Wednesday, March 12, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

TOP 5 DRIVE Pedals We Can ALL Get

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✅Check out some of my FAVORITE GEAR on Sweetwater

Super Sweet Boost:
Boss GE-7 EQ Pedal:
MXR M300 Digital Reverb:
Dunlop Volume Pedal:
Voodoo Lab Dingbat Pedalboard PX Package:
Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2 PLUS:
Truetone 1 SPOT Slim 9V DC Adapter:

Everyone needs PICKS! Check these out:
Dunlop Tortex Sharp:
Dunlop Tortex Standard:
Dunlop Nylon Max-Grip:

#TOP #DRIVE #Pedals

Originally posted by UCOiLMDayizHVJUSLPauoLQQ at

41 thoughts on “TOP 5 DRIVE Pedals We Can ALL Get

  • thanks Tim , watched your videos all over the place i go to, and I've learnt a lot of stuff on guitar from you, thanks a bunch

  • Tim, would a noise gate pedal eliminate the need for you to use your volume pedal to eliminate non-playing noise?

  • I traded a Plimsoul for ODR-1 (not vintage). It’s been on my board ever since. Thanks for the good ideas.

  • Tim, I'm not ashamed to say you are my favorite Guitarist, and there's not enough room/time for me to tell you why, but you are!

    I just picked up playing the Gee-tar at a late age (I have played Drums, Bass Guitar, and Keyboards since I was 11 thanks to The Beatles 🙂 ), but here's where I am.

    I'm trying to play as good as I can with as few effects as I can because I believe that as far as ME, the more effects one uses the more one can get away with sloppy playing, and that's not my goal 🙂


    If I want to start out with only one of the (5) pedals on this video, which one would you tell me to go with?

    So far my Pedalboard is StroboStomp HD>Kelley Halo AT>Strymon Flint>Strymon Iridium>Apollo Interface.

  • Broadcast sounds like it’s passing the original signal along with the dirt. My MXR Timmy is similar.

  • Nobels ought to subsidize you. I don't know that I really needed any more overdrive pedals: I have a JB2 Angry Driver (in which you can stack a Boss Blues Driver and an Angry Charlie), a Mosky Golden Horse (Klon Clone), a Caline Pure Sky (Timmy clone that I really like) and a few others, and yes, I stack the Pure Sky and the Blues Driver part of the JB2, goosed with an Orange 2-Stroke, mainly to get my Webb Wilder tones (basically Roots Rock). But Webb's lead guitarist uses the OD1, and after this, I went to a couple more sites to give it a listen, and now I suddenly have one. (face paw)

  • Great vid, thanks! Have you tried a Way Huge Green Rhino? Would love to get your thoughts on it.

  • Doesn't Knopfler play a Les Paul on 'Money For Nothing' instead of a Strat, though?! At least that's what the promo video clip and several live performance videos suggest. And on top of having the Tone rolled back on the guitar, there's also a slightly opened Wah-Wah pedal in that sound ????

  • Honestly who needs shredding (I’m a shredder) and breaking the sound barrier with sweep arpeggios when you’re this musical, oh man I can listen to him all day. You go ????????????????????????????????

  • I think the "Money for Nothing" tone was actually the bridge pickup of Les Paul into a cocked wah.

  • I've been do this for years! I've got 5 different over drive pedals in different combinations you can get all kinds of different sounds! Thanks Tim!

  • Thanks Tim, you have the advice and attitude of a really good doctor. I appreciate your kind spirit. This video has taught me a few things and reminded me of others. I want the OD1

  • Love your playing Tim. I’ve recently started stacking my pedals. My chain is a Timmy clone MXR, Little Green Wonder, and a Super Badass MXR 75. All super easy to get and affordable pedals.

  • Excellent video as usual! Lately I’ve been running a JHS double barrel in front of a Wampler euphoria… Gives you up to four different gain stages, I only use three…Works really well for what I do…

  • Killer pedals we all USED to be able to get at SENSIBLE PRICES. In all seriousness Tim can make my worst pedal sound better than I can make his best pedal. It's in the fingers at the end of the day boys

  • Watching Tim's videos inspired me to purchase two Nobels ODR-1, one mini and one regular, and the Karma MTN-10. Both excellent pedals and I am always chaining drive pedals together to achieve different tones.

  • I won't likely buy any pedals for a while since I picked up a Headrush, which I'll be exploring for a good long time, but I wanted to mention that I have pretty much fallen in love with the sound of chaining a couple of compressor pedals together (virtual pedals, obviously). I have tried multiple distortion pedals, but so far the compressors together is the sound that is knocking my socks off, highly recommended!

  • Thank you for your humble approach to this! Been experimenting with a lot of my drives lately thanks to the inspiration from you and That Pedal Show! Got a Protein, Centura (Klone), and Ultraphonix, then XTS modded GE-7 last. Sometimes I’ll have RC booster after the drives before ge-7 for a general clean boost and shape the ge-7 for specific tones

  • Hi Tim – GREAT video as usual. I wanted to leave a link I posted toady for Veterans Day. My rock n roll version of the star spangled banner. I used a similar technique only instead of the ODR-1 I used a TS808 modified by Analogman straight into a clean amp setting on a Tascam DP-02. Keep up the good work my friend I have learned so much from you….thanks!

  • The Nobels ODR-1 is the hidden gem of my board that everyone asks…”How’d you get that sound?”
    Especially when I’m playing through my smaller Orange solid state amp.

  • Tim is where anyone would like to be now, when perhaps, at age 7 your parents said YES you can have a GUITAR and you SOOOO wanted a guitar, and would wish to spend hours upon hours playing. Not that trumpet because your parents didn’t want you to be “one of those druggy rock stars” 50 years ago. Absolutely a profound professional. Love all you play and the way you present yourself. Humble and a beautiful person. Peace!

  • It's all about the feeling. Tim evokes feeling in everything he plays. Every video is a masterclass.

  • I got the mini Nobels recently. It's smooth, and can be subtle, and gives you some grrr without it being too much, unless you want more. And the "presence" knob lets you dial down the highs basically. Thank you for the tip Mr Pierce.


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