Wednesday, March 12, 2025

12 thoughts on “Traynor YCV80 Tone Hacks

  • I own this incredible amplifier 17 years old mint condition! Celestion 70/80s solid no need to replace replace!

  • Fantastic info! For me price is not a factor, how does this compare to Mesa triple rectifier? I already have a celestion 1×12

  • Can you show or demonstrate how to use an effects loop with pedals. I also would like to know how to chain amps from one guitar. I have five old tube amps.

  • Two questions: 1) what impedance should be used if I add an extra speaker cab? 2) what fx loop settings on the amp send-return were you using?

  • Hey man, I've got a Traynor YCV80Q (4-10's), and I use the clean channel with pedals. With no pedals engaged, the clean signal volume fades in and out. I've tried swapping tubes and it does the same thing. But when I jumped the effects loop, like in your video, it stops cutting in and out. My 1st question is, do you have any ideas of what could be wrong with my amp? And 2nd, can you explain what jumping the effects loop is really doing, and why would it make the problem stop? Am i gonna mess anything up leaving it like that? I'm totally lost. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Forgot to mention mine is the 4 x 10… yes very loud amp.. a tad overkill.. there is an option of removing tubes to lower the power as well.

  • Hey bud mine has the tube 10 Celestions in it.. are they decent? Im gonna try the hook up u are doing tonight.. i got this from a bud for 600 in mint condition , good price?

  • So when you say "jump the FX loop" are you just taking a cable and plugging it into the send and then the return of the FX loop? Is it that simple?

  • great video man! been seriously considering picking one up! have you tried the 4×10 version? if so, what are your thoughts?


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