Tuesday, March 4, 2025
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Track Vs. Track: Beach Boys “Love You” takes on a blank 8-track tape. #vinylcommunity

This is my first “Track Vs. Track” video where I place two musical entities next to each other and they battle it out song-by-song. In this case it’s the 1977 album from the Beach Boys, “Love You” taking on a blank Memorex 8-track tape (circa 1977). Which one will be the champion?

#Track #Track #Beach #Boys #Love #takes #blank #8track #tape #vinylcommunity

Originally posted by UC6uCLFF-ClqvGzqiAKKjKoA at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laR7BFgwq7g

34 thoughts on “Track Vs. Track: Beach Boys “Love You” takes on a blank 8-track tape. #vinylcommunity

  • Absolutely incredible video … Never heard of it until your video, listened to it…and it actually may be the worst album I've ever heard ???? Garbage. So spot on and one of your best vids!

  • If you taught English to the prisoners at Guantanamo and played them this album there would be no need for water boarding

  • brian wilson is a douche. I've hated the beach boys since 1964. Actually, I've never owned a bb album. These a*holes shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence as The Talking Heads and Blondie. This record sounds absolutely appalling, disgusting and just plain horrible! The Memorex has better cover art, as well. Thanks for your objective point of view, Robert.

  • The Jonathan Swift of You Tube. Genius. You're opening a Pandora's box of conspiracy theories with things like, "This Beach Boys was the first new wave album." Love it! Keep creating Mr. Fithin's Alternate Music History!

  • I can see a lot of confusion out there. But for me it is completely clear and distinct.
    This one is no joke ! I mean it, NO JOKE ! This one is damn serious !
    But it makes me laughing anyway….. Thank you????

  • Already 1 minute into it and I will vote for the 8 track right now…..does not disappoint. Thanks.

  • But see, you need to listen to Beach Boys Love You recorded onto a blank 8-track. That's how the "in" crowd does it, man.

  • Hi Robert – greetings from Liverpool – I remember our music teacher playing us the whole of Pet Sounds in 1966 when it first came out and we thought it was great – I sometimes think looking back that all subsequent BBs albums would have to at least at bit of disappointment compared to that – the first big disappointment was 15 Big Ones with just some tracks that were okay – Love You came out in 1977 just before I got married – I have to admit overall I quite like it as it really is different! I can also understand it not being everyone’s cup of tea – I think The Night Was So Young and I Bet He’s Nice are good tracks – I think it’s remarkable that Brian Wilson’s music, in my opinion mostly good, was made when he was experiencing severe mental health and drug issues, is still worthy of discussion today – perhaps paradoxically this shows that he does have a lasting relevance – by the way a notoriously bad BBs album is Summer in Paradise – listening to that is worse than a ten year prison sentence! Best wishes! Daniel

  • You son of a b1tch. You did it! I don't know how you managed to do it, but you managed to legitimately go track to track with a f**king Memorex 8-track and it worked. Some people are going to hate you for this, but you mastered an undiscovered art.

  • News Alert Robert! The news just broke that they are re-releasing Memorex 90 blank 8 track but on CD and remastered by Rick Rubin

  • I skipped to the end. Can someone tell me the one pathetic Beach Boys song that won?

  • I saw the title of this video and told my wife, "there's no way he makes an entire track vs track between these". You crazy sunuva… you did it. And now my wife can't listen to Beach Boys anymore. She was cringing at those lyrics. ???? Well done, sir. Well done.

  • Great video! Good laughs on this Thursday. I had the chance to buy that beach boys album for .25 cents, I didn't get it. But I DO have that double Johnny Carson album.

  • I was watching this on an AEROplane – I laughed so hard I nearly dropped my Brian Wilson coloUring book (ages 15 and under).

  • I remember colliding with Patti Smith in a crowded Oslo street in summer of 2012. We both had a laugh because we tried the same short cut and both fell. Lenny Kaye was watching in disbelief. Turns out we were all at the Beach Boys concert the previous night… which Lenny wrote was history in the making. Just a little anecdote. I do find this video very funny. As always great stuff.

  • Excellent video! ????
    Lyrics aside I still think Good Time and I Bet He’s Nice are ok tunes. But it’s an appalling album.
    I always thought Student Demonstration Time was the worst Beach Boys song ever but Honking Down The Highway is surely worse?
    So many dreadful lyrics on this album

  • I didn't bother going back to double check, but I think you forgot to say which one won between the recod and lbank tape on track 4. The Rolls Royce of 8 track tape decks in an Akai that actually has some demand, and can get hunreds of dollars at times. It's Quadraphonic too. You don't need to buy and install a Quadrophinic phono cartridge. Just pop a Quad 8 track in and you have 4 channel sound.

    I wonder what would win between The Sound Of Silence by Simon & Garfunkel and the blank 8 track? I am going to compare a Mose Allison lp and a blank 8 track tomorrow. It's the album with his song about not worrying

    "But I don't worry." "I never worry, because I know nothing is going to be alright "

  • Robert, I love your channel, always brings such joy. That is a very hilarious and correct critique of the beach bums. You are a truly delightful person.


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