Tone Targeting In 1 4 5 Blues
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This lesson shows you a far more effective way of soloing over blues progressions than what most guitarists are taught.
Instead of playing a single pentatonic/blues scale pattern through the 1 4 5 chord changes, you can turn an ordinary sounding blues solo into an extraordinary solo by having a greater melodic respect for each chord.
That means being aware of each chord’s tones and being able to confidently target these tones when the chord changes.
By thinking more carefully about note selection through a blues progression, your solo will sound more expressive and connected to what’s actually being played in the background, rather than confining yourself to the convenience of a single scale pattern.
Full Lesson:
#Tone #Targeting #Blues
Originally posted by UCxkHgy7clELlKair07L0oNg at
Superfluous. Fancy pants word lernin
You are the best ! Thank you so much ! Brilliant lesson!
Great lesson
my guitar teacher taught me this lesson two
How did you get started on guitar..?,..RocknRollflat5
I think am just gonna throw my guitar in the dumpster..
needs to be more succinct… many of us play/learn by sound, too many words here.
My goodness I wish I’d been told this 20 years ago.
I've watched so many videos and these are the only ones that make sense
Been using this vedio for reference finely shaped or clicked in my brain the color codes helped me see what I was barely seeing transfer to my hearing .
Why is the a major used over some chords but the a minor for others?
Great lesson.
wow I made progress when you go from 1 to 4 just hit a note in the 4 apagiogo back to 1 hit a note in the 1apwhen agio if your fast enough hit a few then when you go to a five hit a note in 5 apagio so when your in a one or 4 or 5 if your fast enough you can create a blues melody hitting different noted OK? when hitting a note to go to say back to one you only have to hit one note then start your melody?
So, can someone explain to me…
How you can have a chord progression in a key with just dominant chords?
I mean I understand that dom chords can be used anywhere to establish new tonal center.
But if I task myself of soloing over 1 4 5 chord prog it's usually something like
C major – F major – G7
A minor – D minor – E minor
E-C-A shape intersection
On E7 A mixolidian?
Yes it does tightens the ear up
These are always very beneficial videos
Love the channel and thanks for the great lessons.
I’ve included a link to this video in the launch of the Guitarly app. on Android. Guitarly is a free, jamming app which gives a backing track and shows the chord, chord tones and scale notes as they change over an interactive fretboard. The track can be paused/skipped and the tempo, drum pattern and instruments can be changed to inspire your soloing.
We would love to feature your work but if you want this link removed (or would like to include links to other lessons) please let me know.
All the best and thanks for the great lessons.
a very good lesson!
Oh my god. I love these videos.
i wasted my time watching hundreds of videos when this one is all i needed
“For those who thought blues was easy think again”-i felt scolded big time????
Making the world a better place. Thank you so much brother for all your help.
What should I learn before being able to understand this
This is a more jazz like approach to the blues which I understand. Phrasing on the 3rd and 7th and avoiding certain tones, etc. Definitely the best "neck lessons" I've seen. Love all your stuff man, great for a theory and visual geek like me!
Great post and lesson. However it could even be better if you could highlight the sample progressions you played along. I cannot figure them out (only some)…
I kinda new and I don't understand it. Sorry
Tx tx tx bro. Great chanel????????????
This is literally the best guitar lesson video I have ever watched. I get it, I finally get it and I know what I have to learn and do to play over a 12 bar blues. I will be re-watching this countless times. Thank you. ps. Just joined your Patreon.
New fave channel
Great video! Notes visualization on fretboard for each chord is really helpful to understand how to play the Blues scale.
This is exactly what I’ve been searching for! I have been trying so hard to transition to this level vs blindly playing the pentatonic. I’m assuming this will translate to major scale etc.? Meaning knowing where the root, third, and fifth is located will enhance any scale or riff I’m playing