Monday, March 17, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects


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Originally posted by UCked4Esmdl16F1CwHjiBe3w at

24 thoughts on “The TEN Greatest JAZZ GUITARISTS Ranked | with MARTIN TAYLOR MBE

  • Great list and interview Andy! What a honor to have the great Martin Taylor commenting. He is an inspiration!

  • Great interview. I studied arranging with Dr. Albert Harris in LA in early 90's before he moved to New Zealand.

  • Thank you for having Martin Taylor on, he is still so enthusiastic about the guitar and all the wonderful players. It's so good to hear about his experiences and all the people he has met and played with. I find him so engaging. I've been lucky enough to meet him a couple of times after his concerts.

  • Thank you Andy for this great video. But you must've interrupted Taylor 50 times.
    As someone who has a problem along that same line may I suggest you join me in trying to work on it?
    Keep up the good work .

  • What a fantastic interview with Martin Taylor. Im with Martin on this Bireli is just the most gifted musician. Thank you

  • Thank you this is entertaining and very educational. After hearing Mrtin talk about Hank Garland (who I was ignoramt of)I went to YouTube and was blown away by his talent,

  • The part about Charlie Christian being chaffeured by T Bone Walker is mentioned in the Helen Oakley Dance bio called "'Stormy Monday Blues-The T Bone Walker Story". I think it went further infact , they played together also.

  • My List:

    Charlie Christian
    Jimmy Raney
    Bruce Foreman
    Julian Lage
    Pasquale Grasso
    Nir Felder
    Jimmy Bruno
    Ben Euson

  • just as a follow on from my previous post,i`d like to mention some great solos by players not mentioned in video,Joe Puma solo on a track called Stablemates,jimmy Raney solo on A night in tunisia with teddy charles from 1952,Billy Bauer on a tune called Progression with lennie Tristano 1949,and Billy Bauer tune called called Lincoln Tunnel from his solo album Plectrist 1956,and i`d like to throw in french gypsy guitarist Baro Ferret a tune called Panique from 1949 god is that track great,finally western swing/jazz player Jimmie Rivers check out his album Brisbane Bop does a great version of Rose Room,plus anything by Chuck Wayne is great especially with george shearing ,cotton top,moon over miami,good to the last bop.

  • Martin, you're my favorite guitarist! But….what about Snoozer Quinn? According to Frankie Tumbauer was better than Lang. The only recordings that we have he made on his death bed at Charity Hospital in New Orleans playing an L-OO. Snoozer's Telephone Blues which is on YouTube.

  • I saw Martin Taylor once, in Oslo, 1998. With Bill Wyman's Rhythm Kings. Georgie Fame and Gary Brooker were also in the band. Wonderful concert.

  • i agree picking definitely Django and Wes,but i would put,jimmy raney,chuck wayne,joe puma,johnny smith,tal farlow,billy bauer,george van eps in instead of the rest,seems to be too much appreciation of black musicians seems whites only a footnote,i find black players can be rough and lack smoothness,forgot Howard Roberts and Barry Galbraith

  • Grant Green is one of my favourite guitarists because of his vibe and feel. In many ways he's not on the same level as Wes, Benson, Pass or Martino and many others but he had a unique tone and individual feel that stood out whenever he played.

  • Keep on ignoring Gods son,the Jesus of guitar playing in all styles "Stanley Jordan" the greatest very best of all time ,all styles…( If he was white every day he would be given a new award

  • I think Djangois kinda in a different category. More european jazz or gypsie jazz. I'm probably wrong but it's hard to compare him to Wes.

  • Very cool discussion I only heard the first two so far but next has to be: Wes, George, Pat, Allan, Sco, Django, Charlie, Joe…wait how many are on this list?? ????

  • Joe Pass the best BY FAR, several galaxies above the second best. I'll put Tal Farlow in the list. I would never put Pat Martino nor George Benson in this list.

  • Yes, I remember that one..Tal Farlow upstairs at the Bear in Bearwood wasn't it? Great interview and lovely insights, thank you both.


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