Tuesday, March 4, 2025
BassBass Effects

Top 5 Bass Chorus Pedals Under £150

Lee & Cici grab some of the most popular affordable chorus pedals to decide which ones sound the best for bass guitar! | https://tinyurl.com/2dny3g2a

» Mooer Ensemble Queen Analog Chorus Pedal | https://tinyurl.com/2dd7juf3
» Black Country Customs by Laney Spiral Array Chorus Pedal | https://tinyurl.com/28put66s
» Boss CEB-3 Bass Chorus Pedal | https://tinyurl.com/2a2amytq
» Walrus Audio Fundamental Series Chorus Pedal | https://tinyurl.com/298fjt2z
» Electro Harmonix Bass Clone | https://tinyurl.com/24h3g23n

» Check out all our Chorus Pedals! | https://tinyurl.com/2dny3g2a

» Check out all our Bass Pedals! | https://tinyurl.com/2bkw8ukb
» Check out all our Guitar Pedals! | https://tinyurl.com/24ddffnh

» Squier Affinity Jaguar Bass H in Black | https://tinyurl.com/2a4nms94

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⏰ Timestamps ⏰
» 0:00 Introducing the Pedals!
» 1:04 Mooer Ensemble Queen
» 2:38 EHX Bass Clone
» 6:23 Black Country Customs Spiral Array
» 9:32 Walrus Audio Fundamental Chorus
» 12:12 Bass Specific Pedals?
» 13:45 Boss Bass Chorus CEB-3
» 15:46 Final Thoughts?
» 18:50 Thanks For Watching!

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To record guitar in the studio we always use Ernie Ball cables, a Universal Audio Apollo X8P Interface, a Shure SM57 Dynamic Microphone and a Royer R-121 Ribbon Microphone.

Please note that Lee Anderton has a personal financial share holding in the following brands – Victory Amplification, Chapman Guitars and Burns Guitars. The EastCoast, Landlord & Ordo brand names are used for Andertons’ own brand products.

#bassguitar #electricbass #guitarpedals

#Top #Bass #Chorus #Pedals

Originally posted by UCSNxIry_FPFcQDFRbi3VOAw at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1YLU_Rod3I

47 thoughts on “Top 5 Bass Chorus Pedals Under £150

  • Thank you for the comparison video. I, too, was surprized and impressed by the walrus. It would have been nice to hear them in stereo, but it makes sense that this was recorded in mono, to further respect the price point.

  • I'd include the Ampeg Liquifier in this list as well… really good sounding analog chorus for 119 €

  • For me it’s a toss up between the Electro Harmonix, the Walrus & the Boss. The Black Country one was very interesting.

  • love this guys, but hey a little constructive criticism.. It would be useful if you gave the correct specs from time to time.. all the videos are fun but lack of specs, always XD

  • I really loved watching All About the Bass, as it was informative and very entertaining. But, without Nathan’s humorous sarcasm it has become very boring and hard to sit through. I will keep checking for his return but, if not I will unsubscribe.

  • That Squier Cici was playing, do you have it in fretless? It sounded so good.
    The Bass Clone was the best, but my modulation pedal for bass is the MXR Uni-Vibe. I love EHX though, I have a Bassballs and Nano-battalion on my board.

  • If the “crossover” on the EHX does the same thing that it does on my MXR Bass Chorus Deluxe, it means the chorus only effects higher frequencies. That’s one of my “always on” bass pedals in that mode.

  • The whole video is really unsharp for me, even in 4K. Not blured, but very "harsh". Really strong on the Mooer close up starting at 1:04 Almost like a poorly done greenscreen.
    Especially compared to the Fender Player 2 video from a few hours earlier, the quality is really different.

    But that doesn't reduce the quality content of this video! It gave me a new view for chorus and will have to give them another shot on my board

  • Greetings from a BigCommerce employee. Been a longtime fan of your content, and your online store is looking slicker than ever now ????

  • Sure, do product demos and don’t even take 5 minutes to read the manual.

    You don’t know what a cross over (X-over) is and how it relates to bass effects? It splits the signal to the bands and puts the chorus on the high frequency half.

    At least try the switch out.

    These demos were flawed because you don’t know how the pedals work.

  • Cici's response to the EHX was great. Just sounded and felt good. So awesome to be playing something, kick in a pedal and be able to say to yourself 'yep, that's what I wanted to hear'.

  • Love this video concept demonstrating a bunch of one pedal type, I look forward to more!

  • I like the original Small Clone for that 80s Goth tone. The Boss CE 2 is great too. I never liked made for bass chorus.

  • Loved this, I have the ampeg liquifier bass specific chorus. It was about £100, surprised it was not part of the lineup. Would love to see more bass pedals comparisons for <£150

  • The NUX Analog Chorus is a BBD chip pedal with a Mix knob for $60. I've had it on my board for a couple years with no issues. I absolutely love it.

  • I use the TC Electronic June-60 as my bass chorus, and it's a great bang for buck chorus if you don't need knobs to tweak.

  • How can the guy presenting not know what the xover switch on a bass clone does? Do you need any knowledge to run a chorus shootout? Obviously not.

  • The Bass Clone is a great pedal, use it every now and then. Impressed with the Moer pedal

  • Thank you for using a Squier, shows you can get great sounds with an inexpensive bass. Enchanting chilled playing by Cici too, I thought it was really really nice, good job girl. 🙂

  • Surprised you did not show a tone city angel wing. The prefer the standard Mooer chorus on bass than their bass version. Ampeg Liquifier Analog Chorus is my favorite on bass.

  • I like the Electro Harmonix the best. I got just a smidgen of chorus on my GT-1B but I'd seriously consider getting that one

  • Once again, so frustrating that these great players (and seemingly lovely folks) don't know the products they're demoing. Anderton's put so much into their guitar content, and it's consistently so well-informed, that their contempt for us bassists is even clearer in their bass videos. At least Nathan is longer involved.

  • Excellent demo. The fascinating thing with this is that they all sound so different; a far cry from the (inaccurate) mantra that all distortion pedals sound the same. I've got the MXR bass chorus (slightly too expensive for this test) but I'd be tempted to add the Walrus for a different flavour . . .

  • The best "chorus" effect for Bass or Guitar might not be a Chorus pedal. It could be any delay pedal, with a modulation setting, and the delay time set to OFF….. ????️ ???? ????


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