Friday, October 25, 2024
BassBass Lessons

Unlock the Secret to Faster Fingerpicking & Incredible Stamina

In this video we’re going to unlock the secret to much faster fingerpicking and incredible stamina on bass guitar with a single, simple tip that you can all put into practice TODAY!
We’re going to test your current speed and stamina on bass and apply one simple principle to your fingerpicking at a comfortable speed. We can then progressively raise the tempo while focusing on good technique and the principles outlined.

Lesson material:

Remember it’s our 10th Anniversary of TalkingBass. Check out the discounted bass courses in our sale here:

#Unlock #Secret #Faster #Fingerpicking #Incredible #Stamina

Originally posted by UCDfStxwji-22A_bvY280UIg at

29 thoughts on “Unlock the Secret to Faster Fingerpicking & Incredible Stamina

  • Tension is your enemy ! Warming up is important also. I get burning fatigue in my pluckers if try to go fast right away. Then keeping time is next to impossible. I like doing note value tree stuff as well as moving around the frets. Being able to switch note values cleanly and in time is a must have. On the drums , at least 120 bpm comfortably is needed to open up access to late beginner to early intermediate songs. While this kind of work isn’t the most fun, it’s something to do when you’re not feeling inspired.

  • I have such a problem with this. I learned poorly, so I have a huge skill wall. I naturally strike very hard a-la Steve di giorgio or geddy lee, so I burn out quickly. THANK YOU!

  • My speed is shit… Can't keep up all the way (half notes) through a song of BPM 164…

  • It seems my ringfinger is actually limiting my middlefinger. Anyone have the same problem? Solutions?

  • I don't feel like 120bpm is achievable at 16ths for long. Dean town is 114bpm and it's taking years to get close for me. Your 110bpm+ isn't perfect either!
    Programmed music is deceptive. Honestly I'm in despair trying to play 303 type lines above 110

  • Play Alot. Muscle memory is the only way. How you build that memory Varies. And play multiple times a day. Don't let your hands stiffen up again keep em loose. Also. Close your eyes. And visualize it while playing. Focus too hard it's over engineering it. Think about sasquatch while u play not theory. ~Berklee Alumni~

  • Unlock the secret to faster fingerpicking to build their momentum how to slapped funkiest bass with major pentatonic scale .

  • Watched this video nodding in agreement to every problem Mark's mentionning, as I do have exactly this kind of issues when trying to play fast. ???? I know I need to relax, but that's always easier said than done, especially when I'm recording myself, as the stress kicks in and makes me all tense – the classic syndrome, "as soon as I hit the 'record' button, I can no more play anything I used to be able to play without problems before" ????

  • hello, i have a question. Can you please do video on explaining and breaking down in the simplest form how to create passing notes between each chord progression. I saw your 2 videos on approach notes which was very helpful and informative. So i was wondering if u can do a tutorial strictky on passing notes

  • I have had problems with string tension, not hand tension limiting my speed for years. It boils down to the fact that I started off playing bass with a pick and figured out that I was limiting my finger picking speed becuase I was trying to replicate the pick action with my fingers. I was hoping you would say something about the trajectory of the plucking fingers and what quartile segment of the string to aim to graze through, but as expected, along with many others you don't. Only recently I started to think about the mechanics of fast plucking and by trial and error I am getting some progress. I found I could get more speed by using the forefinger and third finger instead of the little finger. That told me you have to move the fingers in different trajectories because they are different lengths. I can see you are doing that in your video. But nobody seems to point that out.

  • Hi Mark! i took your other video on the same subject "where the streets have no name" and gave it a serious effort to build up speed. Nobody speaks about "how long it takes". When I started it was a bit like "swimming in an ocean" never know when if i will arrive at my goal. I started at 80bpm 16th notes and it took me about 50 hours net practicing (fingers on the board, pauses not included) to get up at 128bpm. I keep doing the exercise, actually, I am at 150bpm, i will stop at 200bpm if this is possible.
    Pure speed alone is nothing, the upside is that everything under 130bpm is now easy, stamina is available and most important the ability to accentuate the notes also comes. Just wanted to share and say thank you for the great videos and teachings.

  • I have more issues with fretting hand keeping up, personally. Plucking hand I do ok at, but fretting hand feels like it gets left behind sometimes

  • I’ve been working on this speed for weeks. I’m trying to play a song with all 8th notes at 210 bpm. I can’t seem to get it even faster than 180bpm.

    Thank you for the useful exercise. It’s exactly the help I need.


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