Wednesday, March 5, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

The Orange TremLord – One Clean Amp to rule them all!

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???? Check out Orange’s other launch today – the Pedal Baby 100 here: – The Orange TremLord comes in two colours; Orange: and Black:

G&L USA Fullerton Deluxe Asat:
Fender Stratocasters:
Gibson Les Pauls:

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#Orange #TremLord #Clean #Amp #rule

Originally posted by UCSNxIry_FPFcQDFRbi3VOAw at

29 thoughts on “The Orange TremLord – One Clean Amp to rule them all!

  • I wonder how this one sells. It sounds quite good actually. The Les Paul sounds reminiscent of a bluesbreaker played straight into the amp actually. I know a lot of that comes down to the guitar, but it shows that each guitar's voice comes through with this amp. Nice design. I wonder if it's similar to the 5F6, or JTM45.

  • For a supposedly clean amp, there was sufficient natural breakup crunch for me.

    Great sounding amp. If it was £500 quid I would really consider it.

  • I feel like you guys have really good ideas and interesting gear to demo, but the talking is so incessant that it's almost unwatchable. Sorry, but do you realize that it took you over 4 minutes to play something? even then, you cut it off in dramatic fashion. Sorry to day, but it was a super annoyance. Also, why did you prominently use the word "CLEAN" in your title when most of what you're doing isn't? Guys, common! want to like your content but I can't as yet. Again, sorry.

  • the string butler: the first thing I do when I buy a new Yamaha Pacifica 112V is to screw off the string tree, then start tuning and respringing and -stringing and lots of other little thingies, I do have some Graphtech string trees left, but maybe adding one more winding regarding the b and e might help some Yam Paccers, Ive got 5ive YamPac112Vs n some spare parts, what aye wonderful guitar!

  • Best clean sound I have ever had! Add an awesome spring reverb and a fabulous tremolo and you have the perfect tube amp for home, studio or stage. If you want some dirt simply add some pedals, It takes them wonderfully.

  • Haha, did it ever occur to then that the viewing audience might actually want to know what it sounds like cranked at 1w or 2w (I think that's the point of the bedroom settings!).

  • I actually bought a 1995 ASAT Special because of this video and it's the best sounding guitar I've played in my 41 years of playing.

  • Orange speaker cabs for distribution in the USA are built in the USA. Others are manufactured in England, with the exception of the PPC108, PPC112, PPC212ob, PPC410 and PPC412 COMPACT, which are manufactured in China.

  • Amazing. 1.5 yrs later people are hating on pedals and demanding more from the amp first. The guitar greats knew this from the outset. Al King, Jimi, Stevie, Keith, and more, to name a few. For an example, Fender and Marshall have always known this. Hot tube sounds sans' pedals. Yet they clean up nicely.

  • Guess i Will go for a Orange this time, Already got 3 Marshall and a fender twin, hot Rod, junior, But This ONE sounds very good!

  • I wouldn’t dislike him so much if he didn’t call ‘imself ‘Chappers’ and say ‘greetings!!!’ Like jimmy saville without the cigar mouth


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