Wednesday, March 12, 2025
BassBass Amps

THIS AMP IS A SLUDGE MACHINE! – The Amp Museum #1: Peavey Centurion Mark III Full Review

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We are now bringing you full reviews of our amplifiers on this channel! Also, we are going to start a Website soon, which is supposed to be kind of like an Encyclopedia of all the amps I encounter, with descriptions, reviews, pictures and everything in between.

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Signal Chain:

Hondo H732ML Deluxe Series

Peavey Centurion Mark III Series

Peavey 215

Mic´d with a Shure sm57 up close, and a Brauner Phanthera for ambience/room.
No eq, compression or other effects where used!

If you have any questions please comment down below!




#AMP #SLUDGE #MACHINE #Amp #Museum #Peavey #Centurion #Mark #III #Full #Review

Originally posted by UCu1BZ_72jfWa3GfYUdz1T3g at

23 thoughts on “THIS AMP IS A SLUDGE MACHINE! – The Amp Museum #1: Peavey Centurion Mark III Full Review

  • Why am I just looking at it on guitar center and not ordering it? Oh I’m poor, no worries though, it’s at a poor man’s price. As u can tell I’m very… ???????????? torn, u see

  • Very cool. Tweaking and blending the two channels seems like it would give you an even crazier amount of sounds. You could blend in a clean bottom end with dirty mids for a classic rock tone or fatten the entire thing up for a stoner rock tone.

  • It's an ingenious amp. There's just so much useful stuff and more flexibility in tone shaping.

  • Sold me, just picked one up. Gonna try and see if I can use the 15" speaker and my combo's 12" to round out the sound. Play in a filthy sludge band in A Standard so pretty excited for this baddie.

  • Great discovery, Great Video ????✌ I love mine also. My 1st head. That is why I still have it from 1981, FORTY YEARS. Very well made sturdy in USA not China. It was designed by Peavey for boosted upper level frequency response. So it tends to be "Bright" Mid to High Hz & Crisp OD vs "Muddy" fat low distortion. Before Soundgarden, Metallica, Pantera, Drop D, Grunge. Think Scorps, UFO, late 70's EARLY 80's. Brian May or EVH, the Edge or Lifeson, Santana or Montrose ( Gallien Krueger ). Everybody wanted the Marshall Stack visual onstage, but remember EVH could have had ANYBODY for the 5150. Eddie chose Peavey. Have you seen the YouTube of a tiny Rage 158 ( 15W x 8" ) "transtube" driving a Marshall 1960 4×12 like a BEAST !? Anyway, again, Cool Vid !!!

  • Do you find the distortion sounds "crackly" at all in person? I have a mark 3 standard and my speakers sound a bit crackly with it at loud volumes

  • Just played my buddies Centurion through my Peavey ms412 and holy cow. It worked well with my bass and with a few pedals to clean it up. The automix is really pretty good.

  • My first hi wattage amp in the highschool band mine had a 4×12 cab.. I shortly later obtained a Vox Super Beatle that i played together with it.. ultimately I went to Voxes.. I don't remember what happened to it?? I think my mom gave it away? I wouldn't mind finding another one.. doubt it will replace my AC-30's though.. last Peavey I had was a scorpion equipped Stereo Chorus.. now that one I am seriously trying to find.. it's like a Roland Jazz Chorus.. but imo better..

  • Again great work my friend.I think I made the best choice and ordered that monster.i like your cab also but 1×15 or 2×15 aren't for bass? I am a begginer so I don't know much.

  • Recently started using a Peavey PA200 as a guitar amp for my doom band, works very well and only cost me £50!

  • My favourite feature on these old Peavey amps is the possibility to use an ABY pedal to play the two channels separatly or together. On addition with Fuzz/Distortions and OD, its incredible loud and heavy with a lot of combinations.

  • Cooles Video!
    Die alten Peaveys sind absolut unterschätzt. Der Centurion hat aber laut Peavey 130W. Mein Century 200H hat 100W, einer meiner Lieblingsamps! Ich hab auch noch einen Standard 260, der auch verdammt laut ist, aber nur als Pedalplattform, weil die eigene Zerre ziemlich beschissen ist.


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