Friday, March 14, 2025
BassBass Amps

The Quilter Aviator Cub Fixed My BIGGEST Amp Mistake!

Quilter Aviator Cub:
Shop Zzounds HERE:–3980673

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#guitar #amp #quilter #fender #tweed

#Quilter #Aviator #Cub #Fixed #BIGGEST #Amp #Mistake

Originally posted by UCe2E6jakftoYbUudKCk5AOw at

39 thoughts on “The Quilter Aviator Cub Fixed My BIGGEST Amp Mistake!

  • As soon as you started playing it I knew it wasn’t a valve amp. Go get a Vox AC15. No comparison.

  • I started with that Quilter. I mostly used the Blackface with no mids and 11 o'clock treble and bass. I would turn up the bass on the Blonde and the treble on the Tweed. I now have a Mach III for more volume with clean headroom and my friend bought and loves the Cub.

  • Here are the parameters I evaluate when making a purchase: Do I like the sound, will it be reliable, is it physically manageable and to a lesser degree availability. and repairability? Notably absent parameters: brand, appearance, power output, valves vs. solid state, endorsements, and cost. Granted, there must be flexibility on each parameter. Although a 5-watt combo can be mic'd/D.I.'d it's not appropriate for a stadium tour, nor is a 100-watt stack appropriate for a coffee shop gig. If I can't afford it today then I'll save or earn more because until it's mine my playing will suffer the dreaded performance-killing "If-Only-itis".

  • You buy all of them.
    By the way, the Tweed sounds boxy and the sound at the start sounds like a cheap practice amp with an old Boss ME6 in between. That is not a dig at Quilter but maybe how it was set up mics/effects etc.

  • Man…so many choices these days, sometimes I watch more demo’s on YT than play guitar ????????.
    Just watched your demo’s on the UA Woodrow and Dream, which got me sold on those…
    Now I’m watching this demo and I’m sold again… Having played all of them, which do you prefer and why?
    I do have a Yamaha THR that I like and play a lot, but not with my pedalboard, so hinting about trying something else.
    In any case, thanks for the demo’s…I think…

  • “so what if it’s solid state, so what if it’s small?”. Absolute truth. But my question is, does it get cleans (like Deluxe or Marshall)? In your demo, all three tones have a grit to them…sounds great, I don’t mean to knock that, but what about grit-less cleans?

  • I don't know if choose the aviator club or Match 3….i am afraid 50 w may not be enough for gigging live situation….Can you help me??????? thx!!

  • As fires are getting close id probly sell my victory and cabs n all that just cause im trying to have a to go bag. Id like it to include an amp. Unfortunately no one is buying anything these days

  • So, is the Blonde Fender similar to or same as the transitional Brownface amps?

    If so i am sold! The brown Princeton tone is one of my favorites of all time.

    Great demo, buddy, thanks! ????????????

  • I have the same amp. Does almost everything bar massive rock

    Plug into tweed and turn up mid for a sound approaching uk amps, too

  • Quilter sounds great but I will keep my Blues Cube Hot British EL84 modified and my blonde Tone master Deluxe Reverb as they also sound great but both have attenuation which is a great feature. I thing Quilter not offering any attenuation is a big missed opportunity

  • Any updates 2 months later? I dont want to deal with tubes and my JC40 died…

  • Listen folks these amps sound great for a solid state but saying it’s better than a tube amp is insane! Because it doesn’t.. there’s so much a tube amp covers than just handling pedals & getting loud. Close but no cigar ????

  • in the future when women robot will be everyday mothers, g.f or spouses, men woul never know the difference from the real thing….same on guitar amps…throw that crap away it sounds like a plastic mini 9 volts battery amp.

  • Dude. Like last night I was sitting on the floor with my quilter and an older deluxe reverb using an ABY switch. Trying to get them to sound quite similar. I just made the exact same discovery. It’s the Tweet input that I was after all along. Like you, I went straight to the black face And it was too scooped. No wonder they put tweed as the first input on the amp. I got a kick out of your video here because you were also sitting on the floor with a bunch of cables and petals like I was

  • had 7 hours of back fusion surgery at Christmas. Matchless will gather some dust now. Will be getting a Quilter. Best model for fender cleans and speaker choices – lots of headroom please. thank you❤ for doing this video!

  • Is it plenty loud to gig with? And did you even think about the mach 3 or tone block with a cabinet. I really lie the aviator but never heard one in person.

  • I have a Quilter 101 Reverb and Blockdock 10TC that I love. I actually am choosing to go away from tubes. Quilters offer a lot of tones and seem well made.

  • If it's got the sound you want, you have arrived. Solid State? Who cares? if the Keebler elves were in there I wouldn't care if it sounds good. and works every time. I was a dyed-in-the-wool tube guy for 50 years. Marshalls(when they were still Marshalls), Fenders (of every era), Mesa Boogie(in 1981) Vox, Silvertone…all great amps and all with drawbacks…heavy, dependent on finding good tubes, in constant need of maintenace, expensive(once used gear became "vintage…heaven help us all) and, most important, you had to get them to their sweet spot before they were really sounding good which was usually followed by…"turn down" from bandmates, sound guys and club owners. I don't have or want tube amps anymore. I've got 4 Quilters(US Cub, Tone Block 202, Superblock UK and 101 Reverb).They are all great, sound good at any volume, sound like the amps they are modeled after, are light, flexible(way more features than any of my old Dinosaurs), inexpensive and loud as hell if you want that. The only hang up i can see is that most people don't realize that the tone stack is active and very sensitive. The other thing is the Limiter which is very interactive with the gain control. Like any good piece of gear, there's a learning curve and, oh, the speaker matters. The stock speaker in the cub sounds great, especially once it's broken in, but so do a number of others(try a Greenback with the Superblock UK). Patience and time spent dialing it in and you've got a light weight , inexpensive & wonderful amp. I wish I'd had one 50 years ago.

  • Get an A/B box and plug into both the tweed and blackface at the same time. Oh yeah, also get a UA FX Dream pedal and you will have full Deluxe functionality including vibrato and 6 speaker choice using the built in IRs. Your welcome.

  • I’ve been a quilter guy for several years now. Pat’s amps are lightweight, reliable and function perfectly. Glad you found one!

  • I'm a diehard tube amp guy, now a Quilter guy. I now own 5 Quilters, sold all but two tube amps and the ones I have never leave my studio v


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