Sunday, March 16, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

This is my FAVOURITE Amp of the Year – the Fender Deluxe Reverb

TrueFire’s best All Access deal ever affiliate link for Deluxe Reverb Reissue

For my Presets visit:
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Use the code JNC40 for a 40% discount.

00:00 I grabbed this original ODR1 – it’s a bit special
00:12 Truefire best deal for All Access
00:30 jamming on the Deluxe Reverb with a Nobels ODR1
2:45 this is a bog standard Deluxe Reverb Reissue
3:30 problems with my amp
4:12 jamming on Old Love at the Ship Inn, Lyme Regis
6:00 oodles of headroom
6:25 too loud for home use?
7:00 what everyone else in the house has to hear
9:30 volume on 2 is still NICE at home
12:00 any suggestions for your favourite amps?
12:50 Boss GE7 into Nobels ODR1 into Deluxe Reverb you can get my backing tracks and lesson tabs here. – if you like what I do and
only if you wanted, you could buy me a coffee!

Get my PADs bundle here: (this folder will grow, and I’d encourage you to ask for different keys/songs and stuff that might suit this type of preset?)

I’ve decided to make it possible to grab both my Helix/HX Stomp bundles (the expression bundle with freeze presets has always been separate) together for £5 – – I will then email you a link to both bundles!

Try my general patches for Helix or HX Stomp in this bundle for £3 using this link – I will then send out the patches!

You can get my EXPRESSION patches in this bundle using this link – I will then send out the patches!

Try my patches for Pod GO for £3 using this link – I will then send out the patches! get my backing tracks here – if you like what I do and
only if you wanted, you could buy me a coffee!

#FAVOURITE #Amp #Year #Fender #Deluxe #Reverb

Originally posted by UCkL4v-tohdDZX7kzmL9b2UA at

21 thoughts on “This is my FAVOURITE Amp of the Year – the Fender Deluxe Reverb

  • Love my DRRI. However I use a 72 champ at home. Can’t run the Deluxe at good levels in the house with kids

  • For home volume I 3Med a Tone King Iron Man mini in the back of the cab. You need a good right angle adapter for the speaker input but it works really well where it just always sits back there snug in the cab at -11 or -14 db and sounds awesome on 4 on the volume!

  • I mostly use mine at home but I've put in a 5y3 rectifer tube in it based on my local amp tech's recommendation. It quietens it down a bit and gives it more compression earlier. I suppose it's somewhere between a Princeton and a Deluxe with the normal 5AR4 rectifier. I also had the bright cap made switchable using the dummy ground switch that came on the old DRRIs, and I switched out the Jensen for a Celestion Vintage 30 12". Finally I put a Joyo American pedal in front of it so I can voice it with a little more midrange if I want, or more break up at lower volumes. It sounds absolutley beautiful to my ears. You want it hotter for a bigger room, put the 5AR4 back in it. I think it's the perfect amp. And I really don't think it's all that heavy.. really!

  • I have a 2008 DRRI – amazing amp. You can't go wrong and they arevery affordabld. I find the sweet spot is about 5-6 on the volume. Roll off the bass and raise tge treble for amazing crun h tones: yes it's a real rock machine!

  • My custom Deluxe is my amp of the year. A Princeton may well be your sweet spot, though I did just see a guy gigging a ‘76 Vibro Champ for his pedal steel.

  • For me after all the amps/modellers/pedals/guitars it basically goes back to a Strat into A Deluxe Reverb 🙂

  • The tonemasters are really nice. I have the blonde one, a DRRI and a 73 Pro reverb. I play the tone master the most.

  • The deluxe reverb is real sensitive to speaker swaps. I have a 67 that still has the bright cap but I have a celestion 55hz (bass cone) G12H30 in it and it sounds great even at lower volumes on that 2nd channel. I actually prefer the second channel over the 1st channel. But really any black face style amp is great. Princeton reverb as well. Vibroluxe reverb, super, pro, twin etc etc. just depends on your volume requirement. The deluxe is my favorite all arounder along with the Princeton .

  • Should definitely try the Vibro Champ (the recent '68reissue has 10" speaker) or, better, a vintage Vibro Champ (8" speaker, but hand wired). Also, I got a hand-wired reissue of the '57 Fender Champ (tweed style, 8" speaker) last week and have been delighted by how loud it can get (I rarely get above 3 or 4), and by how the clean tones are round, dimensional and full of character.

  • Yeah '65 DRRI is common here as is Hot Rod Deluxe/Deville and '59 Bassman RI/LTD. Even '65 TRRI is actually.

    If you never use Tremolo, Super-Sonic 22 is a DRRI with TMB and legit high-gain stages, deep switch on the Normal.

  • They are my least favourite amps of all time. The bright cap is a nightmare and I can't get on with the total lack of compression. I think the Tonemaster is a much better bet for the real world. Sure it doesn't have the magic valve harmonics when you crank it and slam the front end, but most people don't get to play that loud. The Tonemaster gives a consistent controllable sound at lower volumes and the D.I output sounds thick and lovely coming back through the monitors.

  • Hey John, why go for a Champ if you like this amp? Howabout placing the amp in a cupboard or wardrobe or even better a bit of carpentry and make a wooden box to house the amp and mic then you can crank the amp more without louder sound levels?

  • You should try the Tonemaster Deluxe Reverb John. I use it with my HX effects. use the attenuator 1 or 5 watt..volume at sings. ???? Br/ John E.


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