Wednesday, March 12, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

The Overdrive Guide // How to dial in your overdrives

In this video Brian goes into excruciating detail on how to dial in overdrives (both analog drives and in the digital domain) to get the most out of your driven tone.

If you struggle with setting up your overdrives, this is the video for you.

Board: Creation Music Co Aero series:×12-5

Dunlop Volume X (mini)
Foxpedal Refinery Compressor
Foxpedal Wrath
Foxpedal The City
Foxpedal Kingdom
Foxpedal Vixen (Learn more about these here:
Jet Pedals Revelation Reverb (V2):
Line 6 HX Stomp XL
Strymon Zuma (power supply)

Guitar: MJT Thinline Tele
Pickups: Lambertones Blondies

Links referenced in this video:
Foxpedal Vixen Demo:
Jet Revelation Reverb Demo:

Get our HX Stomp patches (I’m using a modified version of the ’66 AC’ patch in this video):

Table of contents:
00:00 – Intro/Welcome
00:26 – This video applies to digital modeling as well
00:36 – Thank you to…
00:57 – Quick run-down of the pedals on the board (Can you get me that run-down, Jim?)
01:47 – Guitar I’m using in this video
01:54 – Aaaaaaand this is my clean tone
02:22 – Clean tone and gain staging – DO THIS FIRST
02:46 – Gain Staging – Compression and always-on pedals
02:53 – Compressor – Foxpedal Refinery
04:27 – More info on the overdrives
05:50 – What the typical controls on a drive pedal do, and how to get different sounds from them (Gain, Level, Tone)
05:55 – How I like to set up an 808 (Tube Screamer) type pedal
08:18 – Low gain with high level vs lower level with higher gain
09:54 – Tone/EQ
11:20 – Some general practices for dailing in EQ on drive pedals
11:48 – How I like to set up a Klon type pedal
12:40 – Changing gain and level controls on a klon type pedal
13:39 – Always-on drive for tone shaping (Foxpedal Vixen)
15:51 – Dailing in a Rat type circuit (distortion – Foxpedal Wrath)
17:16 – When to use a distortion (vs a drive)
18:37 – Stacking drives for bigger tones and more flavors of gain
19:08 – Playing sample of various stacking options – stacking low gain drives
19:56 – Comparing stacked drives to a single distortion
20:14 – Signal chain order
20:33 – Have you ever turned on a drive and nothing got louder? It’s all about headroom
24:36 – Let’s add some big verb and delay (Hello Jet Revelation Reverb)
25:17 – Ambient tones with low gain drive
26:18 – Ambient tones with bigger gain
26:51 – Dailing in an ambient lead (P&W Lead) tone
27:45 – Expensive overdrives are cool, but you don’t need them
28:47 – Final thoughts and conclusion


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#Overdrive #Guide #dial #overdrives

Originally posted by UCGnVb3zNM46mvKCUjFTUXGw at

43 thoughts on “The Overdrive Guide // How to dial in your overdrives

  • Fun and helpful video as always. I learn something new in each one. "Go forth and stack your overdrives!" Psalms something:something. 😉

  • This channel is all about the latest and greatest gear for supposedly P&W but they all sound the same with the same delay and the same reverb. They push and push so many expensive pedals and guitars. It is just simply a front to sell more gear while selling Jesus.

  • Your explanation of how the drive versus level makes a difference is really helpful. The idea that drive introduces more of the character of the pedal, whereas level pushes the amp more, really clarifies things for me quite a bit.

  • 3:10 It's actually not good to have these settings, guitar wants one kind of compression, quick attack and slower to slow release. There's a reason most compressors were always just two knobs.

  • Love this. Huge fan of Foxpedal. Not sure if they sent you the Kingdom Combo, but I have been scouring the internet for a review/demo of the V2 and am coming up short. Would you be able to make a demo? I had a V1 a long time ago, so it would be awesome to see what new features they've packed in V2.

  • This is super helpful. I may have implemented a lot of what you showed on my board-in-progress. Right now I have 2 Boss ODs (SD-1 and OD-3) and an EHX Soul Food going into my HX Stomp. Only pedal with gain remotely close to 12 o’clock is the SD-1. Everything else is at 9 o’clock or lower with the volumes at 2-3 o’clock. Stacked together they sound huge.

  • Brother I just wanted to ask you a question. What model of guitar are you using? I want to buy myself one, but I have no idea what kind of guitar I should get, the water guitar you use in the previous tutorials. Example-> you are a good father. ???

  • You drew me in with the KOT still shot, and left me hanging with no KOT content. ????????

  • Visual Sound Double Trouble. If ever there was a pedal built for praise and worship, this is it 🙂

  • Can you make a video on how to dial in compressors? Perhaps talk about the contexts for different types or intensities of compression. I notice that your compression settings are quite a bit different than David Hislop's compression settings. Thanks Brian and team!

  • It drives me crazy that Christians are targeted… like we have different artistic needs that a secular musicians. This is all marketing. you can spend $5k on your "worship guitars" and "worship pedals" then new guy shows up at church with an Esquier Bullet, one OD and a nice CAB simulator and sounds Fantastic in the mix. Sure it all makes sense in the bedroom, but once you are in with the band, how much do you really need to switch from a klone OD tone to a Screamer OD tone… and so on? I think most guitarrists would get a lot more value from a metronome and more practice time… honestly!

  • Are there any strategy to manage keeping output levels consist (1-5db difference) across clean->big OD tones?

  • How does guitar volume play into gain staging? I still haven’t figured that part out… Great vid as usual guys!

  • Question: Are you running the OD & Dist pedals through the effects loop in the HX Stomp or in front of the HX Stomp? I JUST bought a HX Stomp and am planning on using a OCD with it, but was thinking I would just put in front of the Stomp so as not to use a block for the loop. Thanks for videos!!!

  • I made it to the 14min mark before I couldn't take being left out any longer and started warming up the lil' tube amp!

  • Looks like I'll have to switch around my drives and distortion on my board!
    I also really wanna give that vixen a try! I'm guessing it's a Timmy-esque pedal? I use a Timmy clone as my always on.


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