THOMASTIK-INFELD Jazz Flat Wound Bass Strings Review
The Thomastik-Infeld Jazz Flatwound Bass Strings are the go-to string for many pro bass players, and have a sound that is iconic. But are they worth the higher price than what you’d pay for strings by another brand? Find out in this review. More info…
Order your Thomastik-Infeld Jazz Flat Wound Bass Strings from Amazon:
Order your Thomastik-Infeld Jazz Flat Wound Bass Strings from Reverb:
The bass I used in this video is a Fender Road Worn 50’s Precision Bass in Fiesta Red.
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// Chapter Markers…
Fingerstyle Demo – 00:11
Introduction – 01:05
About Thomastik-Infeld – 02:03
About these strings – 03:00
Flats I’ve tried – 03:24
About flats – 04:38
Pick Demo – 06:59
Mix Demo – 10:14
About Carol Kaye – 10:57
Deep Thump Demo – 13:08
My assessment and experience with these strings – 14:00
Verdict: Are they worth the extra money? – 15:36
Closing – 16:57
End screen – 17:42
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#thomastikinfeld #thomastik #flatwound
#THOMASTIKINFELD #Jazz #Flat #Wound #Bass #Strings #Review
Originally posted by UCGo75Eq5G-0QF_LgdHaVVUA at
Revisiting this video after putting a set of TI's on my Fender “Bingo” Jaguar Bass (with Duncan Quarter Pound PJ pickups). These had previously been on three other basses and they never quite “clicked” with me.
Recently, I had decided to give them a shot on my “Bingo” bass because my band had a recording session coming up and I wanted a flatwound tone for the specific song we were recording.
The producer loved how they recorded because he didn’t have to do ANY EQ adjustment (only slight compression) and the strings cut through very well. This has given me a change of heart on these strings so much that I want to buy a few more sets to put on some other basses (including my Höfner Club).
Went to flats when I picked up my bass again after 2 decades, as my fingers weren't used anymore. I love them for less noise, and I can get a good "modern" sound as well.
Would love to try these, but I couldn't be happier with my LaBella deep talking 53 gauge. Wanting to support my local shops I had been talked into dr chromes and lighter gauges, but didn't do the thing for me. But you need a seriously strong bass neck to get a good action. Going from 55 rounds to those flats was the most I ever had to tighten a truss rod, did it over multiple days. So don't know if I can recommend to everyone.
Thank you Sir
They’re on sale at sweetwater at the moment. So I had to get another set.
Great review. Fixing to put on a set on my 5 string squire Classic Vibe 70’s Jazz V. Can’t wait to try them.
What up brotha! It's been years since I've had TI Flats, but I think the time has come for another set. Hope you are doing well my friend!
I totally expected to like the Labella's better but I think I like the chromes a touch more. Especially if they were going on a jazz bass, I'd go with the
Wow…these sound excellent. I have Fender 50 flats on my main bass, Ernie Ball flats on my other main bass, and Chromes on my backup bass. These have a rich clarity that is well defined. Nice.
I’ve been using them since the late seventies. They really do get better with age. I use 100/43 gauge. I have an extra brand new set in my case. So if I feel like it I might put them on for maybe 2 or so months. I play a 2014 road worn fiesta red, bought at Sam Ash on Sunset. I fell in love with the neck and that was that. I didn’t care about the made in Mexico thing anymore. I traded a Bullet deluxe long scale USA made. Out the door I went. I got a guy to make me an antique white pick guard and picked up a badass bass ll bridge. I was good to go. Thank you for your videos.
Last winter I got a JF344 set that I didn’t care for at the time because they were so low tension. But about a month ago one of the chromes failed on my Jazz and out of necessity I threw these back on and have been extremely happy with the results. It took a while to adapt to them but I love the tone and I’m finding I can handle 3+ hour sets with no hand fatigue.
This is a good review
Best choice Man, my favorites strings on my fretless.
Just found this review. Thanks! Great. Will use the TI on a short scale. God Bless.
I have them on my jazz with a maple neck now for 2 years the same set and they are still great but have lost some mids perhaps. Still love them
Carol Kaye Plays jazz guitar as well, and use Thomastic-Infeld flast gauge strings on her guitars, including a solid body Ibanez. Those gauges are:12-50. I use use Thomastik–Infield on all my basses, Telecasters with humbuckers, and Les Paul's.Same gauges 12-50. Never went back to anything else. Tried them all. Thanks for posting this video.
All my basses are strung with Thomastik strings. Including my Fender February 1964 Jazz Bass all original, and my Fender 62 PBass. Over the years I have used loads of different strings from wire to flat. But these are the best strings ever to play and the tone gets even better with age. Well worth the price tag. Great summary by the way.
How do these strings react to being tuned down a half step? Do they get very floppy? Great video btw
Love the TI line Flats and Rounds.. I encourage people to try the rounds if you like rich full but not bright strings that last a while.
That mic makes your voice sound ????
Are they as "floppy" as some say? or at least stiffer than the common ernie rounds? (i like some stiffness) i'm getting a Jack Casady Epiphone on the way but don't know if i should get the TI's or La Bella's. Appreciate any help here ????
Great review and nice playing.
I don't understand why people say that Jazzbass and flats are not a good match…. i know a great player who played Jbass with flats … his name is Jaco Pastorius and he had a killing/distinctive tone! Stick to roundwounds if your playind Punk/hardRock and if your playind Metal don't buy a jazz bass and focus on active electronic and a B low string
How is the tension? I've been using Chromes but I find them really stiff and hard on the right hand. I'm looking for something a little more forgiving.
how stiff are the strings??
A friend of mine gave me a couple of sets of TI's that he took off his bass guitars and sent them to me so I can try them out. They were very worn in and had been on his basis for several years and they still sound good and smooth. I think this must be what chocolate sounds like! ????
The Ti,s are easier to play, Chromes and Roto sound are good but very stiff
Now they cost $100 shipped. Just ordered a set to use with my fretless kiloton. I love the LaBella LTF on my P bass, so I'm anxious to see if these are really worth twice the price of the LaBellas.
Haha, each of my thomastik cello strings costs same or more then a set of their bass guitar strings. I wonder how they've achieved it. Was expecting at least 4-5 times the price.
That said, I so much love thomastik cello strings, I can't express it enough!
Played them for few months in a hardcore/punk bands and they worked perfectly. Perfect tone with P bass, I only needed to get used to lower tension.
Last week i tried to switch to roundwounds – to check if they wont be better. Couldnt stand them, Im in love with flats forever.
I have a Squire 70's vibe and also a Schecter Riot Session 4 with these strings. They take a few weeks to break in but once they do it's like enjoying your favorite cup of coffee to savor. They have an outstanding tone, very full, deep and rich to very high with no real quick erosion of the tone. I've had the Squire for about 7 yrs, changed a set after 2 (didn't really need to), and the Schecter I switched to these strings before I even played it. These have lasted me almost 6 years now and sound just as good as they did after the short break in period. I'm just an enthusiast who plays when I can, not a pro by any stretch, but if you have an ear for music and believe in you get what you pay for, these pay off in spades!! Outstanding strings!!
They are my favorite flat wound string. They are very flexible. If you hold one up in the middle they hang down like a round wound string and this makes them very comfortable to play.
Thanks, just brought a set for my Hagstrom Viking on your recommendation put them on tomorrow thanks.. ????????????