Monday, March 3, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

**THE ULTIMATE Guitar Feedback Lesson AND Demo**

Feedback! How it works and how YOU can CREATE IT and UNLEASH IT IN ANY KEY and AT ANY TIME☆MY GEAR: I’m using my ’93 Ernie Ball Music Man EVH guitar and Peavey JSX amp…distorted and turned up LOUD. Thanks for watching and subscribe to see my coming videos –JIMI HENDRIX HISTORICAL NOTE BELOW:

– No, Joe Satriani did NOT invent feedback. It’s simply wrong to think he did. Jimi Hendrix used feedback at least 17 years before Joe’s career even began, and George Harrison used feedback just a few months before Hednrix’s use of it as well. This video was made not to suggest Satch invented it but rather to explain a secondary technique used by Joe Satriani and many others after Hendrix to manipulate feedback into passing tones over an established key. This was not said to take anything away from Jimi Hendrix as he did popularize feedback long before Joe’s use of it. We LOVE Jimi Hendrix and his wicked and brilliant use of feedback in the late 1960’s, but this video was made to address the overall concept of feedback first as well as the secondary techniques that Joe and others have employed some 40 years later. But, no….Joe did NOT invent feedback.

#feedback #guitarfeedback #guitarist #tone #guitarplayer #amplifier #howto #lesson #tutorial #guitarsound #guitar

#ULTIMATE #Guitar #Feedback #Lesson #Demo

Originally posted by UCUqkylysatG-yqg8v20LGNA at

40 thoughts on “**THE ULTIMATE Guitar Feedback Lesson AND Demo**

  • – No, Joe Satriani did NOT invent feedback. It's simply wrong to think he did. Jimi Hendrix used feedback at least 17 years before Joe's career even began, and George Harrison used feedback just a few months before Hednrix's use of it as well. This video was made not to suggest Satch invented it but rather to explain a secondary technique used by Joe Satriani and many others after Hendrix to manipulate feedback into passing tones over an established key. This was not said to take anything away from Jimi Hendrix as he did popularize feedback long before Joe's use of it. We LOVE Jimi Hendrix and his wicked and brilliant use of feedback in the late 1960's, but this video was made to address the overall concept of feedback first as well as the secondary techniques that Joe and others have employed some 40 years later. But, no….Joe did NOT invent feedback.

  • This sound absolutely incredible. It's one of my favourite ways to finish a song, letting the guitar feedback get louder and louder and then finish it with a power chord.

  • One of my favourite elements of grunge and especially Kurt cobain’s guitar playing is the rawness which occasionally leads to short squeals of feedback, letting it howl.

  • It looked like you were getting the different tones without moving your finger to the string/fret of the note. Perhaps you were bending to the pitch or maybe I'm blind.

  • you can do this on bass by turning the overdrive all the way up and then tapping and holding on the highest fret on the g string

  • every time I tried this I only get a horrible squeek and I'm not being able to create a good feedback, any suggestions?

  • Ted Nugent……..Feedback Master with his hollow body Gibson Byrdland !! The master of feedback opened for Hendrix way back in the 60's with the Amboy Dukes. Listen to STRANGLEHOLD for some serious feedback from TED NUGENT.????

  • Thanks ! I will be trying it now. Great tone by the way heard just a little bit towards the end

  • Vidoes about controlling or even getting feedback and using it in a musical way are almost NON existent on youtube. Its universally (apparently) assumed that the only feedback is BAD FEEDBACK. this shows the stunted and out of touch the prejudices of modern guitar intelligentsia. u shoudl make more videos on using feedback in dramatic and cinematic ways to dramatize ur playing. also stacking overdrives with usable feedback would be a great video to see. I guess it takes courage and boldness to work with hi gain and volume along with heavy feedback and effects ….and most are neither bold nor courageous about playing guitar

  • Awesome lesson, i always thought joe was tapping the different harmonics on flying in a blue dream and i could never reproduce it, not even close. Ive watched several videos of him playing it live and took note of the movements and combining that knowledge with your lesson i can now play it and sound close to the recording. Thanks a ton!????????

  • Thank you for this great video!
    Do you think its possible to get a controlled feedback by using high gain+medium volume on a tube amplifier, without any additional compressor/overdrive pedals? Or it would be very hard to get it?
    Thank you and thanks for your work!????

  • Yo is it normal when im not playing and not facing the amp but my guitar is still making that noise? ( only when guitar tone knob is all the way up )

  • Thanks for this, here all this time later trying to nail the Grateful Dead psychedelic feedback jams

  • And still there are too many amp simulation via in ears rockers- without real amps.
    How do they get feedback situations with their guitars or basses in a live situation?
    I cannot imagine that is possiblr, in certain mode, as Frank Zappa said:
    "Music has died and no one cried".

  • I burned the shit out of my fretting hand and cant play rn. Im about to do the Satriani in my garage for 6+ hours.

  • I am having the issue of my rig feeding back everytime i stop playing… I'm not looking for feedback, i am looking to eliminate it. I have an ENGL Tube amp and everytime i play the lead channel and stop playing it just whistles and whales.. it sounds awful. I have to quickly turn the volume knob all the way down every time i stop playing… I want to be able to play my distortion loud with this happening… any suggestions? – Any time i kick the volume over 3 it starts…


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