Sunday, March 9, 2025

44 thoughts on “TOP 15 METALLICA Guitar Solos #metallica #metal

  • Nothing Else Matters not being on here is criminal. So simple yet so powerful.

  • Why doesn't anyone ever comment on how wonderful the "short Straw" solo is?
    at least the first part ????

  • A big one for me is Shortest Straw. Kirk’s parts on Justice are really just next level all around.

  • Hold on…

    In the background of the Blackened solo at 8, do you guys not hear one of the riffs from For Whom The Bell Tolls?

  • I reckon the fade to black outro solo shouldve been number one with the unforgiven behind it but the my PO

  • For me it would be:

    15. The Thing That Should Not Be
    14. Nothing Else Matters
    13. The Unforgiven
    12. The Four Horsemen (1st solo)
    11. Dyers Eve
    10. Master Of Puppets (James’ solo)
    9. One
    8. Disposable Heroes
    7. Creeping Death
    6. Welcome Home (last solo)
    5. To Live Is To Die (James’ solo)
    4. Blackened
    3. Ride The Lightning
    2. And Justice for All
    1. Fade to Black (ending solo)

  • La cantidad de solos fantásticos que creo Hammett es casi absurdo, no se ha visto a tantos guitarristas hacer eso en el rock, así como absurdos son los comentarios de los haters que no saben apreciar el trabajo que ha hecho Kirk.

  • my personal list would be:

    15. the thing that should not be
    14. fight fire with fire
    13. wherever i may roam
    12. welcome home (sanitarium) (second solo, after first chorus)
    11. master of puppets (first solo)
    10. master of puppets (main solo)
    9. creeping death
    8. to live is to die (james's solo)
    7. one
    6. orion (first solo)
    5. blackened
    4. fade to black (outro solo)
    3. disposable heroes
    2. the unforgiven
    1. ride the lightning

    honorable mentions would be:

    nothing else matters

    …and justice for all
    the call of ktulu
    welcome home (sanitarium) (opening solo)
    dyers eve
    the god that failed

    i don't know which master of puppets solo i prefer, so they can be interchangeable

  • my top 2 after 10 years of listening to the band are hands down the god that failed and of wolf and man

  • Kirk was never a virtuoso but man he has like 30 memorable guitar solos even some stuff on load is good

  • my personal favorite is that "one" solo, which i use the isolated version as my ringtone..

  • Thing that should not be is so underrated! Thanks for giving it the attention it deserves!

    Wherever I May Roam and Sanitarium aren’t exactly underrated but they’re both awesome! Great job!

  • It amazes me how no one here (or at least the comments I’ve read) mentioned The Four Horsemen. In my opinion one of the best Metallica solos, and probably my favorite one. Pretty much on par for Ride The Lightning. Of course it was written by Dave Mustaine, therefore they can’t play it live, but still, the solo exists…

  • I’d love to see Leper Messiah and AJFA on here but other than that this is a pretty solid ass list????

  • Кто бы что не гнал на Кирка, а соляки у него великолепные


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