This bass has a secret… | Warwick RB Corvette Taranis [Review/Demo]
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Line 6 HX Stomp:
Background music by Nova Mora
#bass #secret.. #Warwick #Corvette #Taranis #ReviewDemo
Originally posted by UCuhsqwW-9-XDRnTCUy9NWwg at
I like how you treat your bass (yk what I mean????)
A lot of money for a Chinese bass imho
If thats a full emg system in there, I would throw in a second 9v battery to get som extra headroom for the bass boost knob
string spagin looks a little mesed up to me. Is this on purpose?
Bss manufacturers need to sopt ruin their product by building them in Asia. If I'm putting money on a Warwick, I want it to be made in Germany. Simple.
Ugly headstock whew. Beautifull sound.
Wait I don’t buy the “Never heard of this issue” bit.. who designed the knobs? Surely they know the outer knob cover is glued? Surely it has happened to somebody..I mean you have to take the knobs off to get the control knob information plastic off!
I’m interested in knowing the string gauge and scale of bass strings to use in this bass for drop c tuning (CGCF) tuning. Seeing that it’s 35” inch scale, maybe extra/super long scale strings need to be purchased? The only thing i can’t figure out is the optimal string gauge for this tuning in this scale. Any help?
Dionne War Wick , what a singer,
she makes awesome bass geetars .
Sounds awful…..
uneven string spacing
**Rock Bass has been upgraded**
My dream bass. I love this bass. Sounds amazing, looks amazing. Just beauty all around.
Put your face closer to the camera please.
How about the model with passive MEC vintage humbucker pickups?
Not worth that price ,,,no way
Don’t know what you’re talking about my rock bass is one of the best I own fenders and squires as well smh
Which bassline is played from 7:50 min on?
Among my Warwick collection, I have a Rockbass fretless Streamer. All I can say is, if you haven't, you're missing out.
I know this is an obvious question, but did you check the battery?
I was about to say Dingwall are way more expensive that £1000.
Break out the Slipknot riffs.
The standard Dingwalls are made in China, they are very, very good!
The super secret is at the 0:49 mark
Pssst! You can use BEAD strings with any 4 string bass, they don't even check it 😉
I have a Korean Warwick Thumb 4, that I tune BEAD, and it sounds great. You don't need a special bass for this.
i would put darkglass electornics into it and save it that way, still an expensive piece of kit but it will be outstandiing with it
The Thumb bass is like a white guy when the Corvette is like a black man………if you know what I mean????
Nice playback at 9.23…
My corvette rb 5 string is one of the best basses I own. Over some far more expensive ones even. It has the regular mec pickups though and I think that may be the difference here? I have 2 esp 5 strings both with emg's and they were great back when i was younger playing in metal bands but I find myself never playing them anymore. The tone I get out of my stingrays and my $550 corvette, YEAH! $550 active 5 string rockbass, not the old one that says ROCKBASS all over the headstock, looks just like this one without the soap bars. 550. Probably 10 years ago, brand new, right off the wall. Now see them for over 1000 online only. I don't know why the price spiked so much. Also I want to say mine was made Indonesia? I'll have to check when I get home tomorrow. Also just like this one the eq is very different. I can't turn the bass boost up or its just way too much and clips my head. I turn it to the halfway notch and then a up just a little bit from there. The treble I can easily run at full tilt unless I'm slapping and it sounds great. My Ray34 is kinda the opposite. Anymore than the halfway notch it becomes ridiculous and I like a lot of treble in my tone. Don't give up on Warwick. I think it's those pickups. The tone you had going at the start of this video was pretty damn good I'd say. I might just have to invest whatever that line6 modeling pedal is that you use. My hatred for p-basses runs deep and you can make them tolerable with that thing. Anyway, sorry for the novel.
Change the preamp!
I'm old school Warwick and own a few, including a couple of Rockbass, but im not a big Corvette fan for some reason.
Not worth it!!!