Sunday, February 23, 2025
BassBass Lessons

The Random Note Finder | Beginner Bass Lessons


Your ability to play music on your bass is dependent, to a large degree, on how well you know the notes on the fingerboard. Most bass players never really learn them in a complete manner. Understanding all of the notes across the instrument’s entire range is critical for developing a strong foundation as a bass player. If you don’t know the notes that are under your fingers you will never be able to translate musical ideas to your instrument with fluency and ease. Many bass players attempt this, but ultimately they are handicapped and will never perform to their full potential.

Learning the notes on the bass guitar is no easy task, but there is a reason for this: unlike most standard musical instruments like a piano or a brass instrument, there are numerous duplications of pitches that exist across the bass guitar fingerboard. The piano and the saxophone each have one middle C, but a 4-string bass guitar has four middle C’s. All of these notes would be written the same as well, which also explains the difficulty to read music on the bass guitar compared again to the piano or a brass instrument.
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#Random #Note #Finder #Beginner #Bass #Lessons

Originally posted by UC9KXLt434AmLtgi7TQPqPdQ at

28 thoughts on “The Random Note Finder | Beginner Bass Lessons

  • Good exercise. I'm not sure why it is called random as there is a clear plan to learn specific notes located in specific locations.

  • Nice lesson, thanks! Identifying notes on the fret board has been something I have avoided for many years. I'm a decent intermediate player but my foundation needs help! Lessons like this are priceless and I can't afford to not take notice and apply it. I love bass!!!

  • great lesson. I started doing it on E. Found all the notes, practiced them, then made up various songs using only E and rhythm. I think this is going to really help me. Trying to just memorize all the notes on the fretboard is a bit overwhelming, and frankly, boring and confusing. Breaking it down, note by note, and spending time really studying where they are, noting landmarks such as the markers or location next to some other note you have well memorized, is really helpful to cement it into memory.

  • So I sent you an email and should've checked out your videos first. Very well explained even for me. I panic when I'm playing and, even though I know the pattern, it's very embarrassing when the guitarist asks what notes I'm playing and I have to put a lot of thought into. I squeak through it but it's stressful. This video is excellent. i never thought of using octaves. Thanks so much, Joe.

  • Joe, I don't know how this is gonna help, this is random, so aren't we compartmentalizing each note rather than knowing the relationship between notes, and knowing the function of notes in a chord(to spell out a chord/triad) in hopes to walk a great jazz line. I don't see how knowing each random note is gonna come together, because its random, no order. walking jazz blues lines is want. I can learn from you.

  • I like lessons like these that i can do on break at work (without an amp). good stuff

  • Good stuff Joe, couple of things. Did you do a tour in the early 80's (Warriors) with Gary Numan? and, what's with the Noel Gallagher hairstyle? 🙂

  • Try practicing one note per day (all over your bass)- that's a 12 day plan. Soon after that it won't be that overwhelming. The key is that you practice every single day!

  • Should i go through every note on my fretboard or do it in steps? i play on a 24 fret board and im kind of concerned that ill get overwhelming if i try to tackle everything

  • my sister plays bass so I sent her your stuff. I play guitar and your videos have me interested in learning bass! keep up the cool videos.

  • Your welcome Dragon! The new website should be going live in a couple of weeks. I'm in the process of recording lots of cool videos for you.


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