Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar LessonsLessons

Times Like These Guitar Lesson – Foo Fighters

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Check Out My Foo Fighters Playlist! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOBqO_KghqI4y8gXiNc8-xQ4uCf1g8aWQ

In this Times Like These guitar lesson video, I will show you how to play this Foo Fighters’ hit in it’s entirety.

The tuning is standard tuning.

Dave Grohl opens “Times Like These” with a really interesting chord voicing that is probably not something you have played before. Pat Smear also adds some double-stops to this chord riff when it happens later in the song.

We also have a signature guitar lick that is repeated throughout the track. This lick is pretty easy to play, but there are some slight variations thrown in there throughout the song so pay close attention to that.

The chords for the verse and chorus are mostly basic open position chords with a little bit of melody embellishment.

And as will a lot of Foo Fighters’ music, there will be some additional guitar layers thrown in there including an octave melody over the chorus.

All-in-all this is a fun track to play and hopefully you will be able to get it under fingers quickly.

Thanks! Carl… #timesliketheseguitarlesson #foofighters #guitarcovers

#Times #Guitar #Lesson #Foo #Fighters

Originally posted by UCYqDqs59rgZ3_7hJugnbXog at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8xSLFfH5cU

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