una volta processati perdono in frequenza, sulla tua demo non sembrava così medioso il suono, ho provato anche con una P. A. ma il risultato non cambia, credo che lo restituirò.
    Buona giornata

  • I have been looking into buying this looper pedal but I do not know how many Amps you need for one so do you only need one amp for a looper or two amps?

  • A occhio e croce un problemino ce l'ha: se hai un amp effettato finisci per suonare sempre sul pulito. Non puoi, cioè, avere un tappeto con un po' di flanger e suonarci sopra distorto. Si può ovviare a questo inconveniente?


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