Sunday, February 23, 2025
BassGuitar Tips & Hacks

Using the AXE-FX III Through a Power Amp – Some Tips

I recently got the AXE-FX III and also purchased a Crown XLS 1002 Power Amplifier to put it through. The cabinet I’m using is a Seismic Audio empty 2×12 cabinet. I am using 2 WSG Veteran 30 speakers in it. This video is just a few quick examples of some settings you can use that will improve the tone of the Axefx through a guitar cab.
You may notice as I did that if you use the stock settings in the Axe, which sound awesome for direct recording, it might sound somewhat muted though a power amp/guitar cabinet. It seems to often have a “blanket over the cabinet” sound. These few adjustments will make it sound brighter and clearer without making it overly brittle. Please let me know in the comments if this video is helpful and please leave any tips you may have!

#AXEFX #III #Power #Amp #Tips

Originally posted by UCKfolQGTgD-ddXNLtrRq7BA at

19 thoughts on “Using the AXE-FX III Through a Power Amp – Some Tips

  • Something to be said for just plugging into your amp and turning it on. Maybe add a few effects pedals and be done with it. Like a Fender Deluxe reverb. I have both a Fractal and a Fender Vibro King amp. It starts giving you a headache after awhile. (Russell)

  • Man, I still can’t stop thinking about how with an amp I just would not need to do all this. To me it’s on the modelers to ensure that they sound like an actual pre, not on me to waste my best energy not playing. I’ve come to find after 4 years of screwing around with these it’s making my guitar playing life unfun.

  • Hey Kids – I run the FM9 output 3 to a Mesa tube power amp for stage vibration and output 2 and 1 to in ears and FOH respectively. Point though is I keep amp and cab simulation on regardless of the output!!! Without that the sound is fizz-o-matic. The only way I can get an amp sound out of the Fractal is to roll off everything under 5kHz, keep amp and cab sim on. Can use the cab block, parametric, tweak with the graphic eq to roll off highs. If too dull roll the parametric high cut up, turn up travel in the amp block, or stuff like that.

  • Sir I hope you can shed some light on this: I am interested in using the PS-100's tube power amp with a AxeFX II and through a Marshall 4X12 greenback loaded cab. Now the AxeFX has several adjustments/options one can make if you are using a Solid state power amp or a tube power amp. Now the difficulty is (as you remarked in your video) is that the fryette's tube power amp is more "clean" or "neutral" so as to not add much "color/personality)….BUT it still is a "Tube amp and I would guess that you would not make the AxeFX "settings adjustment that you would pick for "when using a solid state power amp" For instance for solid state power amp you might want to leave the AxeFX "power amp emulation on (because the solid state power amp is too "sterile" but is the Fryette ENOUGH of a "Tube power amp that you/I should leave the power amp emulation "Off". There are also other settings that are easier to guess (since I'm using a "Real" cab I should turn the "cab sim block off. So I guess I'm asking you: When using the fryette "tube power amp" even though it is actually a "Tube amp"…but still it is so "flat/neutral" as a power amp one should still leave "power amp simulation "ON"…..YOUR THOUGHTS????

  • Hello, thanks for sharing this video, I am running something similar with my fm3 + qsc amp + Marshall 4×12 cab but the sound is very bright, I am trying with the same sim cab and sounds pretty different when I want to run the real cab, I think that I have everything ok, do I need to focus on eq? I expect to sound pretty similar with my real cab vs sim cab

  • Can you please explain how one picks a power amp for their rig? I’d like to send a signal into a future-proof one to power six 4×12 speaker cabinets.

  • I have this exact same issue with my FM3 and I can never get the damn graphic to sound right. It’s pretty frustrating.

  • Hello Rob! Thanks for your vid! I'm curious about one thing. Did you use the Crown XLS 1002 with the .775 Vrms sensitivity enabled? If so, was the PA loud enough using that configuration? I've got the Crown XLS 1500 which only has the 1.4Vrms sensitivity option. This makes the PA provide almost no POWER to my 2×12 cab as my sourse (POD HD500X) seems to have a lower voltage output. I learned that these PA need a high signal imput in order to provide high output. For that I should use a preamp for instance, but I find this option inconvenient as adding on another gear makes it less portable. So, did you use the .775 Vrms sensitivity enabled and was it loud enough? Thanks in advance!

  • Wow thought the Kemper and Axe Fx (being high dollar and state of the art) would be like a real amp head and just cable up to a any cab, but I see you have to buy a power amp just to do just that.
    is there a Solid state amp head you would recommend?

  • Can you direct me to the adapters I need for the outputs to cab, I bought a crown amp for my pod hd pro however I can’t find any info on the adapters

  • Hi, I'm playing my Axe 3 into a boogie 395 switch track poweramp and I'm getting a lot of beautiful non-blanket tone by turning the SAG all the way down on the amp block power amp settings until it says P.A. Off

  • Thank you for this video! Have a new Axe FX III and Matrix power amp (running the signal to my cab). Trying to get a handle on the unit and it's features. Notice in the power amp section one can choose between FRFR or SS and Cab (output). Curious what your tone sounded like as I modified the EQ and speaker compression as in the vid (cab modeling disabled in global settings). Using a US Strat with single coils and the tone is pretty clean. Anyhow hoping this hardware works out for me.

  • Thanks for the video, how about if i connect the axe fx directly to the audio interface, can i record without a power amp?


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