Tuesday, March 4, 2025

41 thoughts on “The Top Five Reasons Your Guitar Tone SUCKS!

  • the number one thing that he said is not even correct, he mentioned pickups but he did not mention THE SPEAKER! the speaker is the sole reason your tone is the way it is!

  • Hahahhaha I’m chasing good bluesy rock tone for 3 months now and watching tons of videos i just saw that on coils is some FOIL(remove it for GOD SAKE,NOW! That breaks the tone (how should i know ? I’m beginner)
    And GOD THANK YOU for that Eric Clapton tones.
    It changed my life.

    If there is one more guy like me,you will like this comment.

    I’m posting this one every “why my guitar sound bad” videos to help people ATW. ❤????

  • Always remember we must repent of our sins (sin is transgression The Law Of Yahuah The Father in Heaven. The Law is The Book Of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, & Deuteronomy). We must repent of our sins and Have Belief On Yahusha The Messiah. HE Died and Rose three days later so that we can be forgiven of our sins!

    Come to HIM Today

  • Will off brand guitars just be permanently messed up got mine tuned and had it a few months and it's sounds good when i play it just has no life of what real guitars sound like. It's by bcp

  • i have a marshall amp mg15CF with clean sound and distortion and gain volume bass middle and treble
    i am in clean sound with a fuzz and blues driver pedal
    so i have distortion
    but idk i feel like it sucks

    but i'm not rich af so i only can deal with it for now

  • I disagree on the Pickup Swap part….

    Before replacing the pickups, consider adjusting the height of th pole screws and the pickup itself. I did it on my guitars, also did it in my friends' guitars and they cannot believe its the same pickups they have, just a better sounding one.

  • The cable? Give me a break. As long as your guitar pickups are modern and have a high enough output you could use a damned copper coat hanger and it would sound just fine. If you’ve got active pickups (with an active preamp that boosts the signal even more) there’s virtually no way the cable could have any impact at all on the sound. This is only a problem for vintage pickups or if you’re running insanely long cable runs for some reason, and EVEN THEN you’ll notice only a tiny difference in the amount of high end.

  • I got my first electric guitar today and the amp is making a fzzz noise. Anyone know how to fix this? Yt tutorials are too complicated for my small brain

  • Hi , If you could please help me as well….I am a beginner guitarists…I am using bias fx 2 in reaper DAW, I connect my fender strat to focusrite solo 3rd gen, I tried multiple amp effect pedals combinations , i tried messing with the amp settings bass treble mids etc, for some unknown reason my guitar tone sounds muffled, I've been trying to create a tone similar to billie joe from green day but I not able to get a clear clean crunchy rock sound… It's too muffled for some reason…any advice would be highly appreciated….Thanks

  • Guitar tone is 100% from the wood, and the configuration of pickups. A two-pickup guitar has a bigger space between pickups than a three-pickup guitar, which gives more of an out-of-phase effect. Pickups are not electronic – just a very primitive generator made of magnet and coil. If you alter the magnet-to-coil ratio, by using more coil with a weaker magnet, you can get more high-end cutoff, similar to a tone control, but manufacturers play it safe, and go middle of the road. As has been demonstrated on YouTube numerous time, the effect of replacing pickups is zero. Amps and special effects are very important to the sound, but that's another topic.

  • great video, but I got a question, when I turn down the gain, the guitar can't sustain a long power chord, it fades out so quickly, any tips? thx

  • How do I diagnose my suck without buying/swapping out each part? 🙁
    When I hammer on or pull off the tone is so quiet and fades away rapidly. What would cause this?

  • Do you need a buffer with active pickups? I was under the impression that if you remove the battery you can’t play. Last night I had removed the battery and with my tube screamer and gain channel I was able to play without a battery.

  • You only to see a few videos to learn that expensive pick ups make very little difference to your tone. Don't waste your money on expensive pick ups.
    Set up your guitar well with some decent strings and a reasonable amp and you're laughing.

  • I'm a sound engineer at a very busy church, and the #1 mistake I see guitarists making all the time is cranking up the bass on their amps all the way and neglecting the midrange. I have gotten to a point now where I will insist that they plug into our house amp and let me dial the tone in for FOH. If they insist on using their own amp, I often have to ask them to turn the bass down and the mids up. As a guitarist myself, I understand how this happens. When you practice at home, all that bass makes your guitar feel huge, but the instant a kick drum and bass guitar enter the equation, you no longer exist in the mix.

  • The real reasons guitar tone can suck:
    1. The players ear sucks and they can't recognize what sounds good or bad.
    2. The players ear is good but their taste sucks.
    3. The player is attempting to play beyond their abilities so clarity and timing suffer.

    Don't believe me? Search youtube for good players playing the cheapest gear.

  • It was proven back in the 80’s that Tone was improved by the consumption of a beverage known as the ‘Funky Cold Medina’.

  • #1: need new fingers. #2: await puberty #3: your guitar face needs work #4: you're not using 4mm picks #5: you always order the pulled pork from Hibachi Grill


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