Wednesday, March 5, 2025
BassBass Guitar

The TERRIBLE guitar tone of Metallica. And Justice For All Garage Days era of Kirk Hammet and James

Let’s talk about Metallica’s most TECHNICAL era while keeping it loose with Garage Day’s Re Revisited. From One to The Wait.

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#TERRIBLE #guitar #tone #Metallica #Justice #Garage #Days #era #Kirk #Hammet #James

Originally posted by UCd_A29XG4JvzkyGNcuXcuiQ at

42 thoughts on “The TERRIBLE guitar tone of Metallica. And Justice For All Garage Days era of Kirk Hammet and James

  • I wish I could just once play with this exact tone. Im after it for over three decades now and it led me to what weird paths, and financial troubles over the years.
    Lastly two Kemper, both i had to sell but nearest i got to it with these, just one day man. I m all asking.
    No ..

    I was into Sabbath, anthrax, manowar, in 88 i was just a kid
    But…. When i heard the blackened, by my friend's insistence, I was rejecting Metallica because of their shitty name, that first ten seconds obliterated me into my atoms and regathered me.
    Never felt it again for anything, never.

    And about Jason my fwo cents,
    If james tells you that he has to turn his back to him just to push him write some different quality stuff, and got only praise from his as he was an asset at live, you know you got a problematic guy on your hands
    After all these years contributed as little as he did to band , shown his terrible new music, his horrid echobrain nonsense, it's a bad story
    His inability to cope around 87 also put james on a spot to lower the voice and he did insane amounts of double takes, again and again.
    With his pain tried to bring Cliff time perfect back.

    Lars doesn't have a clue about guitar all james, maybe he ever gets mentioned best guitarist lists, but we know, he is peerless, unmatched, the ultimate. His influence and tone brought millions in as players
    Why these jason lovers never mention other albums he freely played, theres nothing.
    Want to boost ajfa more? You can't do it.
    I played drums for ages, that drum and specially kick sound echoed through our souls too.
    Maybe Larss great and only contribution. If not by james or Flemmings.
    So bass more on ajfa? Anh other albums you talk in this way? No right?
    A gossip travels around the world to rhis day , still no one knows why,
    Enough already.
    Again If you came into Metallica and act like this and. Play like this it show you are not aware of Cliff or his style enough, just a fanboy got on the bandwagon and get the job with his repeating talent.
    And what o can't stand is he has cliff's equipment in his home right now?! Dude..
    And see how this all talk goes down to an absent bass recording which doesn't there?
    This is the stain left on all of us lovers of this album dearly, see that desk operator even has opinions on an album with this proportions, brought them to spotlight, one Grammy, a legend for us fans. He still can say I wish could change it? Sheer audacity, every pro wants a piece of the legend which they still can't comprehend. He equalised the whole drums while Lars semt away by him?? Such a blatant lie, if you look to pictures his bass drums were clearly selected two drum kits before ones brought in. And that snare as crude and perfect adjusted in ten minutes??! Dude if James allowed YOU to do the soul of it without going back and forth a million times, you are the insane person there. ten minutes I did the ajfa??! Really?! Threw the pictures away?! Wow.
    Poor James talked into badmouthing his masterpiece, Lars doomed to play those eight minutes forever, I love it.
    He founded his Kingdom over these songs feeding his insecurity and fears for the future.
    Stopped James in his footsteps and we all threw out black album away and put in sepultura arise that day.
    Can you believe it's 2025 and we still talk Jason's hearsay for more than James.
    What a punch in the gut for all of us.
    Poor fans.

  • Along with the wah pedal. I could have sworn kirk used a phase 90 on 0 to give it that slight cocked wah slight swirly sound . I use that to play MOP RTL and AJFA and it pretty much nails the lead tone and rhythm tone every single time

  • I don’t even listen do any of the metal coming out now. It all sounds like perfect detuned guitars, perfect machine gun drums, super technical sweep arpeggios solos.

  • I think their best recorded tone is on the Black Album. Listening to that album on some audiophile gear still gives me goosebumps. On Justice their tone was a little too thin. And of course there was no bass. I never understood why they released the album in that state. As far as Kirk is concerned, I believe he was abducted by extraterrestrials after the Black Album. A doppelganger was put in his place. He literally is two different players after the Black Album. Once they entered the Load years he sucked. He's sucked evet since. Same with Lars. Nobody made a disparaging comment about Lars back in the day. Now, well ….

  • Love your videos man! I think a video about Trouble would be cool for the future. The 1990 Album they did with Rick Rubin has a fantastic Guitar tone in my opinion. Anyway keep it up! ????

  • Justice was my first real metal album. Picked it up when i was 11 and it's still my favorite tone ever recorded. To me that's exactly what metal should sound like and I've never heard it anywhere else other than that album.

    I know everyone laments the lack of bass but it gives the album a cold, crisp sound, you know, like steel left outside during winter.

  • Kirk gets way too much shit and so does Lars for his drumming. My favorite metal band is Slayer. But I think ALL Slayer solos are utter shit. Slayer would be better without those annoying, unmelodic and pointless shreds. Kirk's solos at least have some point and carefree rock to them.

  • Flemming Rasmussen also recorded Morbid Angel Blessed are the Sick and Covenant, thier magnum opus albums before Gatesways.

  • Totally agree….. Everything after AJFA is garbage. I saw them, for 1st time, open for WASP, with Cliff at a bar in Shit. Louis, MO on RTL tour Feb 15th, 1985. Cost me $10. I was 17 and was best time of my life.. So blessed to have been able to live all this in real time. 1980 to 1989, best music ever created.. Also saw Dave and the boys open for King Diamond at bar in Shitcago. ????

  • Garage days production is awesome for me, it sounds alive and the bass is just perfect . I wish they spent as little time when they did the Justice album.

  • Gosh I love this album. Dyers Eve is such an underrated thrash classic. As odd as the mix is by any objective standard, I cannot imagine the album sounding any other way.

  • Easiest is probably harvester of sorrow. Hardest, I consider blackened, shortest straw, dyers eve equally difficult.

  • The AJFA tone is easily my favorite tone to mess around with when I'm practicing. But the thing is, it is for a specific type of music. I can use it for tracks on The Black Album but for songs on the Loads it just doesnt work. James' current tone where he's mixing his Mk2C++ and Diezel VH4 (which by itself has an insane tone) is also just * chefs kiss *
    Sepultura pretty much copied the AJFA tone on Arise and it sounds brutal as f***.

  • He did kinds Plato a bit playing wise he isn't as driven as young kurk james has improved big times

  • I always wanted to know – where does the scooped tone come from? Who was the first band to do it? Who discovered that ripping the mids made gave it that dead sound? It wasn't Sabbath or priest.
    Hatfield used to put his boogie graphic 750hz slider on 0

  • AJFA is the heaviest, darkest and best Metallica album.

    Note: I think I saw a Fleming R interview where he says the One solo was “composed” by Lars and Fleming by editing, i.e. by cutting out licks recorded by Kirk in different takes and stitching them together.

  • Can I say that I’m so glad to see you back on YouTube. I’ve been missing somebody with a Twisted Into Form shirt speaking some harsh truths about modern metal❤

  • I have that Milton Keynes show on SBD bootleg. It's awesome. Apparently they were requested not to swear during the concert as it was broadcast on radio, but when the intro tape went out and the intro riff of Creeping Death stops (right before the main verse riff) James screams: "Fuck yeah motherfuckersssssss!!!!" Funny shit indeed. What's even funnier is that Megadeth were interviewed by Vanessa Warwick from Headbangers Ball at the same time (it's here on YT) and you can hear that exact moment in the background and the crowd goes apeshit (obviously), and you can see that Dave Mustaine just dies a little bit inside, since the interview got interrupted. ????

  • Thank you for speaking up about how shitty the "And Justice For Jason" mix/rerecording is. I've seen recently a lot of people posting about buying vinyl bootlegs with that version and I just can't imagine putting money on that crap. If I wanna support Jason I'll buy one of the official records he's on that he actually earns money from.

  • The original sound has way less gain and is compressed, not heavily. It’s a very clean lead tone.

  • Off topic, but do you have any Hiwatt's in your amp collection, mate? I'd love to see a video on a proper dialed-in "live" The Who/Pete Townshend tone.

  • Those were the days! I was right there with you, buying these albums the day they came out. I saw them with Cliff when they opened for Ozzy, and I was at the Monsters of Rock show in LA when a riot broke out. But now? Meh. The new stuff just isn't doing it for me.

  • I'm the same as you, loved the first 4, i bought garage days when it first came out, (might even have been the day it came out). Disappointed with the black album, maybe listened to it at home 3 times. Never bought any albums after that, certainly never put any of the other albums on on purpose.
    Great video. I subscribed.

  • You Legend! Real Metallica, not the later watered down crap.Thanks a million for the upload.

  • I agree. Everything after justice is a hard pass for me. Maybe a couple of riffs on Death magnetic but that’s about it.


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