Monday, March 17, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

The Ultimate Fender Rumble Buyers Guide

The Fender Rumble bass amps are a fantastic lineup of amps, but choosing the right one of the 10 models can be tricky. Let’s talk about all of them and help you decide which Rumble is right for you.

0:00 Intro
0:20 Rumble 15
1:40 Rumble 25
3:12 Rumble LT25
4:29 Rumble 40
6:45 Rumble Studio 40
7:42 Rumble 100
9:38 Rumble 200
10:24 Rumble 500
13:10 Rumble Stage 800
15:13 Rumble 800 HD and Final Thoughts

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#Ultimate #Fender #Rumble #Buyers #Guide

Originally posted by UCe4luF47wncXwjjqshdDJKw at

30 thoughts on “The Ultimate Fender Rumble Buyers Guide

  • The 40 gets incredibly loud, more than enough for an apartment. I also use it on the bright setting with my guitar, it sounds great.

  • Hey man, I've got a suggestion? I can barely understand what you're saying. Could you possibly turn up the useless background music so it completely drowns your voice out. Great production work.

  • I have the B1X4 Zoom and want to just play in my room without headphones, so loudness is less important, though I also want to 'feel' the bass just a bit without the neighbor below feeling it. So considering the Rumble 15w version. Anybody else has tried this combo?

  • The rumble 200 has a 15" speaker… that is worth something in terms of hitting low notes, but the 500 has 2 speakers and that is already better

  • Dude, I got one of those Rumble 800 studio amps…it's amazing…don't be a fuddy duddy. I haven't giged with it yet, but I grew up with a Line 6 POD and know how to use it.

  • I just bought the rumble lt25. Love it. Plenty of volume for home practice. Great little amp. Nice and light as well.

  • good video but the music is not necessary it becomes annoying and cant really focus on the important information you are giving

  • I have the Rumble 25 and I use it in an acoustic trio with an Eden WT preamp at rehearsal and coffee shop gigs and it is excellent.Better than lugging my Bassman combo ,Hartke, Quad box,Mark head or heaven forbid the Eden WT 800 setup,leave that for the rock band.

  • What are yours thoughts about the 1×15 in the Rumble 200 vs 2×10’s in the Rumble 500? (I don’t need more power than the 200.) THANKS VERY MUCH!!

  • Your video is so important to beginners.. why did you put music in the background? WHY?!!!
    It was so hard for me to concentrate on your words ????

  • 2 weeks ago i bought a fender rumble 100
    now i doesn't work and the lights on it just flash 🙁
    I will be returning it

  • If you’re considering a Rumble 40, get the 100. They cost $100 more, weigh almost nothing and they just sound better.

  • I really like your honesty on these amps. I'm trying to figure out what amp to buy as the one I have is to small when playing with my son and my friend. I'm new to bass and I need something louder so im not over powered. Thank you for your video.

  • I couldn't decide on which Rumble I liked best, so I went to the extreme and got a a Rumble 800 head with 2 410 Rumble cabs ha ha! Sounds amazing at low volumes for bedroom/ quiet practice, and have 2 410's for any situation I could ever find myself in. Bought all used from Guitar Center and waited until great deals could be had for all. Highly recommend if you have the space and money! I tried every other amp and combo out there and this setup always just sounded perfect to my ears!

  • Did you actually USE all of these amps yourself or are you guessing and repeating other's views?

  • I use this for bass and guitar, the 25, it sounds great with a boss metalcore plugged into it, my main tuning is drop b and this amp handles it pretty well.

  • just snagged a rumble 100 off facebook marketplace used like new for 100 bucks and hearing him say it’s good value for 300 is awesome

  • This video really saved me a lot of money, because the Rumble waZ definitely what I wanted, I just didn't know which one…your video saved me from probably buying a crappy amp. I bought the Rumble 40, and I LOOOVE it!!! You definitely earned a Subscriber, my friend! ????


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