Monday, March 10, 2025
GuitarGuitar LessonsLessons

The ULTIMATE Beginners Bass Guitar Course!

Welcome to my ultimate beginners bass guitar course! Below you will find the different sections. In this lesson, you will learn about the function of the Bass, the parts, how to hold, how to play, how to read tab, plus blues lines to learn as well as rocky, funky and normal lines to learn. We also look at the economy of motion, and plenty of beginner Bass techniques.

Tab’s support the lessons, as well as drum beats to play along to. The lesson gets increasingly harder as it goes on.

SECTION ONE: Three important things: 1:00

SECTION TWO: Your Bass guitar & How to hold your Bass guitar: 2:24

SECTION THREE: How to play your Bass guitar: 7:13

SECTION FOUR: How to read tablature 12:32

SECTION FIVE: The economy of motion: 16:20

SECTION SIX: 17:44 (4/4) Normal line 19:11 Funky line 22:43 Rocky line 26:10 Bluesy line 29:41 + Drum beats & Tablature.

SECTION SEVEN: 32:20 Looking at different time signatures: (3/4) Line 1: 33:50 Line 2: 37:00

SECTION EIGHT: 39:24 Slightly harder lines in 4/4 including slides & Hammer-ons. (4/4) Normal line: 40:14 Funky Line: 42:37 Rocky Line: 45:23 Hammer-on exercise: 48:33

Drum beats for practice:

Easy songs to learn on Bass:

Tons of great beginner lines to learn!






#ULTIMATE #Beginners #Bass #Guitar

Originally posted by UCFbmuzAfI0GsjldP_GL_XXA at

35 thoughts on “The ULTIMATE Beginners Bass Guitar Course!

  • Name is Stephen Moore I’m 62 years old. I am just learning to pay your bass. You have a great beginners lesson on how to play the bass I really enjoy playing with you thank you.

  • Why isn't the first tablature matching the notes on the bass? One would think you would have the same tablature as the notes we just were playing.

  • ???? I too am just 70 and thinking of picking up a bass guitar. This video is exactly what I was looking for. Many thanks.

  • Play the low end? Play with other people? Mate I'm just here for the slap solos 🙂

  • After years of talking about it, I finally just grabbed my roommate's bass less than a week ago and have been practicing every evening with your video. You actually got me PLAYING some bass lines already! I'm so amped up about this! Thanks a mil ????

  • i been playing guitar for almost a year and my sister bought me a bass as a gift, this is the best no nonsense course to get started with the new to me techniques. Great video.

  • I’m 75 and just bought a Hohner Ignition bass left handed just like Paul McCartney. Yes I am left handed. I am going to play with a pick. Your three up front statements of the roles that the bass contributes to the music were real gems for me. Took the mystery out of getting started and I am enthusiastic to the max now. Thanks for this lesson and look forward to more. Will you have lessons on playing with a pick? It is important to me. Thank you.

  • I'd love more videos for beginners like this! This was one of the best. I especially loved this instructor. He's both approachable, funny, and can teach!

  • I was a guitar player from teen, then I stop playing guitar for long time and my late 40s I learn how to play saxophone I love it then all of a sudden a bass guitar came to my interest, now I am mid 50s thank you for your tutorial clips.

  • Hi Chris! I’m Chris. What advice would you give a guitar player with 48 years of experience who’s recently decided to take up the bass?

  • got a bass coming this week ….. loved this video …… ile be back when it gets hear hopefully to progress further if it doesnt get to complicated for me lol …. im 52 and a late starter lol ????????????????

  • I mainly play double bass (I’m and orchestra person I’m actually a viola play but know how to play the other orchestra instruments) and wanted to pick up electric bass a bit ago so this video is helpful for not being a total idiot with it xD (I’m 12 and have too much time on my hands)

  • Thanks so much for this video!!…. I fall into the category of Absolute "Noobie" Beginner…. at 72 years young, and have not played the bass since I was 18 yrs old…… Hmmmm!!, funny… that I was once 18 years "Old"….. and now I'm 72 years "Young"!!?! Anyway… I'm starting all over again… and not only with the bass, but am also self learning the Lap & Console Steel Guitars, starting this year (2022), and I already have 3 basses, 3 amps (2x"practice" & 1 for playing wherever (200w)… someday…. maybe : ), and since yesterday, I now have 2 Lap & 2 Console steel guitars. Now, all I need to do…. is re-learn (bass) and learn (steel guitar), to play them.

    Oh!…. and I have a bunch of "mouth harps" (Harmonica's) as well…. been learning to play them for about 3 years, now.

    Not sure how much time I have left on this planet… but I'm going to enjoy whatever time I have left… "makin moosic" & having fun. At least I'm still blessed with Great health (by staying away from the "health" industry!!), and I'm in great shape…. and can & do… outwork any 20 something year old, around… fact!!

  • I love your teaching. I don’t have a base Guitar just yet but will be buying soon, and I must say your teaching in my opinion is by far the best to understand. Thank you.

  • I'm a self taught bass player. But just completely winged it! Now it's time for me to actually learn how to play properly! My fender jazz bass and Marshall amp got loaned out and never returned years ago. ???? Got a new start up set again to terrorise my kids with! Used to be in a band inspired by the great 90's and 60's bands. Had a great time gigging.
    You're never too old to learn new stuff.
    Great content ???? subscribed

  • I love the fact that we can see all of these lessons for free on YouTube, and they help a lot.
    I owned a bass when I was like 13 and learned a few basic songs and then didn't pick it back up until just recently in my early 40s– I'm finding it a little more difficult to learn this stuff at my age, think I'm going to take some in-person lessons and attempt to master this thing quicker– within 2 years I'm trying to be banging some stuff out like Flea and joining a band before I'm entirely too old ????.
    Good luck everyone and God bless ✌️

  • You’re teaching bass, and you wind your entire string? Learn how to crop your strings for better intonation. All you need is 2-3 wraps and snip the rest.

  • @ 56 Felt musically I was going nowhere. A wind instrument player who felt musically I was merely passing wind.
    Sea change. Stage dived head first in. HaHa! Bought a Greco rock spirit 3/4 neck bass & Boss Katana 210. Feel truly alive again. Sucking up all the knowledge I can & LOVING it. This is the kind of thing that makes Youtube fantastic. People sharing their passion and thus helping others find theirs. Cheers & many thanks. Keep up the great content ????

  • I just turned 57…..Just started and this video is what I needed…..thank you so much man!

  • My daughter is a very slow learner. She also very thorough. Can you recommend someone who teaches at a snails pace?

  • Thank you! I don’t know if your still making videos but wanted you to know how much I appreciate what you’ve done here for me

  • Again on the rock track you demonstrate 7777 on the A string, then 3333 on the A string, followed by 5555 on the D string, then 5555 on the A string, but the tab shows the E string not the D string???


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