Unlocking Hendrix’s Vibe Tone
Today, we’re testing out four high-quality vibe pedals (with the help of guitarist Jules Leyhe) to determine which one most accurately recreates the vibe tones of the legendary Jimi Hendrix! We’ll try each Uni Vibe pedal on its own, then with a vintage Fuzz Face, and vintage Tube Screamer, showing how the vibe reacts in multiple contexts.
Fulltone Deja Vibe
Tinsley Audio Sir Henry Vibe
Sabbadius Funky-Vibe
Black Cat Vibe
Youtube: https://bit.ly/3vMNsR6
Instagram: https://instagram.com/julesleyhe/
Table of Contents:
00:00 Intro
01:31 Our Goal
01:53 Signal Path
03:00 Fulltone Dejavibe
03:59 Dejavibe (Clean)
06:29 Dejavibe + Fuzz
08:50 Dejavibe + TS
10:48 Final Thoughts on Dejavibe
12:08 Sabbadius Funky-Vibe
14:01 Funky-Vibe (Clean)
15:10 Funky-vibe + Fuzz
15:59 Final Thoughts on Funky-Vibe
16:29 Black Cat Vibe
18:28 Black Cat + Fuzz
21:35 Black Cat + TS
22:35 Final Thoughts on Black Cat Vibe
23:47 Tinsley Audio Sir Henry Vibe
25:47 Sir Henry + TS
26:44 Sir Henry + Fuzz
27:22 Sir Henry (Clean)
28:10 Final Thoughts on Sir Henry
29:35 Conclusion
Private Tone Consulting
//apple// https://apple.co/36dSQzK
//spotify// https://spoti.fi/2WGLku8
//buffers// https://bit.ly/3kpcFf0
//pedalboards// https://bit.ly/3B9DVFk
//power supply// https://bit.ly/3B9aD9D
//cables// https://bit.ly/3jktF7b
//cable & pedal management// https://bit.ly/3mCJxUe
//pedalboard tools// https://bit.ly/3B7AEGq
#univibe #jimihendrix #rigdoctor
#Unlocking #Hendrixs #Vibe #Tone
Originally posted by UC0lvt4Tpj5xI4Cfzfz4SHzg at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYNNEPRO1dg
Fulltone Deja Vibe
Tinsley Audio Sir Henry Vibe
Sabbadius Funky-Vibe
Black Cat Vibe
Table of Contents:
00:00 Intro
01:31 Our Goal
01:53 Signal Path
03:00 Fulltone Dejavibe
03:59 Dejavibe (Clean)
06:29 Dejavibe + Fuzz
08:50 Dejavibe + TS
10:48 Final Thoughts on Dejavibe
12:08 Sabbadius Funky-Vibe
14:01 Funky-Vibe (Clean)
15:10 Funky-vibe + Fuzz
15:59 Final Thoughts on Funky-Vibe
16:29 Black Cat Vibe
18:28 Black Cat + Fuzz
21:35 Black Cat + TS
22:35 Final Thoughts on Black Cat Vibe
23:47 Tinsley Audio Sir Henry Vibe
25:47 Sir Henry + TS
26:44 Sir Henry + Fuzz
27:22 Sir Henry (Clean)
28:10 Final Thoughts on Sir Henry
29:35 Conclusion
Jimi would have moved past the Uni-Vibe a long time ago. If he were around today he would be exclusively using ring mods.
Sir Henry ????
to answer the question in the thumbnail "what vibe would jimi use now", the answer could easily be "none". he was the kind of guitarist that experimented quite a bit with new gear so its really hard to say what he would be using if he was still with us today. maybe he might not even be playing guitar as much anymore. i would put my bets on him getting into modular synthesizers at some point and doing something really inventive with them
His vibrato on his index is TRIPPY
He would be using a signature pedal – so none of these.
Kong Nuvive Monterey
I use an EHX Good Vibes… Works for me
Sold my Deja Vibe for MXR . Better !
You don't sit there playing Hendrix like youre afraid of breaking it. You have to beat that guitar into submission!
This was the wrong person to play these! Sorry not sorry…
Jimi just like Robin Tower does would use fulltone Deja vibes..Trower has been using them for years
I really like the Black Cat Vibe, but not because it does Hendrix the best, but because it is the most swirly and phasey of them and that's the psychedelic sound of Trey Anastasio in the 90s (tons of tracks, but listen to "What's The Use?" or "Roggae". However, I own one and it is too noisy to use with ANY gain and now have an R Weaver Midnight Vibe, which is deeper boutique and more vintage sounding. But I still like that phasey sound of the Black Cat.
Honestly I feel like the fuzz sounds nice I think these guys just don’t know how to play Hendrix and also the tube screamer is probably messing with the signal. I they wanted to make the fuzz sound better they should’ve cranked the amps tubes till they have a perfect drive and just not have used the tube screamer. Also add some more sloppiness to the playing and some tasteful vibrato and bends. One of my favourite Roger waters quotes is “give a man a les Paul and he doesn’t become Eric Clapton, give a man a synthesiser and delay and he doesn’t become us”
So I understand Jimi used 30:33 a fuzz face w / germanium transistor. I think this one he said is silicon. But no, i cannot believe its a silicon xstr that is making it sound so bad. Jimis' fuzz sure wasnt an awful grungy tone like that.
Good grief are you guys tone deaf? That sounded like ass.
The question is… did Corey Feldman use the Uni Vibe for his iconic solo?
I don't think Jimi used Uni Vibe on the albums.
Jimi would have used Nuvibe by Korg for sure
How are we feeling about Jam Pedals Retrovibe ?
Makes you wonder if these pedals never existed would hendrix etc have played the same way? Would they be famous? Without univibe, fuzzface, octavia would history be different?
Whoa, what did you do to that fuzz..?? (Sorry, it just so stands out here…)
Jules is my dude! ????
Everybody in the comments has never had a fuzz face apparently
That fuzz is possibly the worst fuzz I’ve heard in my life, they can say that’s a vintage fuzz face all the want but NOPE lol.
Deja Vibe MK2 and Roger Mayers' Voodoo Vibe Plus…both excellent…
Which Vibe would Hendrix use now? probably something more modern and stereo, or he'd be so sick of it after 50 years he wouldn't use one at all.
two years later this is still miles from the Hendrix tones.
Roll that volume back and use the fuzz!!!
That volume knob on the guitar works well for fuzz pedals. Jimi used it a lot, but people on demos don’t seem to do it much with fuzz pedal demos.
YOUR POSTS ON THE UNIVIBE ARE THE BEST ….like all the other subjects you discuss. Well done ! I have a Nico Sabbadius MASTERMIND univibe and a Fillmore East , TinyVibe , Sir Henry , and Fulltone DejaVibe.. I think the Analogman SunFace Fuzz is the best of that lot.
Lovepedal vibronaut ( the five knob early version ) josh smiths favourite..
The best , anyway, is Nuvibe korg????????????♥️????
That Fuzz Face sounds like ass!!
Ich will endlich den Klang der Pedale anhören, und nicht Ihre endlose Gerede.
Robin Trower, another landmark for univibes, has been using Fulltone for many many years
Remember Roger Meyers Hot Rodded Jimi's amps and possibly his Strats …. I think Jimi would have used the original Uni Vibe . He was a genius guitarist – can't be replicated .
The amp needs to be in overdrive and place the fuzz after the univibe in the signal chain, it sounds much better that way
That fuzz is awful
God damn you talk too damn much, shut up and demo the pedals
Roger Mayer said don't bother to try , I have spoken to him.