Wednesday, March 12, 2025
BassGuitar Tips & Hacks

Valeton GP200 – I Like It But, I Don’t Love It

What do you think POTT?
To me its just a little too thin and brittle sounding.
Considering all the high end in the pedal is rolled off as well. Thats not great. Plus the patch change thing is stupid.
Let me know below hat you think. : )

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#Valeton #GP200 #Dont #Love

Originally posted by UC45DvlXhHi7K3uHZDwUPvKA at

22 thoughts on “Valeton GP200 – I Like It But, I Don’t Love It

  • Yikes. ????
    You should keep playing guitar, but spare the world your useless „reviews“. ????
    If you can‘t grasp what a unit can actually do, you shouldn‘t rate anything. And you talk way too much repeating yourself all the time. So, do us a favor and shut up ´n play. ✌️????????

  • How do you regulate the difference in volumes, for example in the distortion/crunch presets? Do you just reduce the volume of the patch? Greetings from Mexico I just bought the Valeton GP 200 too

  • Strange what you said about not having enough bass. I have to roll bass off everything. I have global EQ shelving at 90 Hz

  • Hey here with Sjaak, I myself have the same multi effect board, but lately I bought the Rumble Seat from Alien Analoge, and well what if I gonna try to get the same sounds with this multi effect pedal, gues what I found out, this is a bit stupid because the are practilly the same price but the Valeton GP 200 can do it and much more, so do I need a lot of hardware or just this with an amp and cabinet speaker and go for it. PS: I was suprised with the sound of Pink Floyd, I like youre sounds, youre playing, youre older video's it remembers me going wild in the late 80's me trying to play Jimmi Hendrix in the middle of the night, they could hear me 3 blocks away when I had the windows open. That gave me some problems but when you got time in control with youself it doesn't matter. Do it over again and again till you get satisfaction and feel good about it. The Valeton GP 200 is just AWESOME.

  • Hey Dave thanks for the video! I had the exact same issue with the unit but after upgrading the firmware (to 1.5.2) and putting the volume block in front of the signal chain the "fade" thing is eliminated and i´d say the gaps are pretty much gone. It´s still annoying that the unit doesn´t react when pressing the button but switches when you release it but yeah…once i got used to it it works for my live setup 🙂 Keep up the good work!

  • how is the sound quality compared to ur G6 . can u get the same ambient tones in the intro with Zoom G6. I'm looking for an effects unit fo my worship live rig. dose the zoom g6 has any acoustic pre amp in it?

  • I think to get rid of that move the volume pedal far right bottom to in front of WAH pedal,why, you ask ???? I don’t know but it takes out lag.

  • You can customize the foot switches on patch mode or stomp mode (as well as user mode) and you can change what buttons control banking, changing through patches, or simply turning on and off effects. I currently have mine set up so that tap on all eight of the buttons turns on and off all the effect pedals. Holding down the buttons or combining one and five five and six, six and seven or seven and eight together will give me banking, changing patches, tuner, Looper, drums, etc. I also have one of the buttons that changes the expression pedal mode from a to b so I can control both Wah and volume

  • you can add an extra block for the effects, let say i want to have 2 mod units along each other and i can use only 1…

  • I don’t find it lacking in bass, usually I have to cut the bass, but I’m playing an LP and you’re playing a strat. My PRS is less boomy.

  • When you say you set it to run through a guitar amp, do you mean you just shut off cabs? Could you specify?

  • For live, it might be useful to have the pedal pressed in in advance ready to release when you need the sound. Sometimes, we don't always get there in time.

  • You need to update it ….i did with mine no dely in changing in patches or (fading) as what u experience…

  • At first i hear red hot chili pepper (rhcp) kinda thing, then suddenly it's more like jimi.. then i was like wow! all this while didn't realize that rhcp is actually influenced by jimi.. Then owh! it was just you who got influenced by them both (is it true?).. anyway, great playing! Really like it ????????????????????????????????????????????.. btw, on the laging / fading isue, shoot me but i never came across anybody who said anything about it.. at least on youtube..


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