Tony Rice Rhythm Guitar Taught by Bluegrass Pros
Big thanks to Jake Eddy, Trey Hensley, Cody Kilby, Chris Eldridge, and Jake Workman for participating in this one! Please check them out in all of their various projects. They’re some of my favorite flatpickers in the world. Also, a thank you to IBMA for making all of these videos possible:
The Unofficial Tony Rice Book:
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#Tony #Rice #Rhythm #Guitar #Taught #Bluegrass #Pros
Originally posted by UC1jEI1YY5DFd4SUCRDt5nUg at
Such a great video. Thank you!
Interestingly, non of these players really do the rice style rhythm except maybe Critter. No disrespect intended as they’re all mind blowing. They just don’t really do it. There’s so many laws broken with double down strokes, etc. planted right hand that then fluctuates between anchored and free. Lots of characteristic bass runs and syncopation.
I reckon Wyatt is the closest on the planet ~ he is the real deal. Perhaps more single notes than Tony but gosh, they’re close. Tony also changed as he got older. It became more of a kinda wave than segmentation.
This was eye opening, thanks!
Jake (Workman) had the best take… "If it enhances groove, you're safe." Also his bit on creating a "bed" for the rest of the band to lay their parts on. I feel like those are great principles by which to approach rhythm.
Excellent video Marcel!
I'm sorry, I have to say it… we are missing Richard Bennett here. The double o, triple og of Tony's rythm….
Thankyou for making this video.
Allen Tolbert In Birmingham knew Tony and has the closest rhythm to him I’ve ever heard
Chris has the best take, IMHO. He grew up hearing Tony and stayed with Tony and I think he captures the essence the best. Tony's rhythm has always attracted me more than his lead playing. I've definitely stolen things from his lead, but Charles Sawtelle's lead attracts me as much as Tony's.
Story time… At Merlefest one year, the DGQ was doing a "workshop" where they actually ended up just playing tunes. Tony went backstage for a ciggie and Mike Marshall took over on guitar. Band's playing along. Tony comes back mid-song, steps up to the mic… HOLY COW…. the sound just exploded. You could hardly pick out Tony's actual playing in the context of the band until you took it away and then put it back.
Sounds like the blind men describing an elephant. They're all right/correct about what they describe but focused on one part. Amazing discussion.
Crispy playing by all involved. Dang.
What a vid. Thank you, guys.
Thanks Marcel, thoroughly enjoyed this. Jake is so good!
How does one isolate tracks? To better listen to the rhythm parts
Nice job but difficult to pin down without discussing his playing in context with his influences such as Clarence and Jimmy Martin. Especially difficult to just describe what he played without discussing what an influence JD Crowe had on Tony since guitar rhythm after all is an interactive sport. It would have been nice to hear from some of the more foundational players still with us such as Larry Sparks or Del McCoury and make it more generally about what makes good bluegrass guitar rhythm first as a foundation then get into Tony. Without it, this discussion is less grounded and limited to describing the cool shit he would play.
Your private lessons link dont work on your site.
Brian Stephens plays the Tony rythym closer than anyone.
Great stuff. Clarence’s model was Jimmy Martin.
At around 1:43, this is basically how I started learning how to play rhythm exactly. Jake Eddy nails it, that's definitely some awesome listening there, every player in this video is awesome and dropping gold. Great video Marcel!
Maybe it's out there, but I don't see it much, (maybe in Molly Tuttle's vids) is this kind of video where you hear from the top players and they expand on how and what they play. Great job Marcel!! You da Man!
This is an incredible video Marcel. Thank you.