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The Warning “Automatic Sun” at EMA’S 2024 – REACTION

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#Warning #Automatic #Sun #EMAS #REACTION

Originally posted by UCchEBim_9_uf0hlTiFrRlQA at

32 thoughts on “The Warning “Automatic Sun” at EMA’S 2024 – REACTION

  • Giving a thumbs up for the honesty at the beginning. I think it was a damn good performance, even if they might be a little worn out from all the touring they've been doing. I will say, if there's one thing The Warning can hang their hat on, it's being absolutely phenomenal live performers.

  • You're accusing them of something that is absolutely NOT true, which is that they had an intentional, calculated purpose to make this and other songs on the Keep Me Fed album more commercially appealing. They DON'T play the industry's game at all . . . EVER, and they never have.

    What ACTUALLY happened with the songwriting on the album is that they worked with co-writers for the first time in their career. Those co-writers were a crop of some of the best in the business and not all are writers in the Rock genre; one for sure is mainly a Pop writer. I believe his name is Sam Hollander.

    What the girls REALLY wanted was to step outside their usual box of songwriting and get outside perspectives. But again, the purpose and goal WASN'T to write more "commercially-driven" songs.

    Don't ever assume anything about these girls and the way they approach their craft and career, because you'll be wrong every single time. Have a good day.

  • If you seen them on the red carpet had Danni and Pau showing leg to the cameras they really were uncomfortable I felt sorry for them as not their thing to be sexy like that. I agree they did mention they seamed a bit tired how far they traveled to the VMAs.

  • I bought the album and the lyrics of the songs is what Hits you the music you say is pop type but I disagree I remember glam rock pink Floyd queen Yes King Crimson Led Zeppelin deep purple Sweet Slade Black Sabbath Thin Lizzy Girls School Heart the Bangles they have lyrics that meant something and why people relate then their own style of music. Yes a Live Album would make things hit more but that is that same for all those bands. But as an album it isvery good if not the best out there right now.

  • Their new producer is really pushing them towards Commercial Pop Rock, $$$$ And their Drummer (Pau) is a huge pop fan & is also pushing for this, ,Dany ( the singer/ guitarist ) is the only real heavy Rocker in the group ,Now they even have writers ????& you can tell with this last Album (Keep me fed) It isn't as Technical as all their other albums not to mention lacking Quality , This band in the future will be in the Pop category solely relying on their looks,,And all their fan Boys ❤will still be there defending them no matter how soft their music becomes,,

  • The Warning is pop rock. But so were the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, The Talking Heads, Dire Straits and a lot of other great bands and individual performers. It doesn’t have to mean the songs have no merit. That being said,I do tend to like The Warning’s live performances that are less backing track heavy. My favorite songs from Keep Me Fed are Escapism, Satisfied, Consume and Que Mas Quieres, which they perform wonderfully live with minimal backing track assistance. People should check out their performances of the last three of those songs at Nimes France colosseum. Cell phone coverage, but shows how good they can play live with minimal backing track. And two of those songs they played live for the first time.

  • Hi Dave….Here is a link to The Warning at their recent Sold Out concert at the 8,000 seat Pepsi Center in Mexico City performing their version of Metallica's "Enter Sandman" with a professional String Section…Enjoy !

  • They've always had some backing tracks for some piano you hear in some of their songs, since they can't go jump on the piano when they are drumming or playing guitars, and also occasionally a backing vocal where for whatever reason, one of the other sisters isn't doing it, though usually they do. Bands like Rush always had additional tracks back in the day, because as a trio, they recorded all the music and vocals, but couldn't in concert. Some bands just don't want to add "tour" singers or backing instrumentalists to the mix, except for special occasions.

  • Ohh no not you again reacting to the TW. Thankfully I remember you from previous TW reaction so i save myself some positive vibes by not listening to you. Based on the comments you once again think you know whats best for TW or maybe just maybe you like to pick on young women musicians with your 'mansplaining' what they should do or not do.

  • IMHO, HYCAD or Sharks would have been higher energy. Still, this surely was the only rock act performing.

  • Great song. To me not overly commercial at all. One problem people ( a few) have with the Warning is that they had co- writers on the new. Album. Big deal. The co-writers help brainstorm ideas then the song was flushed out by the Warning. Nothing wrong with that. One song, the co- writer is their mother. Any of those not happy also were upset when they signed with a label. The Ladies goal was to sign with a label and tour the world. They are living their dream. Not trying to live the fans dream.

  • For at least the next couple months after this appearance, they are supposed to "take a break". Now, how much they actually relax is pretty much an open question; they are all "workaholics" and tend to push forward no matter what. I hope they take this time to just – as you noted – "switch off" and reconnect with friends and family back in Monterrey. Kick back, have a drink, and take in the sunset for a change. No matter what job you do, you can't do it 100% of the time… vacations are necessary for all of us.

    Regarding backing tracks… I think it depends on the band. For a three-piece, there are times they need some "filler material" to make a song sound the way they imagine it should sound, and as long as they themselves record the tracks, I've got no real problem with it. After all, it's still "them" playing the tune – just multiple iterations of themselves. And this is something musicians have done ever since recording technology became available; even in the "vinyl era" (or "wax era" if one wants to go even further back). Part of music has always been technological experimentation, not matter what tech we are talking about. Running click-tracks via Bluetooth to in-ear monitors from a laptop is small beans in modern context, and even a few carefully placed backing tracks here and there is perfectly fine.

    It's the people who rely on entirely recorded back sound and auto-tuned vocals that annoy the crap out of me; at least these ladies don't do any of that.

  • IMO, Rush is still the ultimate three-piece band, and they used triggered musical parts on many live pieces. These three young ladies are phenomenal – and as far as their detractors are concerned, they need to get a life!

  • Yea this is 100 percent not the video you want to see trying to criztrize them because like many performers there they are restricted with certain guidelines because they are on air…..if you gonna critique you should probably do a concert vid. I saw them in NYC in September they sold out both nights and buddy Danny held out a high vocal in her song called Choke while HITTING notes on her guitar not many people can do that and sound good. I haven't heard something raw like that since I saw FLorence the Machine live in madison square garden and my god that was amazing and dannyu was playing her guitar as well…same could be said with Pauline the drummer who sings and drums in some songs and sometimes its the whole song.

  • I thought a little stiff. If they could have had 2 songs they would have killed it. They stretched the ending out of the song, that was great. TW has used backing tracks all the way back on Queen of The Murder Scene. I think they use more on this album than any other one. They are still terrific live. I think this was their last gig until next year. When they have big shows in Mexico.

  • Yes, The Warning uses backing tracks. But if you listen to that section again I am pretty sure that is Pau. I think she was just a bit out of time. If you listen close, you can tell it isn't Dany or a track of Dany's voice. Can't even really hear it at all in fan cams. I think MTV pumped up the volume of Pau's mic on the video.
    Yes, they are tired, but I think the beginning of the song was a bit vanilla due to the cold start. They were just standing there on stage, not moving, for a while waiting for the host to finish talking. Yes, they are pros. Yes, they can 'flip the switch' to get going. But after this year, I still think it takes a bit of a running start for them to really start firing on all cylinders.

  • Te respeto por tu honestidad al decir que esto lo haces por las vistas, por dinero, aunque en eso de estar clasificando a las bandas que si son POP o METAL etc… me parece que no lleva a nada. Te gusta una banda o cantante o no te gusta, sea del género que sea. Si para algunos esto es POP, pues está muy bien, si es METAL, pues que bueno. Es apreciación. En lo particular, a mi me encanta su música, sus actuaciones y las personas que son. Creo que nadie tiene la última palabra ni es poseedor de la verdad.

  • Todo lo que oyes lo hacen ellas hasta las pistas de acompañamiento y jamas lo han ocultado negado como lo hacen muchas bandas y ellas armonizan en este en vivo no se por que no lo hicieron pero hay muchimos conciertos donde ellas armonizan en vivo

  • the girls from , The Warning,

    For my taste it is a rare mix of legendary rock groups like Suzi Quatro, Joan Jett and the Black Hearts and Heart.

    greetings from Mexico.

  • I like your analysis. The Warning have always used backing tracks in their live shows. My understanding is they create them themselves. The Tedx 2017 has them, Lunario has them, Teatro Metropolitan has them and the Pepsi Center has them. They are subtle and they can play without them if necessary. They also use a click track. Dany uses doubling and tripling effects on her guitar to make the sound bigger and fuller. They are Gen Z and have always been hooked into technology. They are about putting on a great show. But, if you watch their acoustic sets, they are fabulous musicians and singers without the technology, too.

  • As someone that really appreciates honesty I liked the video before the music even started. I really like their older music as well and hope they go back to that style a bit. Not that I don't like the new album but I do prefer the style of the last two albums.

  • After reading a ton of comments, I want to add one more: people seem to be very interested or excited about TW, what they do and what they don’t. That also makes them stand out. And of course I enjoy listening to their whole catalog.

  • No never heard a track there before… leave it to mtv to leave a track turned up that shouldn’t be.

  • Me gusto tu sinceridad con la reaccion y en mi opinion es que este ultimo album si es mas comercial que el ERROR y mas del QOAMS pero estoy seguro que asi se lo pidio la disquera y primero tienes que despegar para poder realmente sacar tus propios discos, me recuerda un poco a Rush de 1976 con el 2112, ellos se arriesgaron y les funciono pero la verdad es muy dificil, y volviendo a este ultimo disco en lo personal no es mi favorito pero si me agrada bastante y no lo considero para nada un album de pop rock sería mas bien hard rock, saludos!

  • They are sisters. They went viral as sisters. As students at berklee, they worked with lots of other musicians and learned that they far prefer to work with themselves.

    They do not and should not want another member.

    There are roughly 40 or so legendary rock power trios in history. No reason for any of them to add members.

  • I don't think it was a backing track. I think it was just echo & reverb blended in at specific times by the person doing the live mixing

  • I absolutely agree that they looked fatigued at the end of the North American tour. Pau especially shows this the most when she goes onto autopilot which contrasts hugely with the Pau we see on the likes of the Pepsi concert. Dany and Ale are pretty consistent though. As you say, though, the quality of the playing rarely suffers. On this performance they were fine, but we did get a few seconds of weirdness after the crowd interaction bit. It happened during the Wacken performance too where the click track ended up in the broadcast but not to the crowd. Same here. The fan cam footage sounds great! So. Yes to backing tracks and a big NO to a 4th member. Anyone who suggests that doesn't quite get it. A huge part of the appeal of The Warning is the sister thing! Its important.

  • Your reaction was a joke dude. You know not what you're talking about when it comes to this particular band. I would continue on but what's the use. Rock on! The Warning rocks!


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