Tuesday, March 4, 2025
BassBass Lessons

THE SPEED DEMON! “Bubby Lewis” Exercise | Bass Guitar Tips ~ Daric Bennett&’s Bass Lessons

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You want to play faster, cleaner, more precise, more dexterity??!?!?!?! Here’s the exercise for you! In this lesson I show you guys an exercise influenced from my good friend Robert Bubby Lewis. Just watch and keep up! Lol Get more free lessons like this and access to the Bass Nation Community here http://www.daricbennett.com

I get a lot of questions about what strings I use. If you’re interested here’s a link to them below:
Bass Strings

#SPEED #DEMON #Bubby #Lewis #Exercise #Bass #Guitar #Tips #Daric #Bennett39s #Bass #Lessons

Originally posted by UCvUGrdDxtUBlxSi4Zl-HkqQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nHJ-J5OZUo

32 thoughts on “THE SPEED DEMON! “Bubby Lewis” Exercise | Bass Guitar Tips ~ Daric Bennett&’s Bass Lessons

  • I love everything I get from you Bro. Am in a Different Continent and unable to Pay for anything online so i just subscribed and see what you release for free. And if i can ASK a quick question tho on this lesson about the right hand should we do it with alternate fingering or should we swipe(wreck) it when going back am kinda confused

  • Got a sub from me. Your teaching is entertaining, informative, and above all practical with "meat" in every lesson without having to dig for it.

    The subtle things that impressed me more than your teaching style; #1 LOVE that you are rocking a squire. Screams humble working man, and impresses me much more than you rocking a Fodera would have. #2 Your dog loves you and comes too see who you are talking to every vid. LOL

  • Love this exercise. Also very interesting moving back and forth between those two scales. Normally one stays clear of the Locrian, mostly because of it's dominant sound. I really found this helpful. Thanks

  • I like how this vid is one take and I got everything. Thanks Daric. New subscriber here!

  • At this point i get that one of the reasons i like your videos is about watching a bassist being cool, teaching his ideas clearly enought and enjoying doing his thing. Nice channel

  • Man I told the wife I’m thinking about registering for the academy! You have shown me soo much on YouTube that I got support and keep growing!

  • Grande maestro, siga asi, porfa ponga subtitulos en español hay muchos amigos q lo ven aqui pero solo ven las posiciones pero no entendemos siga adelante

  • Another great video. Time to practice this morning.. Thanks for sharing as always. You sure make it fun to watch too. Have a great day..!!

  • The biggest issue for me with this one is not the 3rd o2nd finger, but the first one. Moving it up and down clearly when playing fast. I tried switching with the 2nd but I watched you video once again and see you're doing it with the first. gotta practice…

  • Don't get overwhelmed by scales. The names sound confusing, but the most common ones you'll hear thrown about like it matters, are just major scales that start and end on a different note of the scale (so you could play a C major scale, starting/ending on D – the 2nd interval – and you have Dorian). It seems like music teachers make most of their money by confusing students, and making you learn each one, one by one, until eventually you figure it out on your own and quit taking lessons. Here's a prime example: http://www.classicfm.com/discover-music/latest/guide-to-musical-modes/ – absolutely unnecessary and overwhelmingly confusing to explain "This scale is just like that scale except this one note".

    The actual reality is, notes don't matter on bass (or really any instrument). What you will develop with practice, is your ear. And if you don't get too caught up on theory, your brain will learn which shapes your fingers need to be in, to make the sounds you want to play. For bass, especially tho, dynamics and timing are utmost and I would focus way more time on technique than scales. Master your major scales first, then move on with your life. Alternatively, a shortcut is to learn the 5 basic pentatonic positions first.

  • You dah best (DJ Khalid voice ) the way you break it down is the best no none sensical versions on the web salute

  • Thanks a lot for this lesson. One question though: What is the advantage of 7/8 in this case?

  • I really appreciate your training and understanding. You keep it plain, clear and motivational for me to practice RIGHT….(practice doesn't make perfect.. PERFECT practice makes PERFECT. thanks.


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