Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Tim Henson Showcases His Nylon Signature Ibanez TOD10N

Shop Ibanez TOD10N Tim Henson Signature Nylon Acoustic-electric Guitar ???? https://sweetwater.sjv.io/TimHensonSignatureNylonIbanez

More videos like this Tim Henson Signature Ibanez TOD10N demo ???? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlczpwSXEOya1JJAzNZlHLwf10x8SUYly

Check out Polyphia‘s latest album, Remember That You Will Die ????https://open.spotify.com/album/1BJtoy1VgHMMvotBwvylJ5

Tonal versatility is integral to Tim Henson’s aural armature, especially through his polymathic performances with Polyphia. Still, for all the sonic range he can traverse with his electric axes, his Ibanez Signature TOD10N delivers a heap of songwriting, sound design, and tone-crafting possibilities, thanks to its distinct nylon-string, acoustic-electric setup, evoking percussive, expressive tones that give any leading part a unique voice. Its top-mounted soundhole and slim profile make it a lightweight, practice-friendly guitar that pulls no punches when you plug it in. Onboard controls include a tuner, 2-band EQ, phase toggle, and volume adjustment, ensuring you’re able to personalize your sound without compromising the premium tone it was carefully designed by Tim to produce. So, who better than Tim Henson to show off its sonic possibilities? Check it out!

Follow Tim Henson and Polyphia on Instagram ????

After you watch, check out Sweetwater.com today for all your music instrument and pro audio needs! ???? https://sweetwater.sjv.io/shop

#Sweetwater #TimHenson #Ibanez #TOD10N

#Tim #Henson #Showcases #Nylon #Signature #Ibanez #TOD10N

Originally posted by UC1kdsZUTDSW1BtsHEoYx4WQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ppGMmqp_w4

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