Thursday, March 6, 2025
BassGuitar Tips & Hacks

The Ultimate Clean Tone | 29 Pedals EUNA, Origin Effects Cali76 Stacked Edition, Empress ParaEQ MkII

If you are anything like me, your ‘clean’ tone is the basis for all other forms of tonal and musical explanation, and so I thought it would be fun to go over how I construct my base tones with 3 key components; lift, compression & EQ.

While I use the 29 Pedals EUNA, Cali76 Stacked Edition and Empress ParaEQ Mk II, there are many ways to achieve great clean tones, but this is the combination I’ve enjoyed of late.

How do you construct your clean tone?

Check out Little Box Effects:

Let’s hang out on Instagram:


Below is a list of the gear I use to produce these videos. They are affiliate links and help support the channel when you purchase.

Sony Alpha 7iii –

Shure SM7b –
KRK V6 Monitors –
Strymon Zuma –
Liquid Stands Z Stand –
Universal Audio Apollo x8 –


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#Ultimate #Clean #Tone #Pedals #EUNA #Origin #Effects #Cali76 #Stacked #Edition #Empress #ParaEQ #MkII

Originally posted by UCCW8a_gp-iRhkxph655JdgA at

13 thoughts on “The Ultimate Clean Tone | 29 Pedals EUNA, Origin Effects Cali76 Stacked Edition, Empress ParaEQ MkII

  • Really enjoyed this video – really great sounds. I am curious to know if the 29 euna sound could be achieved with EQ. I mean it sound a bit like everything is dull before that and then the euna really brings in clarity but interested in the difference between that and how close you could get that clarity just with EQ. Also what is the reverb/delay? I must have missed what you were using – love that overall cleanish sound with everything on!

  • Version 2 of the King of Tone does this great.
    Unfortunately it’s no longer in production

  • The Euna sounds amazing!, it magically clears up everything, Are there any other more affordable clones or similar pedals?

  • I really like how with this method you can dial in your tone before recording. It might seem obvious, but it makes a lot of sense doing upfront what many home producers do afterwards in post-production. Even when you’re just playing rather than recording, it’s great to have your pedals always on and ready to shape your sound.

    I also noticed a Red Panda and a Chase Bliss pedal in the corner. Your reverb, delay, and chorus sounded especially lush—do you mind sharing which pedals you were using?

  • I have a few different things for getting different flavors of this. Always on is a Petty John PreDrive. It can also take a balanced line source in, and switch between that and instrument input, so I split my signal in front of this so that I have a direct in to my interface that could be recorded and then reamped/reprocessed from the PreDrive. I will also use the CB Condor for drive/lift and eq, but my favorite one does a mix of all three things in one pedal, and that is the Dreadbox Kinematic. It can be an envelope filter pedal, but can also be put into compression mode where the envelope sensitivity control, controls the compression ratio. With the drive set relatively low adding the lift, the compression and the filter most of the way open, but with a bit of a resonant peak dialed in at the upper range of the eq, it has a really lovely character.

    I want to know though, what is the reverb your using in these clips?

  • I don't think the Luna does anything but EQ. "Lift" is also interesting. Is it the wind that blows under the emperors new clothes?

  • I was a sceptic when it came to the Euna.. I got one though and haven't been able to get it off my board. Are there other pedals that do this?


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