This amp is Josh Homme’s secret to great guitar tone!? #guitar #queensofthestoneage #namm2025
Check out the new Peavey Josh Homme Decade TOO at NAMM 2025!
#amp #Josh #Hommes #secret #great #guitar #tone #guitar #queensofthestoneage #namm2025
Originally posted by UCSNxIry_FPFcQDFRbi3VOAw at
Looks like similar size as my JSX Mini Colossal. I bought it to expect JSX sound-ish but it is nothing like the real JSX. It's a vintage amp on a small combo, JSX is modern. Just kept my Mini for collection
I have my late dad's peavey 130 special still sounds great
Still sounds. . hmmm.
My first amp was a plywood box, five speakers out of a Dodge Neon and a Peavey Rage unit taken out of a water logged combo 1×8… It actually sounded quite good for what it was! I learned so much of my earliest guitar on that thing so it has a special place in my heart.
my first amp!!!!
Sounds like an MS2 that has been dropped in a bath.
Hartley Peavey said that he would never do any reissues because they are always looking forward, not back. It must be his dimwit son in law pulling these strings.
My dad has an '81 model
Sounds like you’ve plugged it into a car stereo
Idk. They seem to be about 20 years too late to the party. They should have been selling these when queens was on a thing people used to listen to called the radio every hour and on a channel people used to watch called mtv.
Here’s why the original was popular. It’s folklore/nostalgia internet legend/hype. People on the internet find out Queens, recorded with it, people get GAS and have to have it. It’s a rare item on the used market. When you buy one you got to keep it until you find someone else who wants to buy it. There’s a bunch for outrageous prices on the internet. People ain’t buying them for what people are asking.
Here’s why the used market works and the re release is going to fail. When you buy a genuine original 1980s peavy practice amp you’re stuck with it. Once the novelty runs out and you got a 1980s peavy practice amp…. You got a 1980s peavy practice amp. You can’t return it. You can only hope that some other guitar player has enough GAS to at least pay what you spent on it, ship it to him and make it his problem.
With the re issue. I can go to guitar center, put it on my credit card, and I have 45 days to return it. So I get it on day 1 I’m in love!!! Play a bunch of queens. Then the honey moon fades. Queens fans are 40 years old. We got real amps that the peavy can’t replace. It’s not loud enough to use in a bands you say hey that was fun but not $250 fun and it goes right back to guitar center and Anderson’s
Peavey has a couple other new amps and everyone is obsessed with this crappy practice amp
Well, they saw the Reverb prices and decided to re-release it ????
Kinda crazy that amp is now so desired. I have an old one sitting in a corner somewhere
Wish they still made Peavey Predators.
Are the new ones made in China like most of Peavey's lineup these days? The original ones were made in Meridian, Mississippi, so maybe I'll stick with the pawn shop and craisgslist finds.
They even had a Josh lookylike to demo????
Can i have one
Well, it sounds just as good as the Dumble…
Sounds as bad as it looks. I am old enough to remember the old peavey combos from the 80s. Horrendous things
I have 3 peavey amps and they are all killer tone machines.
Looks similar to the old backstage plus amps, that slightly fuzzy sound is so cool