Sunday, February 16, 2025

22 thoughts on “The SECRET To Efficient Practicing

  • Please please please every time someone says you're in front of a green screen please move around your studio because I love seeing it ????❤

  • It seems like a bad idea to hold the guitar at an awkward angle. Why not just get a second (or third) camera?

  • Please don't get me wrong Rick, I love all of your video's. I know you are just trying to make a living. However I think for the person who wants to "make it" in the music industry this might just be a waste of time. Why do I say that? I say that because if you can write a great song, you don't need ear training. I am sure that Jimi Hendrix, Paul M., George H, John L, Don Henley, Glenn Fry or even Jimmy Page ( just for example) did not take a course like this or did they know music theory. Now, did those guys have perfect pitch? Maybe, who knows…..But the secret to all of their success was that they could write a great song. And who is one of richest people in the world? Paul McCartney. All that being said, I would never belittle anyone for taking your ear training course….for me though, I will just keep trying to write a great song. 🙂

  • Rick, you have no idea how glad some of us are that you spare us this ever more popular nonsense of, “bla bla bla bla……. Ooookkkkayyyy, so without further ado let’s get into it!” Then some musical noise/nonsense, a noisy “logo," and then more bla bla bla….

  • I can understand why folks may have thought your studio was a 'green screen'. It is so damn tidy and perfect and f'in AWESOME!!!

  • Does anyone agree that the mind, focus and how much time you can endure for practicing is directly proportionate to the length of time you spend practicing at your weekly lesson.

    My weekly lesson with my tutor is 45 mins, when I practice alone daily my mind and finger signals switch off pretty much on the 45 min mark every time.

  • I want to give an example of the use and importance of arpeggios. I was running through the E major arpeggios, E G# B and it starts over. I accidentally hit the open D which is the 7th and I was like, wait a minute that sounds familiar. Turns out that is the opening riff to Pretty Woman by Roy Orbison. Listening to it i figured out it is play using the 11357 11357 11357987 11357987 of the E Major scale


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