Monday, March 10, 2025

48 thoughts on “This is the loudest guitar amp I’ve ever played

  • Gotcha on not being able to imagine standing in front of a full (or multiple!) stacks. Later on, guitarists would get their tone from smaller amps, run the signal through the PA, but have a stage full of empty Marshall cabinets for looks.

  • “we started to see Marshall amps coming over from England. Cream played them; we knew Jimi Hendrix used them because we had opened for him. So we bought a load of the original 100-watt Super Lead heads. We got six of them and two 200-watt bass heads. They were terrific-sounding amplifiers, but incredibly inconsistent; we blew them up regularly. You might get two or three shows out of them and then they’d go up in smoke. We’d have two sets of Marshalls with us on the road and one set in the shop all the time.”
    -Wayne Kramer -MC5

  • While it is historical, there is no reason for amps to be made this loud anymore. I think it’s honestly a much bigger problem than anyone wants to admit. I tried one of the smaller Friedman Jerry, Cantrell amps a while back, and while it sounded incredible, it had no more than a few millimeters of travel on the volume knob to go from completely silent to unusably loud. I’ve been in a couple situations with my 40 W fender amp where the level I was required to play at was literally just before the power section cut out entirely. Amps, that are this loud are dangerous enough to be considered weapons, and I just don’t understand why the industry hasn’t moved away from it.

  • I played a gig with my classic rock tribute band with my marshall vintage modern full stack on stage out side at a benefit for woinded wareior project and man its amazing playing with a full marshall tube stack at 8 crabked up and its just co concusive you can feel it thrlugh your whole body you are literally one aith your guitar tone and man it was awsome thats the few gigs i got to do woth my vibtage modern behind me on stage dimed out or cloae to it depends on song. When i do Jimi Hendrix covers i dimed it out with a fender strat.

  • Stage monitors for vocals have to be good and loud enough to cut through the guitar but blend perfectly. Soundcheck anyone?

  • So how did the singers mic pick up their voice and not just loads of guitar. What about the drum kit, because These amps were made so loud because of the lack of decent PAs to mix them up with?

  • they call them 100watt amps but its more like 120-140 in some dad had two full stacks wen i was a kid. talk about loud! but the amp i liked the most was his matchless. it only pushed 30watts but was insanely loud!

  • My brother had this Mesa combo that had a single 12 but could power a cab too. Didn't sound like a plexi though.

  • I wonder if van Halen toured with that on the early eighties I left their show because it was too loud he had a wall of stuff I couldn't hear the music it was distorting my mind it was horrible????????????

  • What is also amazing to me is a certain (MB) 25watt 2 power tube amp of today, with the right speaker (EVM 12L) can easily hit 105DB+, which is way louder than I want to play????. 100DB is about my limit.

    Played Inside, this Marshall is instant hearing damage, Jimi didn’t use earplugs, granted he got to be 20’+ away at an outside venue using a triple stack, but he used this amp inside too single stack…so did Pete T. & Eric/ Jack.

    Then Blackmore came along to Jim Marshall and said, “can you get me more power?he used the Marshall major! 4 KT-88’s
    are way more intense than 4EL-34’s

    I got to play a major once outside on bass, ideal for that, but just absurd for guitar

    I have a Music man 75, 2 EL-34 SS pre-amp and rectifier, that through the EVM was a legit 115DB, through the 130 watt MM 4 tubes easily rivaled the super lead in volume (if not tone, nothing beats the Marshall there). Another monster is the American Ampeg V-4,
    And the stones used the 6 KT -88 SVT…..for guitar???? they played them pretty clean though. Jimi with a single coil guitar, that amp made the single coils sound like a humbucker …..and the 60 cycle hum from that when he stopped playing it was still 95DB????. Exactly why I cannot use single coils or play with out a gate I find the 60 cycle extremely distracting

  • Isn’t that basically the same amp that Angus Young used on “Let There Be Rock”, Which literally caught fire during the solo?

  • Remember how Kossoff used to lean back against his monitors of his super lead as he played on stage? Holy shit that must have felt crazy!!!!

  • These amps are realistically for major outdoor music festivals before the whole micing up the amp thing.

  • I used to play one in the 70"s, played standing in front a full stack on 10. All my cells would separate and you could see thru me.

  • I've been playing out a long time and in 1973 I played through four Fender super Reverb I'll put up against anything

  • Hook it up with a tele in bridge mode and you will experience your ears being attacked by flying scissors ✂️

  • One would have to take the proper acid to use these. And the doors of perception might open faster than you think.

  • Every one uses plastic Pa cabs and kemper amps the volume is turned down glad I was young in the 70s and used full sacks and folded wood Pa cabs

  • I made a 6V6 plexi, based on Mark Huss schem, wired in a 1977 1960a with blackbacks, incredibly loud as well, and only 22 Watts moving your chest.

  • I have a 71 super watt, cranked it up when i still lived at home and got yelled at because some plates up stairs came off the walls and shattered ???? totally worth it to 13 year old me

  • My 1971 Hiwatt DR103 eats old Marshall Plexis for breakfast, lunch and dinner from a volume perspective. Hard to know what they were thinking back then. ????

  • That's when I was a teen. Good times. Whad ja say? Huh? What's that? Speak up, boy!

  • When you can lean back and the thump in the air keeps you upright… Remember your earplugs!

  • Got a '70 in '76. Loud AF but took 9 b4 sounding like a Marshall. An electronics store in A2 installed a master on back panel. Prob solved. Sounded amazing on 2; 4 plenty loud enuff @ avg size gig.


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