Tuesday, March 4, 2025

the Yamaha Pacifica PAC012 Deep Dive Demo and Review

Get the Yamaha Pacifica PAC012 and other Electric guitars here:
???? Sweetwater https://imp.i114863.net/RyY36N
???? Zzounds https://www.zzounds.com/a–3985807
???? Amazon https://geni.us/YamPac012
???? Andertons https://bit.ly/3vbiTVz
???? Guitar Center https://guitar-center.pxf.io/oe7JA9
???? Thomann https://bit.ly/3B1VVTb
???? Reverb https://tidd.ly/3TMMySz
???? Ebay https://ebay.us/F7bxvx

Online music courses
*Spectre Academy* https://spectreacademy.net/?sld=lando27

Gear used in the recording:
Amp: Fender ’65 Princeton Reverb https://imp.i114863.net/RyK6Mb
Microphone: Sennheiser e906 https://imp.i114863.net/qnyyBY
Pedal: Boss SD-1 https://imp.i114863.net/BXezDW

0:00 – Sit down
0:18 – Deboxing
0:45 – What is it? and Where I got it
1:15 – Clean samples
2:15 – The Specs
3:18 – Dirty samples
4:00 – Measurements and inside the guitar
5:25 – My observations and thoughts
6:40 – Plastic

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*Affiliate Links:*
???? My Sweetwater Gear: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/2rG5VA
???? Fender https://fender.prf.hn/click/camref:1011lzDtv
???? Fender Play https://prf.hn/click/camref:1011lzDto
???? Obsidian Wire solderless wiring https://bit.ly/3T7gODY

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#Yamaha #Pacifica #PAC012 #Deep #Dive #Demo #Review

Originally posted by UC8xsdxRvwRvNyl74kLDaOnw at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=invzGJly7rk

45 thoughts on “the Yamaha Pacifica PAC012 Deep Dive Demo and Review

  • Nice of you to start off playing clean tones rather than overdrive like many do at the start. That way we can hear it's true sound. Worth spending that little extra if possible on buying the better models as I'm sure they would be for keeps for life.

  • Hiya, just bought myself one of these off of marketplace and was wondering, my low E string sounds buzzy and a bit metallicy. Any idea how to fix it?

  • I'm about to buy a 112J, slight step up, but only a couple of things mainly tuners, not that the 012 tuners are bad.

  • I dont know how to explain it… But it sounds very… Yamaha.. O.o kinda brought me back to my old RCA flashdrive style mp3 player. If that makes any sense at all

  • The latest models I've seen are coming with a mahogany body. Never heard of the wood you mentioned so I'm not sure if they are similar.

  • Thank you, Landon. I was unsure, but took the plunge and bought a Pacifica on the strength of your video and I am pleased with it.

  • I bought this guitar as Backup guitar. Added to my guitar collection. It’s quality crafted. Playable out of the box. For years I had an eye on getting a Yamaha electric. Although I have high end guitars (Fender, Gibson) the Yamaha strat style guitar has its own character sound. In the future, will swap the tuners for locking 6 in line tuners. All in all it’s a keeper.????

  • Thanks for the great review, Landon. I've got the sunburst one with black pickguard on the way. Super excited.

  • I have a Pacifica 112V. Bought it second hand. It is amazing. Very easy to play, holds tune perfectly and split coil on bridge PU is a plus.

  • I'm going to give the Squire and the Yamaha Pacifica a tie I have been playing fender over 20 years ago and I know how to work on and set up Fender bridges. Yamaha bridge is the same. I was able to get about 90 thousandth on one E and about 70 on feeler Guage in 12th fret bar that was as low as I could go with thick stri gs and no fret buzz strings are nice since I done a lowering job. I will play then 10s for 40 hours till they are worn out then I will swap to 9s and come down just a hair on bass E action but guitar action is set low as it can go without fret buzz and feels nice. I like the richness of the sound set aside from how easy the Yamaha bridge is to adjust. It's My very first Yamaha owning and not one complaint other than from factory the action was almost ungodly high but Younalways have to set guitars up so guitar is set up for Me and plays great. That's my review 5 star review tie with fender easy to set action and rich crisp sound and tone.

  • I got one I paid 180 bucks out the door didn't play it till I got home wasn't expecting much and was blow away basically blows ant fender products out of the water till the 1000 dollar range very great guitar

  • Well i got 012 & 212vqm and i love the 012 more, the ceramic pickup is better for hard rock and metal song.

  • I bought mine about 1990 first thing I did was take it to a guitar Luther and he set it up etc he said to me it was much better sounding than many a fender he has set up so I thought wow I’m lucky I got a good one as they were so cheap. 30 yrs later I have toyed with idea of bastardising it in a quest to upgrade like fender traditional pickups etc BUT I keep hearing the latherers words with what it has it’s so much better sounding than many a fender. I think well it’s all subject to an individuals ear but his is better than mine lol anyone else who has played it also says it is quality. Coupled with if it ain’t broke etc. so confused lol. ????

  • I'm surrounded by great Yamaha instruments. In college, I'd practice on a Yamaha baby grand. That thing sparkled and sounded BRIGHT, especially compared to the steinways in the other practice rooms and concert hall.

    When I started recording, my main workstation was and still is a Yamaha MOX88. When I gigged, I would take my MOX and I also had a kick ass 80s era DX7 synth.

    When I became a music teacher for a district that got a bunch of cash for the arts, I bought all Yamaha instruments- Trumpets, Tuba (they can easily cost $7,000 each- same for Bari Saxophones), tenor/alto saxes, flutes, clarinets and a bunch of Yamaha percussion. They all are going strong after several years of student abuse.

    I can't say enough about Yamaha acoustic and electric guitars as well.

  • I have always liked these for their sound and quality at the price. Never owned one though. Looks like a beginners toy. Looks cheap and boring. Should that matter? Maybe not, but for many of us it does. Especially with all the new companies putting out super classy looking guitars that also sound good in the budget range.

  • Great review Landon ! Can you please recommend?
    Confused between the Pacifica 012 vs Epiphone sg special ve ????

  • wow thank you i think im gonna get one and ill come back to this vid when im half decent at playing haha

  • Hey, I just picked one of these up at a local store for $99 used. I was looking more at the Epiphone SG special, or Squier Strat, but do you still think this is the best if those three for the peice?

  • Hi Landon, that was a very thourough review.
    Did you have to adjust the intonation, the truss rod or the bridge heights in any way.
    If so did it need much or was the general set-up good straight out of the box. I've heard that another string tree for the D string, on the headstock might be a good DIY addition.
    I'll probably buy a Pacifica 112V…but in that dark beautiful blue color.
    Great video.

  • It would have been nice if you had compared them instead of just reviewing the Pacifica. That way I could hear the tone of both side by side on the same amp with the same settings instead of going to another video and potentially hearing the squiers sound with a different amp and on different settings. Other than that it was a great video

  • I upgraded the nut and the saddles on mine… I could dive bomb left to right on this guitar without it even effecting the tuning. Very good guitar for only 200 dollars with 50 dollars in upgrades. Hell I'm thinking of putting a floyd rose on mine ????

  • My first electric was a Yamaha ERG 112 C I got in a starter kit 20 years ago at Costco. I actually just sold it this past spring. I had to move it on to make room for more guitars which is now a collection of 14.

  • Thanks for the advice and info. I’ve watched a few videos about this model but I think this one sold me.

  • This is an entry-level superstrat from Yamaha, I have the same one in black I like it it's my first guitar

  • I have a chance to get one soon, and I think I will based on this review. I've had a THR10 practice amp for years, and that little thing is my go to amp for bedroom levels. If you have a chance to get one, snag it!!

  • I've had my Yamaha Pacifica 012 since Feburary 28th, and I have zero complaints about it. When I got it, it was already perfectly set up. No scratchy frets, no buzzy frets (just bad factory strings), perfectly intonated, action is perfect, etc. Whenever someone is beginning their guitar journey, I beg for them to buy this guitar. I absolutely love it.

  • Hi Landon, and what about Yamaha EG012, my is made in China.. your is Indonesian.?? also I would say its ok.. quality and nice sound.. whats your opinion on Yamaha EG012 ?


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