Monday, March 3, 2025
BassBass Lessons

Understanding Scales & Modes Made EASY

I explain the core of all scales, modes, and improvisation in a unique, quick, and easy to understand way.

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Schecter Hellraiser C1
Ernie Ball Strings 0.12-0.56
Canon SL2
Adobe Premier
KRK Rokit 5
Tuning: Drop D

#Guitar #Scales #Lesson

#Understanding #Scales #Modes #EASY

Originally posted by UCLhcQ0bBZTLipRJ7D42Riow at

42 thoughts on “Understanding Scales & Modes Made EASY

  • I wish you would make a playlist of all your guitar lessons. Also it would be cool if you taught recording/production with a DAW

  • Nik i have 2 questions:

    According to the chart you attached to the description there ate patterns to the minor scale where you ignore the low E string.

    Firstly,i did not understand how to incorporate the low E string to the scale,so how can i do that?

    Secondly,i see other guitarist youtubers showing the minor scale and it has a different shape to it.
    Why is that?

  • This os the first time ive seen a guitar teacher teaching from a drop tuning as opposed to a standard tuning, he obviously teaches a lot of metal

  • My issue is knowing what chords I’m playing while I write riffs. Like I can write killer riffs, but without knowing the chords I’m playing I can’t seem to figure out what chord comes next any tips?

  • Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it clicked.

    Thanks brother

  • In 20 minutes you just summed up something ive been studying and failing to comprehend for 2 months. Greatly appreciate you.

  • Going through the comments and seeing how every single person isn’t/wasn’t confused by any of this solidly confirms my learning disability. I’ve been noodling on guitar for 20 years, multiple bands, whole albums written and I don’t understand a single fucking thing and get so overwhelmed I just go months without picking my guitar back up. It sucks. I hate myself.

  • He explains really cool in terms of patterns but that's just a half true. Modes are much more than that. Cool video though anyways. Thanks!

  • The thing that took me for a ride was the second mode of the harmonic minor. The "top" of the scale. Playing it from the bottom up if that makes sense is some goddamn christmas song I can not remember.

  • Not that im arguing, because i dont know "better" at all.

    But i feel like i made a mistake starting with the minor scale and learning scale "shapes". I was self-taught and ended up stuck in those boxes and didnt learn how chords were built properly, never really understood the circle of fifths etc …

    Im re-learning guitar now and starting with C major, learning the fretboard notes completely, then leaning how chords are built, the caged system, learning what the hell intervals are about, circle of fifths and THEN im going to let myself enjoy learning to shred again.

    I managed (in 2008) to get in a signed band and go on tour for a year all because i could play jason beckers serenna (very badly) but i didnt understand what i was playing, i just memorised the arpeggios etc, or i could rip-off dimebag licks. I want to really get musoc theory even though im a wrtie off at 36 years old now lol.

    Where i really went wrong was never getting lessons. Youre clearly an amazing teacher.

  • Aren't modes just different positions of the scale, used when matching different chords in the progression?

  • Fuck, sorry I'm late to class, I had to brush my cactus. Did you ever do a follow up with how to create chords from scales?

  • thank you so much for this ive been really struggling to find something my brain clicks with. i have always just followed what i was shown and never understood why i was doing it. this is the first time ive ever learned something i could actually take and put into practice by the time you were showing the 3rd mode i already found out the harmonic minor for myself because of it <3 much love my fellow torontonian i also used my built in tuner to follow along each note and it helped see it visually and make sure i was still playing the right sequence

  • This video is great. I've seen a few videos of Nick's newer content (clicked on it being into metal), but found his character a bit annoying, pretentious dare I say, so never subscribed. This video is from 4 years ago and he seems completely different, down to earth, and not going over the top trying to be funny. It was refreshing. I'm gonna subscribe based on this video. I really enjoyed it and it helped a lot. It's a shame he went in a sillier direction with his persona.


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