Monday, March 3, 2025

UNBIASED GEAR REVIEW Jackson Brandon Ellis Signature Kelly Guitar

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DISCLAIMER – all views contained herein are mine and mine alone. My comments merely reflect my own, individual experience with this gear. They do not necessarily reflect what your personal experience may be as a potential customer of the brand I am reviewing.

Jackson Pro Series Brandon Ellis Signature Kelly
– Maple neck-thru-body construction
– Poplar body wings
– Ebony fingerboard with 24 frets
– Floyd Rose 1000-series bridge
– Master volume control
– Seymour Duncan Parallel Axis humbucker
– $1349 street price at the time of this video’s publication

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#UNBIASED #GEAR #REVIEW #Jackson #Brandon #Ellis #Signature #Kelly #Guitar

Originally posted by UCUdZ3AsV1douTgxXCeu-4tw at

36 thoughts on “UNBIASED GEAR REVIEW Jackson Brandon Ellis Signature Kelly Guitar

  • With crackle finish it's like with leopard skin leggins: There are short periods of time when they are ok, but all the rest of the time they are considered serious bad taste.

  • i actually love that the crackle is not on the headstock. diferent strokes for different folks I guess. Will buying this guitar make my vibrato improve lol

  • Now THIS, is how you review an instrument! Excellent work, sir. Would love to see you review the new baritone Kelly the same way.

  • I took one my xtream cut worrier guitar n want out da sidez like da ploblo style xtra xtream cut worrier guitar itz badz azz n withz da upsidedown shark tooth nlayz..itz now my main jam axe..

  • I put ah neck like dat on my xtream cut worrier guitar imonly yhing different is mine got white letters not dafunky green but anyz way I bought one from guitar center n it came withz a duct up broken neck sum terd pazzrd on to da buyer without telling me talk bot op'd hadz to replace the neck but she jamz now thanks ah lot fer f'ing me guitar ..

  • The green Jackson letters is the matching paint theme with the body man… black instead of green scribble it's legible…but if they would have made the Jackson letters all brutal metal style that probably would have smoothed the flow instead of looking a little off . I see what your saying.

  • Just bought one of these Jackson Pro Series Brandon Ellis Kelly Green Crackles and it compares favorably in many ways with my USA Custom DK2H & RR1T Jacksons. The playability, neck and tone are world class. Jackson did a great job on fretwork and rolling the fretboard edges. Made in China guitars can be great like this! The only downsides are the Jackson branded tuners are absolute garbage. I've played $300 guitars with smoother tuners. And they should be including a hard case for the price point.

  • That locking nut issue is just loose screws (not on the locks themselves but the screws going into the nut itself to keep it tight in the slot). If you tighten them up the problem should go away and the guitar will hold tuning again.

  • Jackson should have their imports made in Japan again. You wouldn't find a basic qc issue like this one with the nut.

  • Yup, the only reason that i didn't buy one was the label on the headstock that reads "made in china." I've had terrible experiences with guitars out of that factory and it really bummed me out that they didn't use the existing kelly production line at WMIC on Korea. With Jeff Loomis' kelly, which has tons of rave reviews, already in production there, I don't get why they opted for a chinese built pro series. Only thing I could think of was pinching pennies on production costs to create an increased profit margin and I don't want an instrument created by the lowest bidder who also has a bad reputation for producing more lemons than bangers.

  • Sometimes, and I do mean SOMEtimes the clickly loose locking nut can just be a screw that's backed out/wasn't tightened properly. Yeah, it sucks that it should have been caught at the factory, but if all it takes to fix is half a turn or less of a screwdriver, is it really a massive issue?

    That said, sometimes it's a bigger issue like the shelf being cut wrong or the truss rod channel being misaligned (saw that happen on a USA made King V, ffs) and in that case, it IS a big issue and you should 100% make a big fuss about it.

  • One thing to add is that jackson head stock in reverse form forces quite the angle on 1th and 6th strings. If you see under the locking nut you'll see angled grooves because of this. Surely not a natural angle. This lead to tuning instability and I had to stop using the floyd too much.

  • Probably a dumb question, but if you had locking tuners, could you lose the locking nut?

  • Loving mine, but I swapped alot parts based off of Brandon's interviews. Swapped to hipshot locking tuners, a 37 mm brass block and Ti parts/ locking nut for the stock floyd, Copper tape for the cavities, a schaller sure claw, a pure tone jack and SS fret wire. Saving for a Hantug and would've loved SS frets from the factory. With a set of .11 -.56 NYXS strings it's one of my favorite guitars. I have it in C standard, also added a schaller string retainer bar to shave some time off of tuning. Sounds great out of an old boosted 5150

  • It really seems in this day and age if you buy a Floyd Rose equipped guitar for under £2000, the chances that you will need to spend some extra money sorting some issues out are really high. Build quality needs to be perfect.

  • Nice axe, I am considering buying a used one. Just my personal opinion, as much as I love reverse headstocks (I own 5 of them), I do think the regular down pointing 6 in line does look much better on these explorer style bodies.

  • The locking nut issue is a pretty common thing with import Jacksons these days, which is a real shame. I ordered an Indonesian pro series soloist last year and Sweetwater shipped me 3 guitars that all had this issue before I gave up and cancelled my order and got something else instead. I took the nut off one of them and noticed the issue is the "shelf" the nut rests on isn't flat, the cut in the wood was crooked and uneven so the nut can't make good contact and sit correctly. The end of the fretboard that the nut sits against was also crooked on mine. You may be able to take the nut off and sand the neck or add some rubber shims that will squish to fix the issue, I just personally thought for a $1k+ guitar it shouldn't have the issue and sent them back. The popping/cracking sound on mine was so bad that you could hear it through the amp louder than the notes I was playing. I love Jackson, but they need to get this issue taken care of.

  • Wow I would have bet the farm the crackling sound was coming from the bridge. Great review man!

  • Bro you're pretty fucken badass at that nightmare machine my dude. I love your mix of thrash and deth metal. Fuck yeah bro I wanna start a band with you.

  • So the Floyd clamp thing, you’re correct in the string is moving the clamp. If you just replace the clamps and bolts with some stainless steel or titanium ones should take care of that issue. I had to do that for a Jackson wr7 I have.


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