Tuesday, March 4, 2025
BassBass Amps

Trashy Amp Reviews – 1979 Peavey Classic VT Series 212

Bei diesem Video handelt es sich um meinen ersten Startversuch eines Reviews für einen Gitarrenverstärker.

Der Amp ist ein 1979er Peavey Classic VT 212.

Ich hoffe das Review ist aufschlussreich. Es kann nur besser werden!!! Wie gesagt es ist das erst Video in dieser Reihe

#Trashy #Amp #Reviews #Peavey #Classic #Series

Originally posted by UC5L06idIBOZBA-uzLydC8Rw at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svXwvcESh8c

42 thoughts on “Trashy Amp Reviews – 1979 Peavey Classic VT Series 212

  • When are all of you going to wake the f up and realize how great Peavey was back in the day, MADE in USA what more do you morons need?

  • I found this amp at a pawn shop for $200. Talked them down to 160. Replaced speakers with 10” celestion cannabis Rex speakers and replaced tubes. Cleaned the knobs up and it sounds beautiful. Original reverb sounds better than any reverb pedal I can find. I leave gain as low as possible and never use the phaser. Better off with a boss ph-3

  • …SEHR GUT ! VERSTÄNDLICH ERKLÄRT (ohne die üblichen Selbstdarstellungen der Spieler…)MEIN VT HAT DIE SELBEN EIGENSCHAFTEN ! Mehr davon…

  • Moin. Wie heiß wir dein Backpanel so im Schnitt und hast Du den Amp vor diesem Video beim Tech durchchecken lassen? Falls ja dann wäre es nice zu wissen was er gewechselt hat. Gutes Video und Sound.

  • I want to give a solid piece of advice, if you want your Gibson, or Epiphone to make these amps really jump? Install a set of Seymore Duncan Pearly Gates, these are a copy of Billy Gibbons of ZZ Topp 57 Gold Top, but back then they wound each pick up by hand and Billy Gibbons has a mean set of Humbuckers. Go to the Seymore Duncan web site and check them out. They really do these old and new amps justice. Remember “Pearly Gates”.

  • Fell asleep in my chair dropping a 40 oz beer on the floor it erupted and flew into the top of that exact amp and went to the tube sockets making this hellish sound that I awoke to…well I retired this amp but just recently opened it and took the whole upper board, reverb and speakers out because of mold and rust issues with the cabinet, I threw the pos cabinet out tonight and a garbage picker took it within a few hours. I bought brand new Mesa Boogie tubs but their fried so I have to use the original Fender ones that are red plating..just to test to see if that was the only problem because the board and capacitors look great. so wish my luck and if so new custom cabinet and new tubes to come

  • I have two Peavey Classic VTs and one VTX – for what you can find these for, you can't get a better amp for the money!!!!

  • I own this amp for more than 30 years now. I just changed the tubes recently and had to fix the blades of the transformer as they made noise. I do not like the distortion but a good external pedal cures a lot. Some months ago I wanted to trade it for a Fender Twin bur the Peavey sounds more better and cleaner

  • The Peavey Classic VT Series is a great combo amp. I wish I still had mine.

  • Vielen Dank aus Chicago! Komisch dass du zu (uns) Amis diesem tollen USA-bebauten Gitarrenverstaerker vorstellen solltest! Neue 'Entdeckung' fuer mich…

  • I've got this amp. I run a vintage 2×15 Acoustic Bass cab as an extension and use it mainly for vocals. If you like the 70s tone and vibe this amps great.

  • The distortion I heard was from the transistor preamp. If you want to
    hear that amp make some nice tube distortion, turn the master volume much
    higher or all the way up, and use the preamp controls and guitar output
    knob to control it. I've had a Classic 50 since the '70s.

  • you speak the most understanadable german i've ever heard in my 10+ years of learning, and while my german is very modest, i almost understood everything you said

  • I so wish i could speak German. This seems like a cool review. I had one of these with reverb and a phaser built in. Cool amp. Very loud. The phaser sounded fantastic. I used it to record surf style stuff.

  • Mischi666 Try this, have a friend control the phaser and turn tempo and colour down untill the phase is low and then gradualy raise the colour untill the phase is high and then increase the tempo and colour untill the phase is down again, the turn tempo and colour down again. You need both hands while doing it so ask a friend. It's a surf effect

  • Good reveiw,and nice amp.I have a 79 classic vt also,paid 125 bucks for it,and have the original foot switch.People seem to lose them or they get broken.They are really nice for swithching the channel's on the go,ad a pedal or two into the normal channell and you can switch from clean tones to reverb to a dirty sound with a distortion or crunch if you like,although the normal channel has a natural break up sound with the normal channel volume turned up.I like the new modeling amps but nothing beats an old tuber like these for that rich warm tone,thanks for your reveiw.


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