UNBIASED GEAR REVIEW – MLC S_Zero 93 Silenoz Signature Ampsim by Bogren Digital
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DISCLAIMER – all views contained herein are mine and mine alone. My comments merely reflect my own, individual experience with this gear. They do not necessarily reflect what your personal experience may be as a potential customer of the brand I am reviewing.
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#UNBIASED #GEAR #REVIEW #MLC #S_Zero #Silenoz #Signature #Ampsim #Bogren #Digital
Originally posted by UCUdZ3AsV1douTgxXCeu-4tw at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEY95GKgLuI
Excellent Sounds ????????
That blackout tattoo looks awesome, the majority of the tattoos in that style are boring but this not!
I have this actual amp. All these videos of the digital sims of the amp far exceed what I hear outta my amp. You guys make it sound great but in real life the amp is no big deal. Lots of other amps in my collection absolutely crush it.
good to see you again dude!
trim the intro a bit dude and it will be sicker!
Arnold ship me a guitar in your collection you don't like I swear I'll treat that Instrument like my child dude can't afford anything right now and all my old shit is gone it's rough in these streets ……thinking "who the fuck is this guy"lol
Man that’s fantastic! Sounds killer and helluva track for that full mix.
Arnold, I'm so pleased to see you diving head first into content creation since you've returned. I exclusively use a Headrush pedal so I will likely never buy or download this amp sim.
But I'm here for your feedback on it.
Glad to see you back, my dude.
Man, that full mix was a deathly headbanger.
Hi Arnold, What Drums do you use? They sound massive!
I’ve recently been GASing for Silenoz‘s LTD sig, it’s a nice coincidence that you’ve reviewed this!
Awesome review man! Thanks for posting. I think I'm sold!
I tried the other MLC amp sim plug in but I was far from impressed hoping this one is better
That ignitor style 7 string guitar is nasty
Sounds great! What pickups are in the guitar? I like the stringy-clangy tone you're getting…or is it the plug-in? ????
By a moment I was thinking that it is my new best plugin.But not this time..
Arnold: how the hell are you?
Hey Arnold, I’m pretty good thanks