Tuesday, March 4, 2025
BassBass Guitar

Top 10 Alice In Chains Bass Moments (Mike Starr/Mike Inez) | w/ Play Along Tabs

Access all tabs from my videos including these, with full interactive control of things like playback, tempo, looping, printing (PDFs), hearing the isolated bass, etc: https://ko-fi.com/iplaybassallday/tiers

As always, it was incredibly difficult to narrow this list down as both Mike Starr and Mike Inez are amazing players. Learning all the fine nuances in these bass lines – things that I had never fully heard or acknowledged, amplified my respect for them not only as bass players but as songwriters as well. I hope this video can bring that same clarity to you as well.

Hope you enjoy this video as much as I enjoyed making it!

Is there a song you really want tabs for but nobody has made them, or nothing out there sounds accurate? You can support the channel by requesting a custom-made tab via email: iplaybassallday@gmail.com

If you found this video helpful, you’re also welcome to shoot me a donation! They really help me continue making videos like these even better: https://ko-fi.com/iplaybassallday

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Check out my band Analog Party (especially if you’re an AIC fan):


#Top #Alice #Chains #Bass #Moments #Mike #StarrMike #Inez #Play #Tabs

Originally posted by UCcU5pTg_S92V4yZmyDOG9UQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtS2-jGiwCU

21 thoughts on “Top 10 Alice In Chains Bass Moments (Mike Starr/Mike Inez) | w/ Play Along Tabs

  • Hey friends! Thankful you stopped by!
    If you want to support my work, leave as many comments as you can and give the video a like! Say anything!
    It boosts the algorithm better than anything else.
    What Top 10 should I do next? ????

  • Saw you answer for the tone a lot already but I was wondering: were you using any drive/distortion for the tone or was it strickly the compression and your EQ?

  • After two years, i have to give you a late shout out , better said:" Thank you so much."
    You are close to mikes tone and playin.
    (To play less is often harder than the opposite!)
    That's a presentation with soul.

  • Your time is incredible. When you pass through the middle section of the phrases, you let those notes ring out for what feels like an eternity, giving them all tons of isolation and room to breath individually. Your control over dynamics is so good, these notes in the middle sound as full as those in the beginning and at the end of the phrase. You have great musical talent on the bass guitar.

  • Nice job man. Listening to this is a reminder of why we love the band. It’s a real big part of their sound.

  • i know youll probably not see this but dudeeee please please tell me what you did for mike starrs bass tone ive been trying to figure it out for so long if you dont mind telling me how that would be awesome man

  • Dude you nailed every tone from each song, different basses and 2 diffrerent bass players with one bass. Most impressive.

  • Can you give a little run down for us on your amp eq,( bass, mid, high) settings?

  • Great video g, that bass tone is sexy lmao!
    Was always trying to nail down the Dirt line mainly because I could not for the life of me hear it at times; thanks for this!


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