Monday, February 24, 2025

This guitar can sound like ANYTHING!

Click HERE to check it out:

This is the coolest most fun guitar i’ve ever played. I’m not a great keyboard player, so being able to load up a piano sound or organ, or string or synth, or trumpet or literally anything I want and then play my licks is amazing.

It sparks SO much creativity, and since i’ve got it I’ve spent HOURS non stop playing around with this thing.

I first tried it the NAMM music conference a few months ago, and I was blown away. I had to get one. I’ve always dreamt of something like this, but never though it was possible.

If you’re interested, the JAMSTIK company gave me a promo code “roy15” to give you guys for an extra 15% off. Enjoy!

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#guitar #sound

Originally posted by UC7fK9bfLXpVpM83RUFA_jjw at

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