Thursday, March 13, 2025

Treating Guitar Wrist Pain, Tendonitis, Arthritis, Shoulder Pain & MORE (with Dr. Abby Halpin)

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~ In this video I speak with Dr. Abby Halpin on treating guitar wrist pain, as well as other physical problems guitarists might experience.
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Have you experienced guitar wrist pain?
Have you been struggling any physical discomfort from playing the guitar?
Almost all of us have to grapple with some form of guitar pain during our lifetime as musicians.
In this episode, I interview Abby Halpin, a doctor of physical therapy.
Abby helped me when I had extreme tendonitis.
In the interview, we discuss guitar wrist pain, arthritis, tendonitis, shoulder pain, back pain, and all the other possible guitar-related physical problems that someone might come across.
You’ll learn how to avoid burnout, prevent injuries, or maybe even start recovering from an injury.
It’s a long video, but timestamps are included for you to jump to whatever topics you like.
I hope you enjoy this lesson about treating guitar pain and find it beneficial.
Let me know what you think in the comments.
Thanks! 🙂
~ Jared

???? FREE PDF: Download The BEST Guitar Warmup (notation & tabs) →

00:00 – About this video
01:46 – Topics we cover
03:03 – Introducing Abby
04:50 – My tendonitis story
07:10 – Instilling hope
11:58 – How long does recovery take?
17:16 – When having issues, should we keep playing a little or stop completely?
25:49 – Why do injuries happen?
40:58 – General preventative advice
46:01 – Posture
51:09 – Wrist angle
55:17 – Advice for new and experienced guitarists
56:42 – Breathing
1:05:01 – The importance of warming up
1:06:24 – Wrist pain
1:10:57 – Tendonitis
1:16:18 – Arthritis
1:20:53 – Shoulder pain
1:24:45 – Thumb pain
1:28:24 – Back pain
1:34:41 – Elbow Pain
1:36:04 – Forearm pain / tingling hands
1:40:47 – Final thoughts
1:44:15 – Where to find Abby
1:46:10 – The best guitar warm up (free PDF)

#Treating #Guitar #Wrist #Pain #Tendonitis #Arthritis #Shoulder #Pain #Abby #Halpin

Originally posted by UCjHMWH0YwQ1Fq3wvBc2ClAw at

9 thoughts on “Treating Guitar Wrist Pain, Tendonitis, Arthritis, Shoulder Pain & MORE (with Dr. Abby Halpin)

  • I’m so bummed! I’ve dabbled in guitar for years, but have really been hitting daily practice hard for the last two months. Catching Iron Maiden in the front row lit a fire in me????Now both arms are on fire and I have had to put the axe down for the week….definitely need to build in some recovery time moving forward…

  • Something that sort of works for me, for exactly the type of pain Jared says he had, is those bands or braces for tennis elbow you see advertised and commented on around Youtube. I basically was getting tennis elbow, mostly from bar chords. The brace is controversial from the aspect of wearing it all the time – that could weaken the areas that basically need to be strengthened – and you can see a lot of Youtubes on that. But if you use it just when you are going to be performing or practicing with a lot of bar chords, it literally prevents the injury or reinjury. It does this by distributing the strain to bunch of places instead of where it could tear/strain the particular muscle/tendon, apparently. It's a slightly elastic band a little bigger than a watch strap with a hard area that you place an inch or two down your arm from the elbow. A bunch of Youtubes show how to place it and why it works. You will also see that some physical therapists don't like them and think they are a crutch, but I'd recommend trying it just to relieve or prevent the injury during practice – and just don't wear it any other time. They are cheap to get on Amazon.

  • Some great advice from both of you! Especially detuning the guitar down a couple of tone's,It really helps my fretting hand thumb, which I have a lot of bother with.

  • As a rank beginner I am finding that sitting in what is the "accepted correct" position with proper hand positioning helps me to focus and does make playing easier, but I am also discovering that it only really works if I can relax and be tension free in that position.
    Otherwise it feels too rigid and confining.
    As I began to see this, I now try to start my practise time with simple stretching and breathing movements to help me feel relaxed.
    I can already say that tension makes it so much harder to place my hands correctly and makes fingerboard stretches painful, whereas being relaxed and tension-free does work better.

  • I did get a couple of things from the good Doctor in between you dominating the interview with your own experiences. 8 min of you in the intro? Maybe a course on interviewing and giving space would be of benefit to any future production? Could easily have been edited into 25 / 30 mins that punched instead of frustrated.

  • Excellent tips. Thanks to both of you!

    Jared do you think a follow up video showing what has worked for you as to strap, physical structure of the body, how you position your body, palm placement on the neck using less thumb,, position of guitar electric and acoustic, etc. would be good to share?


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