This Is The BEST Guitar Scale You Can Practice #shorts
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#Guitar #Scale #Practice #shorts
Originally posted by UCmnlTWVJysjWPFiZhQ5uudg at
What guitar is that?
So many variations on one song but top secret? Can't take my eyes off you, YOUR WAY PLS?!!
Hi marty thanks for the mini lesson, was just letting you know i was wiping my ass while staring into your eyes towards the end of the video. hope you are having a great day ????
Great clip young man! Thanks
Why do your slides sound so much better than mine ????
i learned this when i was like 7, never met anyone who knew that scale which was weird to me. In recent years ive been working on my pinky dexterity, and playing this scale but switching to your middle and pinky finger when you get to the 8th fret b string was a MAJOR key to me being able to begin using my pinky.
Love how Marty looks straight at the camera almost “in a trance” this is his muscle memory engaging to play exactly what he wants the way his muscle memory knows the movements. Sometimes with guitar or any instrument use your sight to match the notes,finger positions or in general the motion they give your the sound you desire. Great example for don’t watch your (left hand) or (right) if left handed. Watch untill you get desired sound then try with your eyes closed. Your muscle memory is faster than your eyes and brain can manage to send the memo…. So once it’s sounding good, only look when it sounds bad! Adjust by looking, then continue. Achieve the muscle memory of the sounds that are desireable, don’t just rely on eyesight because as your advance , eyes becomes intermittently useful to the feel(of your hands and body. Not everyone can play well, or how they want to play, by their body remaining still . Some must feel the music as opposed to just playing it…
those are blue notes you slide on, me thinks
Wow! I suddenly feel like I can move up and down the neck with ease. Game changing, thank you!
Yeah, fuck the spider walk. This one looks fun, gonna check it out. Thxxxx ????????
Great professor!
One minute worth more than 3 hours elsewhere.
This is awesome
That is amazing
Marty we love you keep bringing your very informative lessons you make it sound so easy a true Master of the Guitar ive learned a lot from you thank you Sir
Cool something new to get down and practice thank you. So many people on here so many different technic's I just wanna keep it simple. So much stuff for one instrument it's insane.
Love me some GOOSE-NECKIN', MEAN-MUGGIN' Martin EFFING Schwartzkoff.
I bought a guitar to punish my Ma like Pink Floyd suggested. All I've accomplished is punishing myself.
Good one.
You can apply this to 3 minor chords and… boom you are soloing over the neck with limited knowledge
C major –
Play Dm, Em, Am, with the shape Marty used.
(Use the F and G triads as triad pairs as the shapes are the same and a time apart. Good for double stops.)
You could also use a Am and Gm in the same way Marty did over a C7 chord.
Essentially just superimposing pentatonics.
love you marty, you the best teacher i ever had, thx from argentina
0:33 if she aint looking at me like Marty , i dont want her
Love Marty dudes the best teacher
Hey o j ease up a little on the hat fret hand you are holding a guitar not Nicole Brown simpson
Just found you out man. You make everything seem so much easier and wothout a doubt a proper way to teach. Thank you so so much! ????
I’m trying to import this video into the Boss Pocket GT but it won’t post correctly. It seems the short videos have issues. Any idea why or how to solve this issue, anyone?
Excellent video!
You gave that scale soul Marty
Diagrams are a thing, some of us are neurodivergent.
Thank you, Marty!
Dawgs channel is fire
Thanks for teaching Marty
How’s too fast
Wow mean as bro