Saturday, March 15, 2025
BassBass Amps

Tonex vs. Headrush vs NAM: Which One Nails the Real Amp?

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Tonex vs. Headrush vs NAM: Which One Nails the Real Amp?

In this video, Six String Lab pits three of the top amp modeling systems—Neural Amp Modeler, Tonex, and Headrush—against each other in the ultimate showdown. We cloned the same amp using each system and put them to the test:

???? Blind Listening Test: Can you hear the difference?
???? Frequency Analysis: We used REW to analyze the tone accuracy scientifically.
???? Custom Python Script: Our proprietary algorithm determines which system comes closest to the real amp.

Whether you’re a tone purist or a tech-savvy guitarist, this video delivers the insights you need to decide which amp modeling system is worth your time and money. Spoiler: the results might surprise you!

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#NeuralAmpModeler #Tonex #Headrush #AmpModelingComparison #GuitarToneShootout #RealAmpVsAmpModeler #SixStringLab #GuitarTech #AmpModelingBlindTest #BestAmpModelingSystem #GuitarToneAccuracy #GuitarToneCloning #AmpModelComparison #NeuralDSPAlternative #GuitarModelingReview #moddwarf #modaudio

#Tonex #Headrush #NAM #Nails #Real #Amp

Originally posted by UCN7ASsVJkviEBr82u2HYHeQ at

23 thoughts on “Tonex vs. Headrush vs NAM: Which One Nails the Real Amp?

  • Wow. This is incredible. These tones are magnificent.

    We live in a time where anyone can have access to the tones of 10's or even hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of the world's best amps and cabs are available to ANYONE to use for free. Incredible.

    I remember when multi-effects processing pedals were just starting to gain traction and the line 6 (original) pod came out and was all the hype (not for me personally but it was huge with people).

    Heck people weren't even using delay that much compared to now. It's a staple effect for most musicians today.

    Now we have neural amp modelers and a $400 pedal with all the amps you could ever want in it. Crazy to see how far music creation has come today.

  • I liked 3 the most and was pretty sure that was the real amp. But the graphs dont lie NAM is damn close to the real deal.

  • That 5150 clone in my headrush has become my main hi gain Amp in all my presets… sounds amazing!!!!, i'm pairing it with an OH Friedman 4×12 (v30) . Thank you very much!!!

  • Has there been a secret code yet? I watched all the videos but haven't seen one.

  • 100 epochs on Nam is too little…. the accuracy would have been much better if you put 500 /1000 epochs

  • Ummmm NAM has another more powerful dedicated pedal available called The NAM player by Dimehead. It also has some effects. It plays full size NAM profiles as opposed to nano profiles of the Mod dwarf.

  • The funny thing was that I assumed that 1 and 2 were clones because they were so similar and a touch thin. When I heard 3 and 4 I was debating which of those was the real amp just because they sounded fuller.

    I actually assumed 4 was the real amp because it was slightly hollowed out in the mids compared to number 3. As a headrush Prime owner at least I'm consistent!

  • I'm a Headrush user and fan. I just upgraded to the Prime a couple of days ago, so I'm biased. But I do find it interesting that headrush was the most accurate at following when you got around the 6K and higher levels.

    Though those middle frequencies are what we all believe are most important, anyone who complains about digital modeling sounding harsh is referring to those top end frequencies.

    So the main take away from this for me is that I don't need to worry about shelving the highs in Headrush, but if I get one of the others, shelving those high frequencies would be required. That seems to be a major result of this test

  • Great video again. The HeadRush might not be the most accurate, but it offers a lot. Superclones are really neat and you can load them into your device Flex,Core or Prime.

  • 3 sounded more open and "real" to me.

    Would love to see a test like this with bass amps….

  • Tone X all the way Ive had all the others, They arnt even on the same planet. Nothing beats the $180 dollar Tone X One. slap a cheap MFX modeller on to it and its all you need.


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