Friday, February 21, 2025
Best Guitar Solos & Performances

Top 6 Guitar Solos | The Warning

Videos taken from the official channel of The Warning
Videos tomados del canal oficial de The Warning

Pictures taken from/Fotografías tomadas de:

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#Top #Guitar #Solos #Warning

Originally posted by UCfUppTVIU9QS_-eGsIUCEFg at

28 thoughts on “Top 6 Guitar Solos | The Warning

  • Solo para aclarar. Este video lo hice en relación a los resultados de las votaciones que hubo en mi página de Insta (ahora es @thewarning_mx_fanpage) Así que los fans fueron los que decidieron el orden????

    Just to clarify. I made this video according to the voting results on my Instagram account (now it is So the fans were the ones who decided the order ????

  • Uchale si ese solo del final es su mejor solo pues si que estan sordos por que esta a destiempo y desafinado pero bueno, excelente banda pero no me gustan los solos

  • The same solo of XXI Century Blood in the official video with the sun behind Dany is musically and visually epic!!!… Good job!!!

  • I’ve been playing guitar for a long time I’m experienced with the instrument and while she might not be technical I love how simple the solos are and still sound good Kurt cobain used to do the same thing but I’d say her solos are more advanced

  • Se ve incómoda. No me sorprendería que los solos los hiciera otro músico. No consumo lo que la industria fabrica.

  • Me encantó el Top de solos, para repetirlos en bucle durante horas. De verdad que buena guitarrista y ni hablar de la bajista en el solo de Queen of the murder scene, jejeje

  • Danny a mi parecer su estilo si suena mucho a Slash (GnR) y Matt Bellamy (Muse) se entiende este ultimo porque Muse es la influencia base de la banda, pero también puedo incluso escuchar algo de John Petrucci (Dream Theater) y Marty Friedman (Cacophony/Megadeth), obvio tampoco así de virtuosa y veloz pero los bendings y el feeling me hacen recordar a solos más melódicos y lentos de estos 2 últimos, sin duda si tiene un estilo muy cabron (muy chingon y bueno), en otras canciones, por los efectos suena un poco mas a Tom Morello (Rage Against the Machine) pero sin duda si conserva (como bien dije) la incluencia de Matt

  • All are good #2 is my favorite. love to see it 5 minutes long. I picture Daniela playing on top of a Mountain during this solo for some reason . Great top 6

  • She is letting the guitar do the singing, still telling the story with her guitar instead of distraction by showing how good she is. She doesn't need to prove anything, we all know how good she is ⚡????

  • Viendo y escuchando los solos de DANIELA se pueden apreciar claramente la batería y el bajo y nos damos cuenta que realmente son todas ellas

  • Great list! Recently Dany mentioned that her favorite guitar solo is from "Show Me The Light". She remarked how difficult it was to come up with just the right sequence of notes to get the desired feeling. I think she nailed it as it is a hauntingly beautiful solo…

  • Dany doesn't often have enough time to solo, she says that Pau's songs are to wordy..and she's right but the songs are too cool not to belt out..that is why martirio is different..Can't wait to hear TW3 in Feb.

  • She doesn’t solo very much but when she does, she makes every note count. The whole band is excellent at focus, they know that playing too much dulls the listener’s ear.


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