Tuesday, March 4, 2025
BassBass Amps

The Secret To a GREAT Bass Tone | The Janek Gwizdala Podcast #312

Bass tone isn’t just in the fingers and the pedals… There’s the key ingredient of who you work with in the studio and how they capture your sound. We take a deep dive into my journey as a recording artist and highlight some of the engineers and moments along the journey that have helped shape my sound to where it is today.

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#Secret #GREAT #Bass #Tone #Janek #Gwizdala #Podcast

Originally posted by UCd6Y__-1Yjb-89Euc0KAJCA at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHrsnRllHkg

38 thoughts on “The Secret To a GREAT Bass Tone | The Janek Gwizdala Podcast #312

  • To Begin is my favorite track from The Space In Between :D????
    I think The Space In Between 's sound was nailed right from the first time, and there wouldn't be a need for re-release, but that's just my opinion.

  • Happy Holidays Janek to you and your family! Just wanted to pop on here and say I got my signed copy of your newest book today, and it is such a beauty!

  • Got the book, thanks.. I'll be taking it to my local printing shop to have it spiral bound so I can set it on my music stand..

  • Got the physical copy this evening here in Wisconsin, I know what I’m doing for holidays! Lol Book looks amazing, thanks for putting this together and happy holidays Janek!

  • "Bassist's Book" arrived today! ????????????????. During my undergrad days (I'm retired now) I was a double major – saxophone and bass – Used the Universal Method for Saxophone, Klose for Clarinet, Arban for Trumpet/Trombone, Hanon for piano for decades, both as a student and teacher! Having a book, reference of this type now for bass is very natural ???????? ????

  • Hey Janek, yes i got the email mate….thanks for the shout-out and all good about the delay, I'm sure I'll appreciate them even more once they arrive ????

  • ???? Great video man, it made me want to listen to all the albums again! I have a question: I know you’ve talked about string action before, but it would be amazing if you could dive a little deeper into the topic in a future video. Is there any chance you might consider it? Getting a more detailed insight on your approach to action, right hand and sound would be really really valuable 🙂

  • [imagine this is a billiard ball emoji] I was listening to the American Elm album the other day and my daughter wandered in, asking who I was listening to and wanting to here more. Have a good Christmas and a positive New Year.

  • Like 800 other people, I bought Janek's latest book, but I have to admit I wasn’t expecting customs fees from FedEx… Also, the website isn’t working today and doesn’t allow payment of said fees. Is anyone else in the same situation?

  • ????Christmas will bring a Modern Vintage MVP62 and I am looking forward to that new (to me) tone. First P style. Such an interesting Pod cast, thank you

  • ???? Janek, Ben Wendel and Cliff Almond… I can’t easily think of a trio I’d love to hear recorded more!

  • ????These podcasts are a joy to watch and are very fruitful for bass players' growth. I live about 45 minutes from Yoshi's in Oakland but I couldn't get a ticket to the show last week; I'm wondering if I did would I have been able to get the 9 books I recently purchased from Amazon signed at the show or would that have even been a possibility. I have the signed Scale & Arpeggios, Major and Minor Chord books which I recently purchased from your website.

  • I never listened to it during a massage, but finding and then not stopping playing American Elm put you at my top artist on Spotify for 2024

  • Is there any worthwhile in having a completely dry recording and playing that through the pedals retrospectively to find the sound you want?

  • When hunting for a specific tone, do you ever record something to playback? When i find a tone whilst playing, I find it sounds different when I'm not actually playing.

  • ???? I always appreciate the deep dives into tone. I used my new baby board inspired by Ian and you on a recent single that’s a tip of the hat to John Scofield. HX Stomp into a 3Leaf Audio Octabvre into my Teletronix (thanks to you) into the console. If you care to check it out (it’s short), you can find it here: https://youtu.be/K4Op6C-EaKI?si=tHmz-oyCVZfmoMgd. Scales and Arpeggios book arrives on Friday! Can’t wait. Thanks for all you do!

  • Okay, Janek I need to know, where did you get that hoodie? I need it lol.

  • So glad you're updating your first recording. I wore that shit out(i.e. listened to it OBSESSIVELY!????) when it came out. Love the tunes and the playing aaaaaand…if I recall correctly, it was this recording that initiated a deep dive into the Tim Miller universe…Thanks, again, for decades of inspiration and uplift! Wishing you and your cohorts inspiration, hugely remunerative gigs, and tons of musical fun!
    ETA I listened to that live album obsessively as well. ???????? Yeah, anniversary remix of it would be cool !

  • Watchig this podcast on a Sunday afternoon, and I have a tone related question (Kind of) – I have no recollection of seeing you with a headless Bass, yet i enjoy them for eveness of tone across the strings. Have you rejected headless bases due to tone or feel, or maybe something else ?

  • This is the draw of your podcast/channel: the introspection, the love and passion for playing music on bass, the tone chase. It’s why channels like That Pedal Show exploded for guys like me. We, as musicians, want to give people the best product that we’re capable of, all the time. You took an already successful collection of your music and sought to improve it! That’s so ballsy! I love it! And I bought a Colour Box because of your previous video/tour and I’m not even sure when I’ll use it, as I’m planning to utilize my full Helix with my rig.

  • I have to wait until january the 2nd ????
    But it’s ok – late christmas present ???????? – ????

  • Here again at the end; what a fun trip through the discography, going to go back and check out some of the more “obscure” recordings, like the bass duo album. Looking forward to catching the remaster when it’s done. 8-ball emoji (can’t find it ????).


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