Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar Tips & HacksTips & Hacks

Understanding Pedal Order

What’s the best order to place guitar effects on your guitar pedalboard? Why would you want to place one type of effect before another? Mitch Gallagher and Don Carr join forces to explain the thought process behind setting up your pedalboard.

Shop guitar pedals and effects here: https://www.sweetwater.com/shop/guitars/guitar-pedals/?utm_source=YouTube&utm_medium=Referral&utm_campaign=_Xl19g3zK8g

Skip to video segments with the links below:

Intro – 0:00
Conventional Pedal Order – :44
Pedalboard Overview – 1:20
Wah and Overdrive Placement – 2:54
Wah/Overdrive Playing Examples – 3:05
Compressor Placement – 3:39
Compressor Playing Examples – 4:21
Modulation and Overdrive – 5:08
Modulation and Overdrive Playing Examples – 5:23
Time-based Effects and Overdrive – 5:58
Time-based Effects and Overdrive Playing Examples – 6:21
Volume Pedal and Overdrive Order – 7:28
Volume Pedal and Overdrive Playing Examples – 8:10
Volume Pedal and Time-based Effects Order – 9:06
Volume Pedal and Time-based Effects Playing Examples – 9:42
Wrap Up – 10:51

#Understanding #Pedal #Order

Originally posted by UC1kdsZUTDSW1BtsHEoYx4WQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Xl19g3zK8g

32 thoughts on “Understanding Pedal Order

  • What is the exact order/sequence to connect a Korg G3 multi effects pedal to a pedalboard that includes a compression, whammy, octave, EQ and a noise gate pedal? I will be using overdrive and delay on the Korg. My amp has an effects loop. I've tried multiple combinations and still stuck. TIA.

  • I like how nonjudgemental this depiction is. You show what happens instead of coloring our perception with a judgement.
    Now I see that the typical pedal order makes the most sense because the least amount of money is needed to sound the most "correct". But, if you have the money and pedalboard space, I can see the value in putting modulation and other effects in atypical positions

  • omfg. i'm wasting my time. no one makes a full chain on youtube lol. dont you want to show were the EQ would go. and the noise suppression? were dont you want to shut up your noise??

  • Great video guys! I suppose that you could say that the more pedals you have, the more you have to think about pedal order. When I played for a living, I kept my pedal array very simple: Wah, Phase, Distortion & Echo. I could get just about any sound I wanted with those 4 effects. What I didn't have back in the 70s and 80s was an amplifier with effects loops. My working amp today has that, and that adds to the options. Your demo video really makes it obvious what position the pedals should be in … at least to my ears.

  • So Im reorganizing my board cuz I had a bunch of stuff wrong and I now have my noise gate after my gain pedals but idk if it would be better to put my boost also before my gate or after it. If I put it before, will the gate cut it off? but if I put it after will it reintroduce the noise I’m trying to gate?

  • Might be jumping the gun a bit on this comment but I have go mini wah to a super octave, to a chorus, then thunderstorm flanger, THEN A DYNA DRIVE, and lastly skysurfer reverb into my Orange Micro Dark. Im so confused on where to put the dyna drive. I don't like how it sounds, but I also don't like how it sounds BEFORE the super octave. The sound is quite muddy or something. I've actually stopped using it lately. I'm going to add analog delay soon but I know what to do there haha

  • Who can help me out? I have a Wah, DS-1 distortion, Pitch shifter/delay, electric Flanger (no batteries), and Tube screamer. From left to right, what's the best order? Maybe I'm missing it. Thanks

  • But….
    I love that thunder effect with the phaser before that over drive…
    It sounds sooo Jimi H….

  • If I am not mistaken, there are (8! = 40.320) different possible routing options on that pedal board. So yeah, you've got some options there! If you include bypass you've got (1! + 2! + 3! + 4! + 5! + 6! + 7! + 8! = 46.233) different sounds you can produce before you start tinkering with the knobs.

  • I am running an LPD Nice Drive into a Crybaby into a Flanger into a Phaser. If I get a compressor, can anyone tell me where is should go? I had my wah first in line but then I switched it to second in the line after the drive pedal. Seems warmer. Never owned a compressor so not sure how to line it up. Thanks guys great video.

  • I waste so much time doing the trial and error process of building, rearranging, and rebuilding my pedal board. I’m saving this so that I can save myself a lot of time lol

  • the tone I'm going after is MESHUGGAH (for life) and bass tuned @ 432 hz (forever)

    Bass tuned to (u guessed it) Meshuggah tuning

    F A# D# G# C#

    Bass to

    1) Boss TU3 Tuner, to

    2) Ebs compressor, to

    3) Boss Metal zone (after this video) (high gain closer to bass), to

    4) Ibanez Tube Screamer (guitar) to'

    5) DOD Death Metal Pedal, to

    6) Darkglass B7K,to

    7) US Metal 21 rectifier to

    8) Ibanez Bass Tube screamer (TS9B),to

    9) Boss Bass Overdrive, to

    10) Boss Bass Equalizer, to

    11) Zoom B3 bass processor, to

    12) Noise gate and finally to

    13) EBS Amp / headphones.

    I still have to tweak this up a bit, rearrange the order and let' 's see how that goes.


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