Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar LessonsLessons

Top 10 BADASS Metal Guitar Licks (everyone should know)

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Thanks so much to all my Patrons for making this video possible!
#bernth #guitar #guitarlesson

Video topics: metal guitar, guitar lesson, metal guitar licks, shred guitar licks, bernth, bernth guitar, alternate picking, sweep picking, economy picking, shred guitar, and much more

#Top #BADASS #Metal #Guitar #Licks

Originally posted by UCZvo8TZtUZkLgiH3rJsj-Ow at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_uZoOYFLcM

28 thoughts on “Top 10 BADASS Metal Guitar Licks (everyone should know)

  • Phrygian dominant is just magical when it comes to writing metal riffs, with the right tone it’s just beautiful. Soloing over it is just orgasmic and never ending fun

  • Hello friends. If anyone experienced comes across, id like ask u about if it's the guitar problem that when I play some notes and tap, the sound is quiet, when I try to tap harder not much is changing, I am gonna replace old frets, because theyre kinda too polished( however I feel more comfortable playing my old dean evo than new ones in shop), and let me know If humbuckers get bad with time( i see rusty dots on the top metal parts of them, don't know if it affects sound)

  • 7:45, Used it for a nice transition back into my lydian augmented mode to go back into melodic minor for my chorus. Though I added some sixteenth notes at the end of that quarter so my next licks don't sound like bar licks lol. Also a few thirty second notes for some variation and transposed it to fit my chord and scale. It's a nice one and learning a lot of tricks from you. Any chance that lick package is still up?

  • is in lick #8 the 10th downstroke a single downstroke or is the tab wrong? im not sure, would be happy about help 😀


    Ok…either you’re an idiot and played the wrong notes on the overdub of your audio or you’re faking something lol. The tab and notes that are being sounded out in the audio are clearly utilizing the b2 which is the 6th fret on the B string since that’s the notes of Phrygian Dominant.

    You’re CLEARLY hitting the 7th fret on the B string my guy. WTF is happening here? Did you make a mistake on the over dub or is there something weird going on here like someone else played this!? ????

  • I’ve been using this as my morning routine for the last few days and I love it!! Granted, I’ve really only been working on the second one as I feel it fits my playing style and my needs the most right now. 30mins a morning just on this, and I feel like I have a long way to go, despite making leaps and bounds from when I started the drill ???? these are so oddly complex and I love the nuances in each of them pushing me to be my own player and enjoy the morning! Thank you Bernth!

  • Lick #2 sounds like it’s inspired from Guthrie Govan’s Waves, as always, amazing tutorial man! I’ve improved a lot after practicing your technique correction videos! Love all of your work man! Keep shining! ????❤️❤️

  • Chris Broderick actually invented and patented a special thumb pick specifically for this. He’s multi finger two handed tapping and seamlessly transitions right into an arpeggio sweep and likewise back to multi finger two handed tapping and then seamlessly goes right into alternate picking. I have one of these picks and this thing is for real????????????


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