Unboxing a Zager Acoustic Guitar (ZAD900CE) – My Fist Impression
***Here’s the actual review of this guitar: https://youtu.be/S9GMBu-DOhY
Zager is a family-owned guitar company that builds their guitars by hand based in Nebraska (USA).
The model I have is the ZAD900CE Full Size Acoustic-Electric 50th Anniversary.
I had never heard of Zager until recently. A bit part of why is that they sell directly from their shop. As I read more about Denny Zager, the founder of Zager Guitars, and his music history, I was enticed (and I encourage you to read his story as well).
Because of this, Zager guitars are more affordable than premium brands like Taylor and Martin. It’s said that many Taylor and Martin players have switched over to Zager (we’ll see if I end up selling my Martin!).
Along with the full sound of this Zager ZAD900 CE, they’re also advertised to play better than Martins and Taylors. I can already attest that it’s easy to play (as mentioned in the video, I will lower the action just a little, which is easy to do).
Check out Zager Guitars below:
***That is my affiliate link and I get a commission if you decide to purchase through my link.
For starters, this was more than just an acoustic guitar that I received. It came loaded with all kinds of extras. Tuner, premium metal capo strap, hardshell case, and a tool for adjusting the truss rod (and even instructions with a personal ‘thank you’ from Denny).
Oh, and they sent me a T-shirt.
But the most important thing is the sound and playability. Of course, you hear this in the video and I’m just playing out in the open in my studio (the sound was recorded with a Rode VideoMic NTG (attached to my iPhone 15).
It wasn’t directly recorded in my DAW (although I will be sharing a video of that later).
I also want to share how this guitar works in a live setting, so that’s coming soon, too. I’ll be going more into the Fishman Aura electronics on this guitar, too.
That said, this video is not a true review of the guitar. Just my first impression.
So far, I’m loving it!
***Oh, the song I’m playing in the beginning is an acoustic version of ‘Believe’ off my latest album Overcometh! I may actually record a true acoustic version soon.
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#Unboxing #Zager #Acoustic #Guitar #ZAD900CE #Fist #Impression
Originally posted by UCY7K3zmRSS6ZiEdj09KHnpQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2WE5e_Eb9I
I would like to hear more honest feedback on your Zager now that you’ve had it for awhile. I’ve ordered one. Kinda worried about my purchase.
When did Asian guitars get so expensive?
I have this guitar. Beautiful in looks and sound.
Sounds like a Yamaha to me
After much research on high end guitars I finally pulled the trigger on the ZAD900CE. Looking forward to getting this guitar. Thanks for your video. Made me realize I've done the right thing!
In the year 2025 if man is still alive… wow, a pre war guitar…
I would love to see you tour their factory.
I heard the guitars are made in Indonesia and are laminate. -Are there any video's of the Zager factory, maybe a factory tour video like Martin, Taylor, PRS, etc. have?
Would love for you to do a tour of their factory. Most chatter is they have no factory In the states. They are made in china.
You left the hole cover in while your playing????
Thank you for sharing!
Of course you’re getting the hand picked / packed special for you guitar. Because they want you to review it. So the box says Zager USA Lincoln Nebraska. They don’t have a guitar factory there. In fact they don’t have a guitar factory anywhere. Their guitars are made in Indonesia. By who knows who. Yes I’m the ‘Anti Zager’ troll. I just don’t like deceptive, dishonest and scrupulous companies. And the positive reviews you see against any negative comments posted are clearly Zager employees or paid by Zager. Don’t believe a word they say. There are too many trustworthy guitar companies out there to choose from.
Zager gets Lamb ???? Basted a lot.
Thanks for the first impressions.
The comments on this brand are more polarized than most brands I’ve seen.
I don’t have the money for a new one but have located a couple used ones I will try before buying.
I have had a couple acoustic guitars and hated them, good money after bad to set up.
Rather play my electric guitars. I am 63 with arthritis so that’s a limitation.
I’ll try a Zager and if I can play it as it is I will buy it and possibly tweak later.
I’ll look for your follow up on Zager.
They don't have factory in the US. Guitars are built in Indonesia and shipped to Nebraska.
I have a friend who has a zager. You might want to talk to him. His developed a buzz that he couldn't get out without raising the b string. He sent it back t zager and it came back as bad or worse than it was so when he plays it you can hear it buzz. They do look beautiful but looks aint everything. Plugged in it's ok cause je don't have to strum as hard but where we play it's acoustic only except for the bass.
It’s a good guitar……………..for 300-500. It doesn’t look and sound like a 2000 USD guitar.
With Zager so misleading why would you support them and praise them so much? Guitar might be okay, but they are so misleading. You didn't do too much reading into the company and what 80 is making tons of guitars a day. Hand cut bone and nut and everything else. Guess speaking praise helps the bank.
I went through the process. I spent the money and received the holy grail guitar. I felt very mislead from the false advertising and the corny videos of Mr. Zager and his “son”…where Mr Zager apparently can’t speak for himself. I’ve been playing since I was 13. I have owned Epiphone, Gibson, Martin, Gretsch guitars. All wonderful instruments with clean heritage. I have arthritis as I just turned 62 and needed to find another solution because it’s not getting better. I borrowed my neighbor’s Taylor 814 to play at an anniversary for a friend and realized I may have found the answer. That…is a quality guitar. I purchased a Taylor 314 and love it. There are no phony e-mails, lies about who made the guitar, full, verifiable disclosure on all aspects of manufacture, history and architecture. The best part is, I don’t have to say…”you know, the guy who had one hit…in the year…” I did get my refund after having to deal with “Denny” (bot) telling me all sorts of crazy things. You all can keep your wonderful ZAGER guitars.
Music in your hands! ???? There's something special about seeing our Zager guitars in the hands of talented musicians.
Ive had my 900 for about 7 years now and i still love it. Easy to play and sounds great too.
Hi Jason that's not a sound hole cover its a humidifier..
You pop it open and wet the sponge and it lasts for quite a while even in dry dry climates
Question…what size rocket studio speakers do you use? P.S. Great review!
I just ordered a couple of their guitars. I’m not any good just like to have fun.
Been looking at these. I play a Martin performing artist series cost me $1,100. Great for gigging. How stable is this Indonesia made guitar? I did learn final assembly is in states. Did the saddle have to be cut to fix high action? Surprised this easy play guitar was set up with high action. What do you think of it now? What acoustic did you play before Zager?