Sunday, March 9, 2025
BassBass Guitar

The TERRIBLE guitar tone of Korn: The oddball gear and Producer of Head, Munky, Ross Robinson Blind

Why did the producer strangle Jonathan Davies?

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Korn Gear over the years:

Vocals: Telefunken 251 (nick cave, the cure)
Neve preamp 1073
70’s Modded JMP Marshall (may not have been modded in the 90’s)
BIGGER MUFF PEDAL and various vintage Big Muffs
Small national amp 8″ cranked speaker split with the main amp (hidden from band) with sm57
Munky Ibanez Universe 7 string String gage was .60 52 42 30 17 13 10
He bought it on layaway in sections and would pay and play it until they kicked him out.
Old Silvertone guitar (the one with the amp built right into the guitar case, they put the mic right up against the guitar — used on “Blind” intro part
Sears Silvertone (“Blind”)
Electro-Harmonix Small Stone Phaser (“Blind”)
Dunlop Crybaby wah pedal (“Blind”)
Big Muff distortion pedals (“Blind”)

Life Is Peachy:
 I run two Mesa/Boogie Triple Rectifer heads with a channel charger so I can go up from clean to dirty with old Marshall cabinets from around 1964. Then there’s my pedal board which is full of big, ugly pedals. I have an old Electro Harmonix Big Muff; an original Ibanez tube screamer, two Electro Harmonix Small Stone Phasers with different settings – one slow for the wind effect in “No Place To Hide” and the other with the knob turned all the way to the right so it’s a really fast phrase for the “flutter” effect I use in the verse of “Chi”; an Ibanez Bi-chorus pedal, an old one in the metal casing; a Crybaby wah-wah and a reverb pedal, which I only use on clean stuff. I don’t like reverb on my crunch tone though – I like it to be crisp and dry. I was also using this wicked sounding little blue box which I think is really called a Memphis Letter Opener Follower for the verse of “K@#o%!” and the end of “Kill You,” but something happened to it and I haven’t been able to get a hold of another obne yet. So, please mail your Memphis envelope opener to P.O. Box….

Head: I use two Triple Rectifier heads running in stereo into a couple of Marchall cabinets. I’m just running three pedals right now: a Boss Super Phaser – that’s a fun peadal to fuck around with, I used it on stuff like the motor bike riff at the front on “No Place To Hide” – a DOD metal distortion box and a Boss Sterio Chorus for the keyboard-sounding, ringing chord stuff underneath melodies

#TERRIBLE #guitar #tone #Korn #oddball #gear #Producer #Munky #Ross #Robinson #Blind

Originally posted by UCd_A29XG4JvzkyGNcuXcuiQ at

42 thoughts on “The TERRIBLE guitar tone of Korn: The oddball gear and Producer of Head, Munky, Ross Robinson Blind

  • Terrible tone? Brother get your ears checked, because korns tone jettisoned metal into the future. What a shit take.

  • Those pedals along with a custom Red Marshall Head are now safely looked after in the UK. They're at a recording studio I use. My guitarist is yet to use them though lol.

  • The Korn heavy came from the tuning and the fact they used 7 stringers not necessarily the distorted tone. Do I like the Korn tone? For their style of music, yes.

  • The hate on programmed drums is stupid. They are allowing kids to get ideas down cause they don't have a fucking couple thousand dollars to mic everything up, get a mixer, etc..

    I do agree that hardcore is just repeating tropes. It's a collaboration of metal tropes. And even the progressive scene i like is just staying to copy their favorite band without adding anything or making it their own

  • Y’all didn’t even talk about how faith no more had a huge influence on their guitar sound

  • I agree with everything you said. Metal is boring and all it cares about is being edgier than the next band

  • I'm so glad I was born in 1990. Although I was too young to see the bands in their prime, I was still able to enjoy the era and will forever cherish the memories

  • Fun fact: I remember when Days of the New came out. They were in all the guitar magazines. Didn’t care for them. “Acoustic? In rock?”

    Then I saw them open for Jerry Cantrell, open for Metallica.

    That was a show. Quite liked Days of the New live.

    Fast forward… I’m getting high, watching Intervention, there’s Travis!!!

    As far as I recall: he got his shit sorted and put the band back together. Shit… he was the Doors singer for a bit.

  • My secret to the Korn Guitar tone ia to boost my amp input so hard the low end fuzz / farts out ,and lower my action to the extreme of barley making out a note from rattle ????????????

  • I hate nu metal instrumentation and composition and I hate the trendy grunge post-grunge male singing styles but I love this video because you cover SO MANY common sense sound ideas

  • I clicked on this expecting it be a nerdy wad of hogwash from some nerd. What I didn’t expect was one of the best commentaries and criticisms of the current state of production in modern metal, and the severe lack of true personalities and creatives in it.

    People can eye-roll nu-metal all they want. But the amount of innovation it brought to heavy music in terms of both production and playing cannot be understated.

    Take a like and subscribe. You earned it.

  • So agreed about the scooped mids. It's been over the top for so long that people think there's no other option ????????

  • What a passionate video, loved the bit about Johnathan davis and his attitude, thats what we need! Not a bunch of nerds shilling neural dsp plug-ins to less than 1k viewers

  • I think it's a bit much to say they're tone was terrible. They were the first heavy distorted band to use 7 strings exclusively. That probably took some time for the producers to hone.

  • Shit man Nu Metal sounds fresh compared metal today. I so fucking over rock, djent, deathcore, metalcore whatever. Don't get me wrong some stand out but its few and far between. I want an Industrial come back.

  • I met them when they were just starting out. They were all cool dudes. Saw them live when they were popular — brought the house down. But they lost my interest when they seemed to not grow or expand their sound; every song started sounding the same.

  • this video is like 5 minutes of guitar tone analysis and the rest is butthurt “it ain’t what it used to be” talk

  • You've done absolutely amazing on this one. Great investigations, great presentations, great perspectives. And this is from a self aware guitar nerd who likes mids.

  • I have never apologized for thinking “all mids” are trash for heavy metal guitar tone. It’s muddy, barky and sounds very generic.

    The old school scoop will always be heavy metal to me

  • “Mids, mids, mids, me me me. Listen to me! Song goes out the window.”

    Dude you just summed up literally every aspect of Joe Bonamassa as a human being in one perfect sentence!

  • WTF happened to Korn? Nothing , they are still around. Some of the millennial and GENZ bands can't even survive 5yrs . They just went through the natural aging of a band.

  • Take a look in the mirror was the last album I liked! Today’s productions are too clean n lack character. Everyone has the same damn guitar tone these days! I miss the tones of old school korn, helmet, old school pumpkins, Dino jr etc

  • Tone only gets you so far,head and munky are terrible guitar players,.once you understand that this band is completely fabricated just like bsb,nsync, Brittany spears.

  • If I remember right, Fieldy used GK amps and Ibanez ATK five strings with that weird triple pickup configuration


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